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Other - Politics & Government - June 2007

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Only from Politics and government category and not from others categorys where it was.

all designed to make you believe that government should have more power than it already has, so that it can create more of the disasters we are accustomed to:
10. My new program will generate jobs. : only the market generates jobs on net.
9. My education program will reform schools so that they leave no child behind.
T: the public schools do not work very good for the same reason no government program can work. They exist outside the market economy.
8. My program will save industry x. Truth: industry must be part of the market or else it is not really industry at all.
7. I won't raise your taxes but I will pass lots of new programs: Truth: all programs must be paid for.
6. As president, I will pursue a humble foreign policy.
: nothing in the office of the president encourages humility.
5. This war is humanitarian and winnable.
: war is nothing but a government program on a massively destructive scale, and just as error prone.
4. My reform will bring market-based competition. Be on the lookout for this lie, which market partisans are likely to believe. There is only one kind of genuine market, and it is rooted in private property and nothing else.
3. We will secure the nation. T: government cannot provide security better than markets, any more than it can provide food or houses better than the market.
2. Government is compassionate. T: men who seek power over the lives of others are the coldest, cruelest humans of all.
1. You can't love your country and hate your government. T: A person who loves his country loves liberty first.
One hundred years from now, the great story of the latter part of the 20th century and the first part of the 21st century will be the vast improvements in life wrought by technology. Consider the web, the cell phone, the PDA, the affordable laptop computer, advances in medicine, and the spread of prosperity to all corners of the globe. What has government had to do with this? The answer is: nothing contributory. It has worked only to impede progress, and we can only be thankful that it hasn't succeeded.
Through all of human history, governments have caused frightening levels of bloodshed and horror, but in the end, what has prevailed is not power but the market economy. Even today governments can only play catch-up. This is because of the reasons that Mises outlined. Government cannot control the human mind, so it cannot, in the long run, control the choices people make. It cannot control economic forces, which are a far more powerful and permanent feature of the world than any government anyway.

2007-06-13 14:39:47 · 13 answers · asked by MIkE ALEGRIA 1

lets all remember we voted the Honorable Mr Bush to office twice and if a third was possible it would definitely happen again..after 9-11 we were all united and we stood, now that the media has done its job, we are divided ..focus more attention on our brothers and sisters dying, and being maimed in the middle east, and less Bush Bashing, lets show some dam respect to our boss. ...TOGETHER WE STAND DIVIDED WE ARE FALLING..... we started this together, and were gonna finish it together......Semper Fi

2007-06-13 13:37:25 · 14 answers · asked by LAVADOG 5



2007-06-13 13:24:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Liberty, freedom, what belief is the biggest factor in the founding principals of this country? And I don't mean how things are today. I mean the founding principals you really admire.

2007-06-13 13:20:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Go to www.rushlimbaugh.com ( do it today 6/13/07) and click on the video recording of Al Gore from 1992. (Upper right side of main page.) Listen to it and justify it or explain (if you can).

2007-06-13 12:56:10 · 4 answers · asked by Philip H 7

Some Republicans who opposed the bipartisan bill said that they needed a show of credibility on immigration from the President, and suggested that it come in the form of a request for increases in spending for border security and enforcement.

It's interesting to me that a Republican wants a guarantee of MORE government spending before he supports a bill. Isn't the party line "less government?"

What do you think?

2007-06-13 12:43:31 · 14 answers · asked by Buffy Summers 6


what is your view

2007-06-13 12:34:52 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here's Al explaining how there were no links to terrorism and no weapons of mass destruction. Check this out!


2007-06-13 12:33:14 · 5 answers · asked by booman17 7

arent we all really just waiting for him to go away now?

2007-06-13 12:22:31 · 18 answers · asked by profit_workaholic 1

i think he can..i like what i have heard from him so far..we really needed someone else..mitt or rudy can be v.p. at least it won't be President Clinton or Osama..

2007-06-13 12:10:35 · 17 answers · asked by federalistcapers 2

Planetary geologists have been puzzled by a strange paradox on Mars. Images of the planet show several shorelines where there much have once been ancient oceans on the Red Planet. But these shorelines vary in elevation by kilometres in some cases. How could the height of these shores change by such an amount? the answer: the planet tumbled in the past. Just like the Earth, Mars is wider around its equator than it is from pole to pole. At some point, several billion years ago, when the planet still had an ocean, it experienced a redistribution in its mass. Perhaps this came from a series of volcanic eruptions, such as the ones that created the Tharsis Bulge and Olympus Mons. This additional mass caused the planet to rebalance its spin, shifting its pole 50 degrees away from its position. Parts of the planet which were once at the poles were moved closer to the equator, This could explain the sea levels. ttp://www.universetoday.com/2007/06/13/more-evidence-for-an-ancient-ocean-on-mars

2007-06-13 11:53:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

lShe's an extreme liberal socialist--in every manner of speaking

2007-06-13 11:51:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Azadegan, don't Wiki it their reference is outdated. It's an oil field just off Iran's shore in the Gulf.
Oil companies that may protest CONACO, National Iranian South Oil co and PEDCO?
Oil in Iraq is a trigger not a point of attack. It's because of past administrations American companies were banned from investing in the area Due to Clinton Executive orders.
Now you have Russia and China, Japan was and has pulled somewhat out... ALL involved. The United States can not take over Iraq land or even close get to her oil without a world war. Surely you do not believe this is the focus of Cheney Bush?
I am open to constructive info, no bashing please. Just good exchange of ideas here. Maybe we all learn something. Thank you very much.

*Note: Our Democratic Congress seems more interested in a witch hunt against AG Gonzales & Bush than this war. To me that means they expect a future in the Clinton Presidential Cabinet and nothing about what is on the minds of voters now, today. Weigh in

2007-06-13 11:43:47 · 9 answers · asked by Mele Kai 6

The drug crisis in America has not gone down. Many kids have access to marijuana, esctasy, and other hardcore drugs then a decade ago. People are doing drugs at a much younger age.

The War on Drugs has done nothing good; except prosecute the abusers and not the source of it all. If we really wanted to end the drugs we would have ended it a long time ago. All the meth labs in Columbia, Mexico, Honduras are still in operation. I guess it's cause fines and arrests are a necessity for the police and government to have work.

2007-06-13 10:50:20 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Liebermann ex Vice Presidential candidate called for a cross .border bombing.
Israel trade minister and former defense minister says Israel
will bomb Iran's nuclear facility.
Norman Podhertz neoconservative editor says "there is no
alternative to the actual use of force"
Information obtained from Asia Times.

2007-06-13 10:22:50 · 28 answers · asked by sdev006 2

When America was founded, a great poet called, America, "the melting pot of the world." Where everyone can come and make a living and be themselves. Now they're trying to take that away. Who else thinks that them trying to do the immigration bill is wrong? I mean, when did we change from "the melting-pot of the world" to "Keep Out!!!"?

2007-06-13 10:20:52 · 27 answers · asked by Jules or Juliet 4

democrats/liberals why do we not invade mexico occupy the country and then turn control of the nation to all democrats/liberals as a gift from the working american taxspayer to all democrat/liberals of the world you will have a nation of your dreams poor uneducated unmotivated citizens completely dependent on you liberals for survival what more could you ask for with this gift to you from the american taxspayer you no longer have to fight to legalise mexicans to inflate your voter rolls you will have a nation full of democrats/liberal supports and you can open the door for all of the worlds poor to your utopia land and you can show us silly working americans how much fun we are missing looking for food and shelter for are childern but i am sure all liberals of the world who do not join you in utopia will gladly send their money to support the liberal dream nation fore i will not!

2007-06-13 09:46:47 · 8 answers · asked by truckman 4

Pelosi touted reform and now lets the Chairmen hide pork in slushfunds and hiding the sponsors of the earmarks from public view. Watch your wallets they are going to get lighter.

2007-06-13 09:01:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Question: Can you be "pro-life" and at the same time be pro-capital punishment, and pro-war (preemptive war) ?

I'll expand a little bit on the question:
I assume that by pro-life, you mean a respect for the sanctity for ALL human life. How do you propose saving potential babies from abortion, but at the same time, ship their fathers to a war to kill the fathers of other babies? Is 1 muslim worth less than 1 American soldier? Is 1 baby saved from abortion more worth saving than an American soldier being ordered to fight in Iraq?

*Please do not give me any lip about Democrat ideals, I just want an honest and logical answer to this question.

2007-06-13 08:26:14 · 15 answers · asked by cmeza83 2

Just wondering...I think the penguin has it worse , though

2007-06-13 08:12:20 · 3 answers · asked by Cookies Anyone? 5

That doesnt make any sense. If you are innocent til prven guilty you shouldnt be put in jail until after the trial (thats if you are found to be guilty). So why are people (not in all cases) put in jail until the trial?

2007-06-13 08:10:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Progressive government, is change for the sake of change. The argument goes: "Times/technology change so people/government must change also"! Is this both true & beneficial? Times/technology DO change, but people & their "general needs"(maslow's hierarchy of needs) do not change. What benefits then, would a progressive government offer Americans today, can ANYONE answer this question? Representative Paul handily pointed out that our war in Iraq is being funded by the Chinese(trade deficit) our troops being spread out all over the globe(shades of the Roman empire!) are stretched to thin & our federal reserve note(debt based!) is losing more & more buying power. THE republican democrat part(ies?) canidates & goals seem to be becoming undistinguishable from one another. "Can't we all just get along", be like one another is a fallacy. That's why there exists idependent nations, independent states with in a nation, counties & municipalities! Does one care to challenge the above?

2007-06-13 08:02:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

or should he wait until it's closer to the end of his administration?

2007-06-13 07:42:49 · 11 answers · asked by like a BOSS 6

Many of our country's "enemies" have offered help to us in wake of tragic events; most of their offers refused.

In Hurricane Katrina, Cuba was one of the first nations to respond and offered to send doctors, tons of medicinal supplies, and money. The US Government declined and told Cuba "no". Now say what you want about political differences but if help is offered immiediately it really doesn't matter who it is coming from and you are declining the supplies offered to the people who need it.

Also in Hurricane Katrina assistance from France was at first rejected but we later on accepted their aid.

On 9/11 Mayor Guiliani would not accept a 1 million dollar donation from Saudi Arabia.

How do you feel about our government declining the aid of our "enemies". I use "enemies" in quotes because I don't regard Cuba and France as threats to us. It is a way to mend relations with our nations; to work together in wake of tragedies. A step towards making progress during these wars.

2007-06-13 07:36:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe that if you spend 10 minutes reading this essay, you will be better informed than if you listen to a lifetime's worth of Major Media news. This article has two parts:
1. Cultural and general info
2. Political info.
Note: I've explained everything.Any answers before reading the whole thing will prove to be wrong.Specially the political part.I've provided evidence for whatever I say.It's just the way it is.
Part 1: Cultural and general info
Hi. I'm a 19 year old Iranian who has spent his life in Iran.I study English.When I chat with people from other countries, I am shocked to see how totally wrong their ideas are about Iran. I wrote this article in an attempt to help correct those ideas.
The first thing the West accuses our government of is that we don't allow personal freedoms. Actually, Iranians disobey laws they don't like as much as anyone.There are only a few restrictions.It's cool over here. People here do whatever they wish to! Many strict rules in other countries don't even exist in Iran. Also, you should understand that what may seem so normal to you, may be a nightmare for us and vise versa.Some of Iran's laws are based on OUR culture. You look at our country from "your own point of view"! In Iran most houses have a sattelite dish. Sattelite television has a serious influence on our people, and Iranians wear very fashionable clothing. Maybe it is a kind of imitation, but we still have our own unique Iranian style. A visitor might wonder if this is a country or a fantasy pageant of beauty queens! Make-up and fashionable clothing are everywhere.I ignore a few fuddy-duddies though!

In my view, everything is great, if you ignore unemployment, drugs, inflation and air pollution. Also, you can't compare Iran today with the Iran you remember. The Shah and the Iatollah Khomini are both some 30 years in the past! 70% of Iran's population is a new generation (Under age 30) without the biases of the past and we've transformed everything.
Ever heard Iranian girls are terrific?I've collected some photos showing Iranian girls! Look! Poeple are like this!
http://tinypic.com/2d0nfao.jpg Is that enough?!
Some people think women don't have any rights in Iran. But in my view, women are overrunning the place. They're very respectful, and they've been the winners in so many cases: Most of them get into the best universities because they're very smart. And they get the best jobs because of their high university degrees. They've got Islamic rights, and that has in some cases made it difficult for men to marry them, because husbands are supposed to buy them expensive things and treat them very well, otherwise women have the right to ask a great amount of money (called Mehr) according to the law, which most husbands cannot afford, so men will be imprisoned.The only thing that women are not allowed to do in Iran is getting into public football stadiums and that's because such places are full of cheeky guys. They do anything from taking part in rallies to singing pop songs.Anything! I've put a sample here.
Another funny thing: Your footage about stoning the women who have committed adultery. Have you ever asked yourselves how many years ago that footage related to? But in one case the thing that had happened was incest not adultery. Most of those footages relate to the early days just after Iran's revolution! Otherwise you'd get new footages at least once a month!What exactly makes you think women are treated differently?The way they are treated in Saudi Arabia? Try to think of the racism in your country too.I found a BOOK of the U.S problems and it got me dizzy! Iran has its own problems too. Each country has its own problems.
Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan are --------- SEPERATE COUNTRIES! --------- Even within Iran, 60% of us are Persian and 30% are Turkish! Iran is a normal country like any other in the world. The Media are very good at creating really scary stuff: "IRAN BEHIND THE CLOSED DOORS!!!" "IRAN UNDERCOVER!!!" Some of that garbage would be enough to scare ME away! But in truth, Iranians are far more open-minded than you have been led to believe.
There are lots of Iranians today who are geniuses and scientists, and are all under age 25. For instance a 17 year old boy has invented 72 amazing inventions. Every year a special scientific compeition is held here and students assemble to show off hundreds of inventions. Iranian students and sportsmen win gold and silver medals in different competitions in the world all the time, in robotics, biology, maths, physics, sports, anything! Why don't the Media talk about them? Please don't summarize our nation and culture with the single word "nuclear". Although we're proud of this achievement because we believe that having nuclear energy means that a country is developed.

A few months ago Iran uncovered the most effective anti-H.I.V medicine. I searched for news of that on the internet, but there was no single sign of it.Now, I found it among the English news: "The medicine is produced from herbs using nano technology" The link to read about it is: http://www.payvand.com/news/07/feb/1032.html
The Media are unjust. They never talk about facts!
Some interesting facts:
Iran is a pioneer in medicine and genetics, and Iranian surgeons have found lots of new methods for treating spinal defects, and many diseases (mainly the treatment for different types of cancer) and the best brain and heart surgeons are Iranian.The pioneer in heart transplants and artificiall hearts and so on and so! (I've put two websites below) The head of the Mars Mission in NASA is Iranian. One of the best designers of sports cars working in Germany is Iranian. Some of the best 3D animators are Iranian. Iran is one of the best countries in counter-engineering. Holds the second place in building dams and in loads of other things! It's one of the top countries in bio-technology and nano-technology. The 4th highest tower in the world (Milad tower) is in Tehran (visit it at this link from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Milad.jpg ). 51 of the top 100 universities in the Mid-East are in Iran, and they're among the top universities of the world as well. The champion weight-lifter, a woman the nobel peace prize are Iranian. The 6th top movie director in the world is Iranian.(Abbas Kiarostami) http://arts.guardian.co.uk/fridayreview/story/0,12102,1084266,00.html
These are just small samples.If the media told you about Iran's achievemens everyday and didn't hide them, your news would be full of Iranian news!Iranian girls are famous for being terrific. We have Persian rugs and Persian literature, many Persian poets, artists and scientists that are world famous. Iranian culture is now westernized and only a little of the ancient culture has survived. According to statistics Tehran is the cheapest capital city in the world (one Dollar =about 950 Tomans) There are many other things. How many pages would you need to describe a country? Iran has nearly all the industries and technologies found in 'developed' countries. Oh, and we have four seasons! We get a lot of snow and there are skating rinks! lol The list is endless.

I'm gonna introduce Iran's international news website to you (Press TV) which was established recently. It's fully in English. In the "Sic / Tech" section you'll always see Iran's discoveries. The address is: http://www.presstv.ir/news.aspx Press TV news: Iranian scientists have registered more than 4800 inventions during the last Iranian calendar year of 1385 (April 21 2006-April 20, 2007). 4800 inventions in just one year!
The list of highly-respected Iranian scientists and engineers in the world: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_Iranian_scientists_and_engineers#T
The list of notable Iranian figures and pioneers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contemporary_Medicine_in_Iran
An extract: Iranian medical community is a significant part of medical community in US and Europe
Enough evidence?

Some people think Iran is a desert! Well, it is, if you consider California a desert. We share the same latitude. Iran is a modern country with breathtakingly beautiful nature and lots of historic places to visit. Please take a look at the following links to see if Iran looks like what you think or not! This is a photo of Tehran (Awesome, Isn't it?): http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/Tehran-2-1600.jpg

If you like you can visit these too, hundreds of pretty photos from the cities, nature and historic places:


Some people think music is forbidden in Iran. "Music of Iran and Iranian musicians have received countless awards in the course of history. Every year from 1977 to 2007.Evidence? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_of_Iran
I send Iranian music to my American and Canadian chat friends and they all say they're some of the best songs they've ever heard.
Here's a sample of the latest hits from two official Iranian music websites.You can just right click on the links below and choose "Save Target As" to download them. Iranian music is just modern pop and the best sort of it.
1.(You know this: 2007) http://download.bia2music.com/Music/Irani/Top33/128/Neorin%20-%20To%20Ino%20Miduni.mp3
2.(Hold my hand: 2007) http://www.sarzaminmp3.com/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Mansour%20-%20Beautiful/09_%20Dastamo%20Begir.mp3
3.(The wetness of your eyes: 2006) http://download.bia2music.com/Music/Irani/Top33/128/Ehsan%20Gheibi%20-%20Khisie%20Cheshmat.mp3
4.(I just want you: 2003) http://download.bia2music.com/Music/Irani/Mansour/Crazy/Delam%20Faghat%20Toro%20Mikhaad(www.Bia2Music.com).MP3
5.(The rain: 2007) http://download.bia2music.com/Music/Irani/Siavash%20Ghomayshi/Sunset%20to%20Sunrise/64/Siavash%20Ghomayshi%20-%20Sunset%20to%20Sunrise%20-%2005%20Baroon%20(www.Bia2Music.com).wma
6.(The window: 2005) http://www.sarzamin.org/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Siavash%20Ghomayshi/03_%20Panjereh.mp3
7.(Keep me in your memory: 2005) http://www.sarzamin.org/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Siavash%20Ghomayshi/07_%20Yaade%20Man%20Baash.mp3
8.(Farangis "A female name" 2007) http://download.bia2music.com/Music/Irani/Siavash%20Ghomayshi/Sunset%20to%20Sunrise/64/Siavash%20Ghomayshi%20-%20Sunset%20to%20Sunrise%20-%2001%20Farangis%20(www.Bia2Music.com).wma
9.(The distance: 2007) http://www.sarzaminsong.com/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Siavash%20Ghomayshi%20-%20Sunset%20to%20Sunrise/03_%20Faseleh.mp3
10.(Sunrise: 2007) http://www.sarzaminsong.com/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Siavash%20Ghomayshi%20-%20Sunset%20to%20Sunrise/04_%20Tolou.mp3
11.(Stop world:2006) http://www.sarzaminmusic.com/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Reza%20Sadeghi%20-%20Vaysa%20Donya/01_%20Vaysa%20Donya.mp3
12.(You can't: 2007) http://www.sarzaminmp3.com/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Mansour%20-%20Beautiful/06_%20Nemitooni.mp3

And so on and on!
It's now 2007 and most people still think we are uneducated people living in deserts and riding camels!

Part 2: Political info.
Let's clarify some political issues as well: Some of the Americans think that president Ahmadinejad hates the U.S and Israel and wants to nuke them!! The Media are good at putting lying comments out there. I really don't get the point why our politicians defame themselves by talking about things that have got nothing to do with us. The thing is that they occasionally make some statements that the media would make them controversial topics to interest its viewers! For example they pick up some specific phrases of a long speech (without refering to the main points and reasons for that speech) and put so many bad comments on that.
First of all, Iranians don't hate anyone.We hate neither Jews nor Americans. How would our guys dream of America, want to be like them as much as possible, and hate them at the same time?! The truth us that Iranians are the only people in the Mid-East that are pro-American! Being agaisnt the U.S policies is a different story! We live basically the same lives.Don't look at the way women dress in public places! You've got to see them in other places!I've got to say that for Iran, Israel is not equal with Jews! Israel is a gov't. Jews are faithful people! 20,000 Jews and lots of Christians live here equally with Iranians and two of Iran's parliment members are Jews. Who says we want to force others to convert to Islam? Have you ever found a Moslem knocking at your door asking you to do so?
Christians and Jews are both God-believers and respectful to us.

I wonder who Iran is really a threat to. Is it logical to say someone's guilty because we THINK / PREDICT that he's going to do something wrong? And they repeat the same "nuclear weapons" tosh over and over and brainwash people! Correction! It's "nuclear energy". Besides, how many "nuclear weapons" do they have themselves? Hundreds of thousands? Has Iran ever attacked any countries? No. Has it developed any nukes? No! That's what nuclear agency says. Only Iran's opponents are pulling Iran's leg and what they say is just based on political conflicts. What we're doing is legal. Iran is a peaceful country. Why? It's the regional super-power and if she wanted, she could easily invade the countries in our neibourhood just like what Saddam did to our country, but as you see Iran has peaceful relations with all of them.

Some people say he said: Israel should be wiped off the map! the thing is that he exactly said: "The Imam "Khomeyni" said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."They've only told you this phrase not the whole thing and it's mistranslated intentionally. Besides, they've been saying such things for a long time.It's their habit.Here's an article."Wiped off the map....The roumor of the century.Read how the media and the U.S newspapers have twisted it into a controvertioal topic. http://www.antiwar.com/orig/norouzi.php?articleid=11025 Now you see that you were wrong.Iran has always defended itself, but it's not an offensive country.

Some say he's said: "The Holocaust is a myth!" Again, this is a single phrase taken from a long speech and there are totally logical reasons for saying so. If 6,000,000 Jews were killed, that's terrible, but 300,000 Shiite Moslems killed by Saddam aren't important at all? Over 650,000 Iraqi people are killed and that's not important?! When Fox News simply says that America and Israel are capable of destroying and killing Iran's population of 69,000,000 within two weeks, it's OK and no one says they're threatening other countries to nuke them (I saw this with my own eyes on the Fox News website) Millions of people killed in Afghanistan, Hiroshima & Nagasaki and the Vietnam war are not considered human beings at all! Now I think you'd get the point why he's IRONICALLY said it's a myth. Moreover, don't you believe in freedom of speech/mind? Well, if you'd like to blame someone for that, hope in a time-machine and sue Hitler! lol

Some countries are using Iran as a scapegoat to put the blame (for their own faults) on.
This part is just for Americans:
Those of you who say why Iran says "Death to America":
1. 'America' to us means the U.S govt, not the people. How do you expect Iranians to mean "American people" when our media admires Americans for marching and holding up "no war" placards?! Also, I see a lot of "Let's nuke Iran"s on YA.Isn't that a kind of "Death to Iran"?
2. The new generation don't say such things and if some of them occasionally march in the streets that's because some of the stupid guys enjoy making noise and they mainly go out there to meet their girlfriends/boyfriends! Strange. Isn't it?
3. Such mottos are not just said in Iran and as you know whatever you hear is a response to the U.S govt's terrible actions which has made life for many people hell (You wouldn't deny that attacking countries is a mistake. Would you?)
4. U.S. companies assistance in developing Iraq's chemical weapons facilities during the Iran-Iraq war which killed over a million Iranians
5. USS Vincennes shooting down Iran Air Flight 655 with many civilian fatalities
6.U.S. Support for anti-Iranian terrorist organisations (i.e. the MKO);
7. Economic damage caused by U.S. sanctions and political pressure; U.S. UAV overflights over Iran violating Iranian airspace since 2003.

When you call Ahmadinejad a nutcase for what he's said, what do you call Bush for his war crimes?
To those who are upset with American hostages taken for 444 days:
1. Firstly, It's related to so many years ago and it's almost a part of history, and don't forget that when there's a revolution, there'd be chaos and people may do things that they should not, moreover they're all alive and healthy. Aren't they?
2.The U.S has arrested Iranian diplomats in Iraq and had tortured the one who was freed. Now you decide who has the right to be upset with whom. How do you believe in their lies about politics when they hide both the most and the least important things from you considering the fact that politics is the world of lies in its nature?!!!

If you like to insist on your theory of attacking Israel, I'll tell you our logical theory: "The moment that Iran attacks Israel, Iran will be wiped off the face of the earth by the U.S and its allies and Iran is far more logical than doing such a stupid thing" So, forget about it.I'm quite sure you know that all the events and lies in the world are a part of a pre-planned scenario by major world-powers (Iran as an important country has always been a part of their plans)And the first step is to brainwash people.They excactly know what will happen even 50 years later! I think Iraq is such a good example.Attacking it with the excuse of removing Saddam while they'd put Saddam there themselves and had supported him for years! They said they had W.M.Ds and you believed them.Now they say Iran (a member of N.P.T) has nukes / is developing nukes and you believe them wilhe the nuclear agency hasn't found any sign of illegal activities.Time to wake up!
Isn't it better for both countries to forget past conflicts and to have peaceful relations? Our two gov'ts are like 10 year old children playing a stupid, harsh, rhetorical game. They don't care about hurting people's feelings. They just try to make our two peoples enemies to achieve their own goals. We, as the people of these countries, MUST NOT allow these conflics into our hearts. Now, what do you think? I can't wait to see both nations in peace. It'd be marvelous!
Did you find my article informative? : )
Thanks for your time

2007-06-13 07:00:18 · 7 answers · asked by Peace-seeker 2

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