My husband broke his hip in his job in 2005. He went through a hip fracture fix surgery with three screws permanently stay in his body. The workers compensation company paid his hospital bills and physical therapy. He went back to his job as a stockroom technician half year’s late. He is still in pain, discomfort, walking awkwardly. He lost his flexibility. .
In state Illinois, we have to choose either close the case or keep the case open permanently when hits 3 years after the accident with the workers compensation company. If we agree to close the case, there will be a chance with no medical insurance cover the bill if anything wrong with his hip in the future. If we do not close the case, first, I do not know how difficult to argue that we have to keep the case opened; second, do we really need to do that.
We concern that his hip might broke in the same place again in the future, such as, when he is old, his hip disconnected because of bone losing (will this happen?), or be
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