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Law & Ethics - April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Shouldn't we have curfews in the UK that mean children aged 8-11 are indoors or in the company of an adult by 8pm and 11-15 year olds by 9pm? Enforced by law, fining or imprisoning parents. What do you think, would it work? Is it a good idea?

2007-04-25 08:19:53 · 10 answers · asked by ? 5

On campus today there were tons of people signing a petition to ban smoking on campus. I got to thinking, hey; I don't smoke, so maybe I should sign it. You know, I do hate the smell and smoking kills so... WAIT!!! When did it become OK to try to take away other people's rights just because YOU don't personally like or partake in those rights? I would not sign a petition like that, would you?

How is the following logic?
1) I'm not gay, being gay is gross to me, so gay people should not be allowed to get married.
2) I don't own a gun, I think guns are evil; so no one should be allowed to own a gun
3) I don't drink, I think drinking is bad; so we should not sell alcohol in my county.

In all reality:
I may not smoke, but I do drink so I sure as hell wouldn't like someone to sign a petition to ban alcohol simply because they don't like it. I'm not gay but I sure wouldn't want someone to take my gun away because they don't agree with it.

2007-04-25 08:19:21 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe that the jury selection process system is in dire need of reforming by some other method than is used presently. For instance, if people are convicted of crimes by a jury, and then it transpires that the person is innocent, as proven by DNA tests, then that jury was wrong to convict, and it is so vital to know how they were influenced to judge anyone if they are so susceptible to other influences, such as over-zealous police and prosecutorial misconduct. Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld, of the Innocent Project, have enabled 200 innocent prisoner to walk out free after being wrongly convicted by 200 times 12 jurors, who were terribly wrong to! That's 2400 people who "Thought" they were right! So, how can we, the people, work to change how jurors are chosen, to ensure fair and impartial verdicts, maybe some intelligence tests for jurors, and other safeguards, some method to balance out the way jurors become equal to such a heavy duty in seeking true justice for all of us.

2007-04-25 08:03:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My room mate who I dislike greatly, wants me to be a witness to the argument his b/f and him had in front of me. His b/f filed a restraining order against him and now he has to go to court. I know that my testimony is not what my room mate wants to hear and I know it will not help his case, but if I told him this he'll get mad, if I decided not to be a witness he'll get mad and if I decide to go and I testify he'll probably get mad when he hears what I have to say. I don't want any problems with him at home since he could pull me into legal problems as well.

2007-04-25 07:43:14 · 6 answers · asked by jennytkd13 3

I received a court summons a couple days ago for a 5 year old $2200 debt that's been sent to a debt collection agency. So far I've talked to the rep 4 times and I've offered to settle it in one lump sum of $800. He said he would call me back the same day and did not...so I called him today and he said that he hasn't herd from "them" regarding my offer and will let me know as it takes a "few days". I feel as if he's trying to kill some time as my court date is May 10th and feels the pressure will force me to offer more?

What do I need to know regarding this as I'm completely clueless on the process and the length it takes to settle and what happens if an amount is agreed upon.

What do I need to do to put his behind me and settle this for the least amount of money possible? I'm a college student and obviously broke.

Is the process typically back forth phone tag and how long does it take to settle?

I'm in college and totally broke....if I threatened bankruptcy would this help?

2007-04-25 07:30:12 · 8 answers · asked by Questioner 1

2007-04-25 07:29:24 · 7 answers · asked by jason200584 1

No pertaining answers as of yet:
I was raped about 5 yrs ago. The rapist was my bf at the time. He spent a lot of time humiliating me, and continues to.
I was in the navy, but off base. Navy looks negatively on female rape victims, rather than the rapists (hence no report)

There's proof to questionable behavior on his behalf (him yelling at our 4 mo. daughter-3.5 yrs ago), as well as a car crash when he was 16 due to anger at his parents (was a school nt./across state lines from home)

He's admitted to me that I did say no, but likened it to "we've had sex before." and mimicked my past sex sounds as his proof of consent

I have the exact conception date/location, as well as my daughter's birthdate.

so I'm curious:

*will he be arrested (we both live in diff't states from the incident)?
*will it then go to court?
*will he be allowed to get a polygraph (since he's a convincing lier, but he knows I said "no" more than once!)
*what happens with custody if I don't win?

2007-04-25 07:15:07 · 4 answers · asked by silver butterfly 3

i feel smoking weed should be a personal choice i dont even smoke it i just think its a waste of tax money and if it was legal we could make sure it was safe for the ones who do smoke it as of now we dont know were it comes from or how getting the money from it

2007-04-25 07:04:20 · 13 answers · asked by shakivia m 1

I am thinking of getting a fake ID from this person I know. I live in Florida and the ID is from another state across the country. I am 18 and the ID will say I am 21. If a cop in florida sees me, will he know its fake. I know this is all illegal I am just wondering. I know the License numbers can be called in but is that only in the state that issued the ID? It wont have holograms, but still not every state's ID does.

2007-04-25 06:51:58 · 12 answers · asked by MHman 1

In case Gonzales thought the worst had passed with his punishing testimony last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the chairman and top Republican issued a new demand: Refresh the memory that Gonzales claimed had "failed him 71 times" during the seven-hour session.

2007-04-25 06:50:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-04-25 06:50:08 · 7 answers · asked by littlesable34 1

I know what i did was wrong. But that seems a little bit much. It's not as if I didn't stop at all.

2007-04-25 06:20:16 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know it goes against Muslim faith however, are there actually any Federal or State laws that would prohibit the marriage?

2007-04-25 06:06:28 · 8 answers · asked by Tom B 1

last year myself and my partner were arrested for the theft of £1000 from the shop where we both worked, we were both arrested at our home and our home searched, detained for 12 hours and released on bail. two days later the money was found down the back of a drawer, neither of us had touched it as we were off suspended. We tried to find out about taking action against the police and/or the company, but to no avail. I have since left the job having been off with stress since the incedent. It seems people can claim damages for pretty much anything nowasdays, why not wrongful arrest?

2007-04-25 05:52:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

We could make abortion illegal in certain cities or states, and prosecute any abortion doctors in those states for murder.

If Los Angeles can violate federal laws, why can't we?

2007-04-25 05:34:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

We've been having this aregument at work. I say it wasn't until the 20th century (early part) but my coleague says it was during the Victorian era. Can anyone settle this please. There's a tenner riding on this one!

2007-04-25 05:19:49 · 10 answers · asked by Will S 1

I have come into information from my Local UAW committeeman that the person I have had issues with( she has tried on several occasions to get me in trouble with management by lying) was influenced to do so by the President of our local. She told the committeeman she had no real issues with me but was told by the President (He and I have had some issues but I thought were resolved.) to try and get me in trouble with management. They have never had an issue.He has told her lies to make her believe I am trying to take her job from her. I don't want her job. She has spread rumors about me at the place we work because he told her to. She gave all this information to the committeeman who in turn told me about it. I have tried to get all of this resolved with everyone involved but can never get anyone to do anything about it. It has escalated to a point where I am about to quit a great paying job because I hate coming to work. I never know what is going to happen next. What can I do

2007-04-25 05:07:57 · 4 answers · asked by Carrie C 2

we got a car from someone and he signed the title over to us and now he is taking us to court to try to get more money. this was a verbal agreement, no paper work was ever made.

2007-04-25 05:02:28 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

My apartment's rental office had found us in violation of not cleaning out our cabinets for an extermination, and we didn't know about the extermination. If they had sent someone into our apartment without our knowledge, or at least telling us why or when they would send someone in, is that breaking the law? Or do they have a right to enter our home anytime they want without telling us?

2007-04-25 04:52:53 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, so yesterday (where there was road construction) .. I was driving in the left lane and the right lane had an arrow up that said "MERGE LEFT" .. so, the lady merged into my lane and hit me!
I'm 6 and a half months pregnant and had to spend 6 hrs. in the ER hooked up to monitors to monitor my baby to make sure he was ok.
The lady said, (and told the police officer) .. she MERGED because her lane said MERGE therefore she isn't at fault??
what the heck?
how can she claim that I was at fault?? I was in the lane she MERGED into!
Now, I have to battle it out with the ins. company.
(there is damage to my right passanger side next to the head light and damage at the back of her car on the driver side where she came right into me. she gunned it which caused my car to shake and caused dents and scratches to my car).

any suggestions??

2007-04-25 04:42:14 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

In murrieta the curfew is that teenagers under 18 have to be in the house by 10 pm. And I want to know some epople opinions on that.

2007-04-25 03:58:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm writing on behalf of my brother-in-law, a hotel manager. He has had a pair of guests (both male) who tryst at his hotel and leave the room in very bad condition. They leave the room smeared with feces and blood among other things. When there is blood involved, the hotel has to pay to bring in a professional cleaning service, but when there is no blood, his housekeepers have to clean the room. Linens have to be thrown away, as well as mattresses and other higher-priced items.

Apparently, this pair are each married to a woman and have a pattern of cycling through the hotels in town and leaving the rooms in a similar state. It is assumed that their wives are not aware of this relationship. It seems that when the hotels try to ban them from staying there again, the two men claim that this would be a human rights violation because they are gay.


2007-04-25 03:54:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Let me start by saying that I know there are those that have been screwed by the system, and I also know that there are those that made a mistake and CAN be rehabilitated. What about the hardened criminals, child abusers, murderers, rapist, those that are repeat offenders, etc. Does anyone believe in the "EYE FOR AN EYE & TOOTH FOR A TOOTH" punishment? Any Idea how much EACH convict on death row cost us in taxes per year. This should be interesting and I look forward to your answers. Great day all.

2007-04-25 03:52:22 · 10 answers · asked by golfnuttoday 1

Do you think this is fair?


Man convicted of possession of child porn in 1998
-Served 2 1/2 years in prison
-3 years supervised release
-Man gets out and goes to college for computers
-Starts a successful business
-Is now a multi-millionaire
-People/customers knows about his past but doesn't seem to care

It doesn't matter if he hasn't done anything since then, HE IS A SEX OFFENDER!!!


While I am struggling to make ends meet and I am a law abiding citizen

2007-04-25 03:32:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


This is probably a very vague question, however I'm wondering what impact does the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005 have on people? (not those who lend money/credit).

How has the bankruptcy law changed since then?

I ask because I took a course in bankruptcy law in 2004 and literally two weeks after graduation the above mentioned law passed.

Thanks for your time.

2007-04-25 03:17:07 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need this information for a debate.

2007-04-25 02:59:29 · 10 answers · asked by Beinformative 1

The US government is suppose to represent and act in the best interest of our country and our citizens. Why do they constantly do things that benefit other countries and hurt our nation, our economy, our people and etc? Are we responsible to be the world's keeper at the expense of our own safety, security and financial well being? Are politicians acting illegally (outside our constitution) by looking out for the interest of other countries at the expense of our own people? What are your thoughts?

2007-04-25 02:52:38 · 20 answers · asked by tcb396 2

2007-04-25 02:46:17 · 6 answers · asked by cmsb705 5

Is very confusing. I notice in your Constitution, does say well regulated militia, not average citizen, could bear arms. Was it for protection against invaders, as you had no standing army at the time? Was it to protect against intruders? Was it to rebel against your government if necessary? If so, how could you hope to defeat it now with only guns, even automatic weapons, when faced with tanks, aircraft etc.?

2007-04-25 02:32:56 · 6 answers · asked by gortamor 4

My husbands mother passed 07/2006 and we are just now starting a probate she had no will. We are told we need a attourney,If at all possible would like to do it ourselves. Any advise is greatly appreciated.

2007-04-25 02:28:36 · 2 answers · asked by age2purrfection 1

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