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Military - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Military

Bush as in George W. Bush

2007-01-11 07:25:26 · 13 answers · asked by blacknight887 1

This may sound weird, but how was it that Marshal Blyucher was arrested and executed by the NKVD? Where was the Red Army? and did the NKVD have the authpurity to enter military camps and arrest the Marshals and Generals in front of their soldiers?!!!

2007-01-11 07:21:00 · 3 answers · asked by Mehmet Azk 2

was it after the 9 11 bombing ang why do they call it 9 11

2007-01-11 07:19:05 · 7 answers · asked by kimesha carey 2

Former medic here who speculates we are saving more (better gear, better evac systems) wonder about societal effects, etc.

2007-01-11 07:09:32 · 11 answers · asked by Al Kaida 1

I don't understand why Bin Laden has killed close to 7000 Americans and allies and Bush has spent over 100 Billion dollars in response to Bin Laden's attack towards us since 9-11. If Bush wants more soldiers to kill the enemy it seems that we as Americans should be more interested in finding Bin Laden and not Iraq.

2007-01-11 07:08:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you ever worked ith anyone from the British armed forces and if so what did you think of them as a unit? in combat etc?

im a Brit i just wanted to know your views on our army

2007-01-11 07:07:46 · 10 answers · asked by Blink-Monkey-Blink 2

a tiger trap? boulder from a cliff like willy coyote? be creative?

2007-01-11 07:00:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Poll: Americans oppose Iraq troop surge By NANCY BENAC, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - Seventy percent of Americans oppose sending more troops to Iraq, according to a new poll that provides a devastatingly blunt response to President Bush's plan to bolster military forces there.

2007-01-11 06:59:30 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-11 06:58:40 · 11 answers · asked by emtandfire 2

2007-01-11 06:56:15 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-11 06:51:39 · 15 answers · asked by anthony f 1

Let's face it Iraq is a disaster. Over 700,000 innocent Iraqis have been slaughtered. 3,000 US (mainly poor working class White/Hispanic and Afro American) soldiers have needlesly lost their lives, and for what? The war in Iraq was based on lies. There were no WMD's.A cunning few have profited such as Cheney to the tune of $1Billion in Iraqi/Haliburton contracts. while their children party on in Palm Beach, and will never see the bloodbath that is Basra today. Yet today Iraq is in a worse mess today than it was 3 years ago. There's a Civil War, total anarchy, mass unemployment, yet our dimwit President sends in a 'Surge of 20,00 troops' It's total madness, do you agree?

2007-01-11 06:49:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

The U.S. invaded Iraq (Illegaly, against the UN )

They got Saddam in a court of his peers and they did him.

So why are they staying there?

Why can't they just stay home?

2007-01-11 06:43:21 · 18 answers · asked by Marvin 2

This is an honest question and I'd really like some honest answers. I'm not a war supporter, but I am in favor of a balanced budget. In years passed, when our nation has taken on extended military committments, taxes have always increased to offset that cost.

How about with the current deployment...are you will to pay more to bring our books back into balance?

If not, why not?

2007-01-11 06:43:11 · 5 answers · asked by texascrazyhorse 4

throw some olive branches at us
cutt of our oil and chenney profits
force americans to use ALT FUELS
whoo sounds bad

2007-01-11 06:41:47 · 10 answers · asked by WMD LIE p 1

Hi, I have an interview in a few weeks to hopefully get into the RAF - and I need to know locations where the RAF is currently deployed in the world, and what they are doing there. I've tried looking on google and wikipedia etc without much luck!
Here are the places I know of at the moment - correct me if I'm wrong!! Afghanistan, Iraq, Falkland Islands, Ascension Island, Goose Bay - Canada, Nevada - USA?, Germany, Qatar?, Sierra Leone, Norway, Cyprus. I was thinking we may be in the Balkans somewhere, aswell as maybe in Oz but I cant find much info.You would be doing me a great favour with this - I don't want to appear totally out of touch with current affairs!

2007-01-11 06:38:42 · 6 answers · asked by Dave 1

I thought I would pose the question in a manner that would not be immediately offensive to people on either side of the scale to try to get some objective answers. Please try to be civil.

2007-01-11 06:38:26 · 8 answers · asked by kittiesandsparklelythings 4

I have think about it alot, I have no idea rather I should join, the benefits are soo yummy, but my mind about the war, is just not right. you know , any suggestions ?

2007-01-11 06:20:55 · 4 answers · asked by ~Peace~N~Love~ 3

Does anyone else feel these treaties have out lived their intended purpose? Every conflict/war the US has become involved with, since the "creation" of these international laws, the opposition doesn't follow any of these laws. Instead they use them to their advantage. If you were permitted to do whatever it takes to win the war, do you think there would be as much opposition causing as many casualties? Just think of all the wars we have lost or aborted because we couldn't win. You can't use conventional warfare against unconventional forces (Why the Brits lost against the US...twice). What happened to the saying "All's fair in love and war". Anyone agree or have some other intelligent insight?

2007-01-11 06:20:13 · 2 answers · asked by Larry R 2

I am going into army basic at Benning in a month and I really suck at running. I can run one mile in 8:15 sec but I feel like collapsing after that. I plan to maybe work my way up to two miles by the time I go in and I am running everyday. My question is, are they going to make me run 5 miles right away when I get in? How much will they make me do? Please ONLY qualified people answer and no people who went to basic 50 years ago lol. Thanks :)

2007-01-11 06:15:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

"In a heated exchange with Hagel, a potential presidential candidate in 2008, Rice disputed his characterization of Bush’s buildup as an “escalation.”

“Putting in 22,000 more troops is not an escalation?” Hagel, a Vietnam veteran and longtime critic of Bush’s Iraq policy, asked. “Would you call it a decrease?”

“I would call it, senator, an augmentation that allows the Iraqis to deal with this very serious problem that they have in Baghdad,” she said.

escalate: To increase, enlarge, or intensify:

Didn't Condi graduate from Stanford?

2007-01-11 06:05:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Emira Woods , is the co-director of Foreign Policy In Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C..

Woods began by distinguishing between the two sides in the conflict and how the U.S. government has taken the action of destabilizing a popularly elected government in favor of helping remnants of the very warlords that killed American soldiers in 1993, to the cost of the Somali people who had finally found peace and stability after years of civil war and bloodshed.

Woods said that the transitional governing body that was made up of the remnants of the warlord factions formed in Nairobi and was only brought into Somalia this week with the help of the Bush administration. The transitional body has direct ties to the Aideed faction, the very same warlord American troops were killed and dragged through the streets of Mogadishu for trying to capture in 1993.
The Bush administration is helping empower the very same warlords that were fictionalized in "Black Hawk Down".

2007-01-11 05:58:25 · 8 answers · asked by sscam2001 3

It was explained to me by friends of mine whose parents are in the military that they are given a choice of where they want to be "abroad". Apprently this includes Hawaii.

How do they determine which soldiers will go, for example, Iraq? Especially if the soldier chooses Hawaii or something for his time abroad? There are units (not a military person, so sorry if I use the wrong terms!) that are going out for the 2nd or 3rd time. Is it based on need of the army and the specialty of the soldier?

I'm not looking for judgments about the war or Islam. I'm rather confused about the logistics of the military, that's all.

2007-01-11 05:53:39 · 9 answers · asked by Bookworm 6


2007-01-11 05:51:32 · 19 answers · asked by anonacoup 7

Someone I know is thinking about going awol. Right now they are currently in basic training. They are also going to become a father soon. Recently he received orders that will be going over seas and will not be at the child's birth plus will not see or be familiar with this child for the next 5 years. What can I and/or they do to resign from the service without any problems.

2007-01-11 05:47:53 · 25 answers · asked by worriedaboutasoldier 1

recruiters that come in to schools in canada on career day with all the other colleges and they always have the kool stuff like dvds about the forces and stuff like that, i mean other schools have some of what they have,,,, but anyways,,, i was just wondering what the usa recruiters say to students ours seems pretty kool they dont try to suck you in they just tell you about what jobs there are out there pros and cons and so on... just wondering

2007-01-11 05:32:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Airforce (USAF) is the best is so why if no then why???

2007-01-11 05:21:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Am I retarded or what for thinking this, but I really don't ever remember the word "troop" changing its definition to mean a single person or soldier. When did that officially happen? The word "trooper" has always seemed to be the appropriate word to use.

The word "troop" is a group of people, or soldiers (cavalry).

Here are a few real examples:

Troop = a "group" of people (group equals min. of 3)
21.500 X 3 = 64500

Troop = a group of soldiers (two or more...)
21.500 X 2 = 43000


Troop = a Large Group (At least 4)
21.500 X 4 = 86000

An online list of all legitimate the definitions of the word "TROOP"

can be found here...

2007-01-11 05:08:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-11 05:02:51 · 9 answers · asked by star3dhamdi 1

What happens if the Saudi's back the Sunni's as they have said they would? What happens when Iran continues to back the Shiites? What happens when the whole Middle East escalates into war? What will our governments position be then, if the Middle east does turn into a war zone? What will happen to the world economically?

Can I have serious responses to the question, instead of partisan politics?

2007-01-11 04:55:57 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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