Could it be that because being she and her liberals in Congress can`t get any of their negative agenda to pass against the war in Iraq ; Knowing this bill will infuriateTurkey which is an ally with the US , and allows the US to ship food , fuel , and many other needed supplies to our troops in Iraq from a strategic Turkish Air Force Base ! Pelosi and her Liberal Cronies in Congress are now stooping so low as to try to get Turkey to retaliate by not allowing the US to use their air space any longer , therefore making the war even more difficult for the troops ! Pelosi can`t get anything done in Congress to halt the success of the surge and the positive news coming out now about the war , so she starts this insane bill against Turkey just to get them angry and prevent the US from using Turkish air space . Then she can say the war is failing because of the lack of support from Turkey . If Pelosi wants to condemn genecide , do it in todays world , Darfur , Burma , and not 100 years ago !
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