UK university organisations are proposing an academic boycott of israeli academics etc. How fair is this? Or is it pure hypocrisy and prejudice?
There seems to be an obsession with Israel amongst leftist academia in the UK, as well as Guardian and Independent readers! I personally feel it has much to do with a post colonial guilt trip, after all israel is western, its a democracy, its like us in a way! While the Arabs are "different" thus the leftist, as always, will support the other side!
Thus it suits their stunted ideology to defend the oppressed against the evil capitalists, as guardianistas and student unions would see it.
Surely it is utterly hypocritical? Wheres the ban on academics from North Korea, Zimbabwe, Iran, Russia, Belorus, Saudi Arabia, Sudan perhaps (well the leftists cant get upset about darfur, because its Arabs slaughtering black africans, nothing to do with their guilt trip eh?).....looks like utter rubbish, when will these people grow up!
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