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Other - Politics & Government - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

like phil collins sang Superman where are you NOW?

2007-07-12 14:54:58 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-12 14:48:05 · 14 answers · asked by erwafredsfdsfsdf 5

As a peaceful solution for the Iraqi people and the world in general. Does it seem like we just go from one extreme to the other!

2007-07-12 14:29:08 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Help the elderly feel more secure?
Help workers get decent wages for a day's work?
Help the homeless find shelter?
Help assure voters feel their votes will be counted (correctly)?
Help Americans feel they're treated fairly whether they are rich or poor?
Help Americans feel their country is working with other countries throughout the world for peace, economic well-being, security and friendship?
Keep our Constitution faithfully?
Keep politics out of the halls of government, including the military?
Follow President Eisenhower's advice on the danger of the military-industrial complex?

2007-07-12 14:17:21 · 13 answers · asked by William F. Torpey 2

He seems to be the only one to disagree with the report. Why does Bush cherry pick the intelligence provided to him?

2007-07-12 14:04:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

One Chicken, One Road, Many Reasons

Why did the chicken cross the road?

KINDERGARTEN TEACHER: To get to the other side.

PLATO: For the greater good of man.

ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross roads.

KARL MARX: It was a historical inevitability.

TIMOTHY LEARY: Because that's the only trip the establishment would let it take.

OSAMA BIN LADEN: That chicken knew nothing of its mission (ha ha ha) only that it would be a martyr.

SADDAM HUSSEIN: This was an unprovoked act of rebellion and we were quite justified in dropping 50 tons of nerve gas on it.


CAPTAIN JAMES T. KIRK: To boldly go where no chicken has gone before.

HIPPOCRATES: Because of an excess of phlegm in its pancreas.

ANDERSEN CONSULTING: Deregulation of the chicken's side of the road was threatening its dominant market position. The chicken was faced with significant challenges to create and develop the competencies required for the newly competitive market. Andersen Consulting, in a partnering relationship with the client, helped the chicken by rethinking its physical distribution strategy and implementation processes. Using the Poultry Integration Model (PIM), Andersen helped the chicken use its skills, methodologies, knowledge, capital and experiences to align the chicken's people, processes and technology in support of its overall strategy within a Program Management framework. Andersen Consulting convened a diverse cross-spectrum of road analysts and best chickens along with Anderson consultants with deep skills in the transportation industry to engage in a two-day itinerary of meetings in order to leverage their personal knowledge capital, both tacit and explicit, and to enable them to synergize with each other in order to achieve the implicit goals of delivering and uccessfully architecting and implementing an enterprise-wide value framework across the continuum of poultry cross-median processes.The meeting was held in a park-like setting, enabling and creating an impactful environment which was strategically based, industry focused, and built upon a consistent, clear, and unified market message and aligned with the chicken's mission, vision, and core values. This was conducive towards the creation of a total business.

LOUIS FARRAKHAN: The road, you see, represents the black man. The chicken 'crossed' the black man in order to trample him and keep him down.

MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.: I envision a world where all chickens will be free to cross roads without having their motives called into question.

MOSES: And God came down from the Heavens, and He said unto the chicken, "Thou shalt cross the road." And the chicken crossed the road, and there was much rejoicing.

FOX MULDER: You saw it cross the road with your own eyes. How many more chickens have to cross the road before you believe it?

RICHARD M. NIXON: The chicken did not cross the road. I repeat, the chicken did NOT cross the road.

MACHIAVELLI: The point is that the chicken crossed the road. Who cares why? The end of crossing the road justifies whatever motive there was.

JERRY SEINFELD: Why does anyone cross a road? I mean, why doesn't anyone ever think to ask, What the heck was this chicken doing walking around all over the place, anyway?"

FREUD: The fact that you are at all concerned that the chicken crossed the road reveals your underlying sexual insecurity.

BILL GATES: I have just released the new Chicken Office 2000, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your checkbook.

OLIVER STONE: The question is not, "Why did the chicken cross the road?" Rather, it is, "Who was crossing the road at the same time, whom we overlooked in our haste to observe the chicken crossing?"

CHARLES DARWIN: Chickens, over great periods of time, have been naturally selected in such a way that they are now genetically disposed to cross roads.

ALBERT EINSTEIN: Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road moved beneath the chicken depends upon your frame of reference.

BUDDHA: Asking this question denies your own chicken nature.

RALPH WALDO EMERSON: The chicken did not cross the road... it transcended it.

ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die. In the rain.

COLONEL SANDERS: I missed one?

BILL CLINTON: I did not, and I repeat, did not have sexual relations with that chicken.

PAT BUCHANAN: To steal a job from a decent, hard working American.

L.A.P.D.: Give us five minutes with the chicken and we'll find out.

DR. SEUSS: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes! The chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed, I've not been told!

GRANDPA: In my day, we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Someone told us that the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough for us.

GEORGE W. BUSH: The chicken crossed the road because he was an evil-doer, and we smoked him out of his hole and got him on the run!

2007-07-12 13:15:19 · 22 answers · asked by deedee2qu 3

Is it really worth it if we gave up war and political scandals? We don't know how to do anything else do we? I mean, if we do, then why aren't we doing it?

2007-07-12 12:49:50 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

They're totally unrelated to the war!!

2007-07-12 12:32:51 · 12 answers · asked by Bonneville P 2

If Hillary became President would you stand behind her and give your support if another major terrorist attack happened in the US on her watch? Or would you be too busy finger pointing and playing petty politics to rally behind our President?

2007-07-12 12:31:19 · 24 answers · asked by Jason 4

Could geographical expansion help cure immigration and economic problems?

In order for a capitalistic democracy to thrive, it needs new markets, and new areas in which to expand and develop.

Mexico needs to improve its economy and provide jobs for its people.

America needs to invest its capital wisely, and it needs a dedicated workforce to help it grow.

Could this be a match made in heaven?

2007-07-12 12:27:12 · 17 answers · asked by Calvin James Hammer 6

What country has leaves on the back of their Euro Coins?
The leaves are oaks I think.. Thank you!

2007-07-12 12:16:32 · 2 answers · asked by Nin10dude 6

Why does the gov talk so much about gobal warming but to not do any thing their self to prevent it?

2007-07-12 12:12:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anthony 1

I wanted to know how you feel about the legal issues regarding prostitution. Leaving moral issues aside; is the giving & receiving of money for sexual acts really considered a crime? What justifications does the government have making it a crime?

Why is it that people are allowed to have sex with whomever they want (under consent) for free but when money is involved it becomes against the law?

2007-07-12 12:02:32 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

That lady needs to get a life. All the photographer wanted was a pic of her w/o the crown. She reacted like a spoiled little royal brat. What a disgrace for a nations leader.

2007-07-12 11:40:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isn't revealing an undercover CIA officer and risking National Security an act of treason?

And everyone is alright with this?

He admitted he knows the source came from within his own administration! How many of his administration personel had access to that knowledge?

So he knows who it is

Didn't he say on National television that he would fire anyone in his office if he found out they had exposed Valerie Plame?

Just more lies from the liar!

So when did treason become such a non issue in our Country?

This is sick! And the people that support - well - you can figure it out.

2007-07-12 11:32:11 · 9 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4

Those ruthless greedy politicians and their quest through greed for control of the Worlds natural resources.

How sick man has become - when fuel is worth more than a million human lives!

The future is dead in their hands

2007-07-12 11:27:37 · 16 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4

Take this quiz...


So where do you stack up?

2007-07-12 11:23:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

No matter what the Democrats do, neither President Bush, nor anyone in his administration, is going to be accountable to anyone.
Should the Democrats just move on?

2007-07-12 11:05:40 · 7 answers · asked by ? 5

"The provision of the Constitution giving the war-making power to Congress was dictated, as I understand it, by the following reasons. Kings had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars, pretending generally, if not always, that the good of the people was the object. This, our Convention understood to be the most oppressive of all Kingly oppressions; and they resolved to so frame the Constitution that no one man should hold the power of bringing this oppression upon us. " Abraham Lincoln

It is amazing how different same party members can be! And I agree with President Lincoln

2007-07-12 10:44:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yes or No

There were two attempts to kill Osama when Clinton was in office.

Once they had an aerial drone that had him in the sights - but the time it would have taken to mobilize and attack it would have been too late.

The second time, they had information as to his exact location and Clinton asked for the go ahead from Congress to kill him.

It was the Republican's who blocked that action and did not allow it to happen.

Also I believe that Clinton was the first one to start up a terrorist watch.

So regardless of what he did with a cigar on free time - he did try to kill Osama prior to 9/11.

And if was so important to kill him, why didn't Bush look at that significance and the intellegence coming in on the coming attacks. Wouldn't that be your first priority as President - to first look at all immediate threats to our National Security?

2007-07-12 10:41:29 · 10 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4

I just had to say something like this. It's funny to see people blame "those liberals" for everything that is wrong with anything.

2007-07-12 10:18:30 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i remember very clearly the cuban missle crisis.we didn't question our government but assumed that what was being done was needed.
we prepared ourselves for a nuclear attack in whatever way we could.
never asked the government to build our shelters or whined and cried about how it was war mongering.
where did all this change?i have my opinion.what's your's?
when did we stop being Americans 1st?

2007-07-12 10:09:55 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

You do yourself good reading his great stuff. He's not known as the people's economist for nothing.


2007-07-12 10:00:03 · 6 answers · asked by RP McMurphy 4

A coven of delusional murderous criminals holding up and united in total utter contempt of the law, authority, government, and justice.. forbidding subordinates, even former subordinates from coming out and obeying the law. Daily releases to the media of incredibly unreal prophesies of directives and empowerment from God. Will they commit mass-suicide or what?....nah too much to hope for.,

2007-07-12 09:43:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Maybe we can get an answer on yahoo, since the president can't answer this question....

2007-07-12 09:38:38 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

DC Madam Palfrey's most high -profile prostitution customer.

"Vitter recently sent a "letter to senators, urging them to support abstinence education, to teach teenagers, quote, 'that saving sex until marriage and remaining faithful afterwards is the best choice for health and happiness.' "
hahahahahahahahaha... resign and repent along with Foley, Gingrich, and all the other GOP hypocrite sex sinners who voted to impeach Clinton.

2007-07-12 09:31:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

"We're not socialists!!" the leftys wail. In the next breath they tout the virtues of socialized health care or any number of half baked wealth redistribution schemes to ensure "fairness".

What part of socialism don't they understand?

2007-07-12 09:25:43 · 13 answers · asked by RP McMurphy 4

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