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I've got to admit he's smart. Too bad he's on the wrong side and is basically evil. Sometimes I agree with him on affirmative action, and I think most of his audience is disgruntled white guys. We white guys have had it tough since the contraction of the economy in the early seventies. Combine that with an explosion in the work force and affirmative action and it's tough for us caucasian males to get our foot in the door. Mr. Sewage wanted an academic career to go with his PhD from Berkeley, but he couldn't do it because he says in those days and probably still if you are not a woman or a person of color, you can forget it. There is some truth in that. Not enough truth to make one a fascist in my opinion, but like I said, I can relate, sort of.

2007-06-14 13:34:03 · 2 answers · asked by edcyhn 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Should probably clarify for you dimwits who voted for Bush that I am referring to Michael Savage (real name: Michael Weiner).

2007-06-14 13:38:44 · update #1

2 answers

I work at a radio station and I'm forced to listen to him nightly! It's not so bad. Sometimes he's entertaining and sometimes he says things that really make me think. I don't always agree with him, but I enjoy at least entertaining his point of view. I respect him, because he is conservative, but he doesn't tow the party line. So yeah, there's worse ways to spend an evening than listen to Savage.

2007-06-14 13:44:17 · answer #1 · answered by Zloar 4 · 0 0

I'm glad you can admit Michael Savage is smart. Let me see if I can convince you that we Conservatives, as a whole, are really the smart ones.

First, let's tackle Global Warming. I could write pages to debunk the theory that it is caused by human intervention, but here's just a couple points. All the planets in the solar system are experiencing "global warming" recently. It's due to increased solar radiation. Also, did you know there were times when the CO2 content of our atmosphere was at least triple what it is today without any increase in global temperature? Talk about an "Inconvenient Truth" for Gore. Just watch the Google video, "The Great Global Warming Swindle".

Reagan saw the seemingly invincible USSR, and realized it had one fatal weakness. Reagan exploited that weakness, threatening them with bankruptcy, and ended the Cold War. You think any Liberal could have done that? Not in a million years.

Now Bush is taking the baton. He sees the Middle East, an area that has always been unstable and rife with violence. Bush realizes that no two democracies have ever gone to war against one another. If democracy can spread in the Middle East, it will eventually be peaceful and stable. Already we've converted Afghanistan and Iraq. Libya has renounced WMD's, and even Syria is talking with us. Middle Eastern dictatorships are on the wane, thanks to Bush.

Education in the U.S. is a disaster. I know, because I can see the shocking difference between my new home here in Prague, and back in the U.S. Schools here spend a fraction of the money U.S. schools do, and students are so much more advanced than American students in many areas. It is embarrassing to admit, but one of my Czech teachers is a high school student! When I was studying Spanish in High School, I got straight A's but could never have done what my teacher is doing. Bush decided to stop all the nonsense, and created the "No Child Left Behind" policy. No matter what you may think of the program, it is forcing schools to raise standards and forcing teachers to be accountable.

Liberals are the clueless ones. What has anyone ever learned from Al Franken or the rantings of Sean Penn? Conservatives like Bill O'Reilly and Michael Savage are excellent news analysts. They interpret political events and give us new insights. Liberals base everything on an exasperatingly Politically Correct platform of behavior. Take Martin Luther King Day. Did it ever occur to you how ludicrous it is? Besides Christmas and George Washington's birthday, no single person has ever merited a national holiday. Even George Washington's birthday has been demoted to just a generic "Presidents Day". But, no one can challenge this PC nonsense without being made to look like they are racists, which is not true and obscures the real reason for the opposition. (As a matter of clarification, a lot of people's image of MLK is so cartoonishly sanitized, it's hilarious. MLK had Communist ties and was a notorious abuser of women, and I don't just mean a philanderer. It was a lot more perverse than that.)

Maybe I've given you some things to think about. Listen to people like Savage and O'Reilly. I think they'll start to make a lot of sense if you give them a chance.

2007-06-14 21:01:48 · answer #2 · answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 · 0 0

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