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Law & Ethics - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

2007-03-11 13:20:27 · 3 answers · asked by slices_and_dices 1

Im doing a mock trial in my english class on the book "of mice and men" and I am a lawer working for George Milton. The opposing team is going to try to prove that George Milton is guilty of the murder of Lennie Small. I have to do the oppisite and I wanted to know all the pleas for murder that would be accepted by a judge in the state of maine to build my case upon.

2007-03-11 13:18:01 · 7 answers · asked by Tony 1

I love in Connecticut and the dirt road that leads up to my house allways gets washed out when it rains. The I'm pretty sure the road is an easement. There are 4 houses on this one road an all the property of the road is owned by one person. I was told that because that person owns the easement they are responsible for the upkeep of the road. Another person told me that because there are 4 houses that the town is now responsible for it. I don't know what to do. The people who I live with are pretty mad about it because the last storm was so bad the road now has trenches, from where the water ran down it, that are almost a foot deep. Three cars have allready gotten stuck in it since the last time it rained.

2007-03-11 13:16:24 · 3 answers · asked by Amrou 2

I've been hearing and reading a lot about wrongful convictions, and people spending 5 - 10 and even more years in prison for crimes they did not commit.
It's as though these prosecutors simply do not want to admit that they can make a mistake. This is one of the reasons why so many laymen hate lawyers (and judges also).
Is it that important to gain a conviction, NO MATTER WHAT?

2007-03-11 13:05:52 · 6 answers · asked by rare2findd 6

Im in a type of film school. I want to submit a sitcom for my project. but im worried that if I choose to take my sitcom to a cabel or telivision company, some one could abuse the right that a university has to your work. as in buy the rights from them or simply just profit off off the sitcom with out my concent.

Perhaps I might be able to buy the full rights of the show from the university but then its like im paying for my own property. plus it could be expensive.

Sort of reminds me of the film 'my first 20 million' where a similar thing happens.

2007-03-11 12:47:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

we are for outlaw of owning a gun. i wouldve picked a differnt topic but i wasnt there when we picked the topic i had to go to the pageant rehersal so please help!!!!!

2007-03-11 12:46:43 · 4 answers · asked by ♥hemakesmesmile♥ 2

2007-03-11 12:44:39 · 2 answers · asked by dude guy 2

I was hit by a semi driver who ran a stop sign and all i got from it was carpol tunnel syndrom. My insurance provider sent me to one of their docotors where it was proven to be caused by the accident, but it gets worse as time goes on and now I am off work and facing surgery or perminit nerve damage...can I still go back on the claim after it's been 10 years?

2007-03-11 12:42:02 · 7 answers · asked by huganurse96 1

I need to get full custody of my 12 mos. old baby, i'm a custodian parent. The father is not responsilble, has alcohol problems and was/is drug addict. Also is still not paying child support (case is in court). The father wasn't around since the baby was born and didn't see the child for last 3 mos. there's no visitation right scheduled so far. I will agree to supervised visits either by myself or social worker. What do i need to do to get full custody? how difficult it will be to get it? Also i would like to get order of protection.

2007-03-11 12:32:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Where can I get a copy of the law where it states who can and can not smack a child?
I have just heard from a 4 year old kid and from her 10 year old sibling the baby sitter and the baby sitters 21 year old daughter smacks them.
I am after the English law courts version, will I find it in the 1989 childrens act, if so where please.
Many Thanks
I would like to see the written law on this before, I take it any further.
Many Thanks

2007-03-11 12:32:42 · 15 answers · asked by jizzi 4

What age as well? =]

2007-03-11 12:20:19 · 5 answers · asked by oh joy! 2

My dirt bike broke, had it fixed, and today I took it out for the break-in (a speacial ride after rebuilding). I drove past a house, I saw a guy, he had no shirt on and a straw hat on, he was on his porch. He told me to come here (using its poiter finger). I didnt, and then after I went past his house I looked back at him, the SUV in the drive way, said SHERIF on the side (it was the same SUV I see on the roads) I just kept going, went home. So.. if he sees me again, can he do anything about it? I wont be on my bike, I would be walking or on a bicylce. .. under stand?

2007-03-11 12:17:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

so, a few days ago, my entire residence hall (i live at a university) smelled like smoke. i have no idea why, but it certainly wasn't me. well, later that night, the cops knocked on my door and when i opened the door they immediately shuffled inside. apparently, they thought the smoke was coming from MY room. they also told me that they were going to search my room. i happened to have a small amount of marijuana, and naturally i didn't even think about search warrants because i was freaking out. and yes, i did end up getting in trouble for possession. my main question is, did they need a search warrant? i assume that they did. it may be different since i'm living on university property though. also, is it too late to hold the fact that they did not provide a search warrant against them, since the search is already done and over with? real answers are appreciated, please don't give me BS like "well maybe you shouldn't have been smoking weed." thanks.

2007-03-11 12:14:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom had me call about a house last night for rent, and the landlord asked for names of the people who would be living there and phone numbers of course which was reasonable, and we called this morning at 10 o'clock, to make an appointment to see it this evening, and by 1 oclock this afternoon(Sunday) she called and said that she would not be able to show the house since my Dad had a criminal background which he doesn't, She didn't bother to check the fact that there was a Senior and a junior male with the same name, she just said all that and then hung up. I called her back and she mentioned the birth year was 62 and I told her that was my brother, who doesn't live here. Then she agreed to show the place. But I thought that was very unprofessional of her and i wondered if it was legal of her to do that since no rental application hadn't even been filled out yet, and like I said, this is Sunday! I would appreciate it, if someone could give me some good advice!

2007-03-11 12:05:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

if enough people get together to legislate against the rich, though legal, is it right?

what protection do we allow for people to protect their property from this kind of theft?

2007-03-11 11:54:13 · 8 answers · asked by WJ 7

Ok well first off I guess you guys need some background info. One of my ex g/f is now dating my cousin. Yes its weird and messed up but you need to know this to understand the following.

Hi, well about 3 weeks ago I applied for a local job at sonny's. I took a menu test and they were suppose to call me back and tell me my score weather I passed or failed. Well two days went by and no one called so I called them. They said it takes a while sometimes and will call me back within a week. Well they never called, so I said 4get it and went and got a diff. job. Well my cousin tells me the other day that sonny's didn't even bother calling me back because "my ex worked there and it'd cause a distraction." Now I havn't talked to the ex. yet to see if the restaurant management actually told her those exact words but I seriously doubt my cousin would make it up. My question was I was just wondering if an employer could reject to review an possible employee's application based on this??

2007-03-11 11:48:09 · 11 answers · asked by jmat2407 2

2007-03-11 11:47:09 · 7 answers · asked by zac c 1

Hello, I am a college freshman and this survey is for my U.S. government class. I have to ask 50 people, preferably an equal amount of men and women.

1. If a draft were to occur (all military positions, not just the front lines), do you believe women should be included?

If yes....

2. Should the women be allowed to fight on the front lines?

Please include your:
and Occupation

These factors will be used to present the information I have gathered from the survey in a graph.

Thanks to all who help out!

2007-03-11 11:28:24 · 17 answers · asked by Coulditbe 2

how is (p.p.) different when used to get one to take legal psychotropic medications to make them "feel better" then it is to get one to take these same medications illegally as street drugs just to "feel good"? If there is "no difference" or "a difference" in use by (p.p.) explain this. How are the mechanisms of (p.p.) involved in this, what are they? If you say that these drugs should not be taken like candy, nor prescribed like candy, is that the same as saying that no one should "ever" take any kind of medication for any real and honest scientifically reliable and valid disease like epilepsy, brain virus, or brain damage? What is the best way to explain this to get another to understand it when they say, "some people "do" need to take these", especially if it is a person with a loved one in trouble over these kinds of drugs, guilty or not. Is it an addiction, if so what do you do about it, even if a legal one? Why "jails" for some, and "get out of jail free tkts" for others?

2007-03-11 11:19:53 · 13 answers · asked by Friend 6

My parents had me locked in a mental hospital for two months.
I had smoked some weed.

-The shrinks read an e-mail that I sent to my parents while I was stoned and they diagnosed me with about six different mental illnesses.
I don't have a mental illness. I was stoned.

The nurses would abuse me mentally and physically. They would laugh at me and they would throw me to the ground and stick needles in me. -If I told them to "screw off", they said that I was being uncooperative and they would stick needles in me.
-Once a nurse grabbed me around my throat and choked me.

I was so scared that my hair fell out. When I got out of the hospital I was suffering the most EXTREME PTSD. It felt like there was ice up and down my spine. I wake up screaming and drenched in sweat. The PTSD is so debilitating that I fear I will never have a girlfriend again in my life or a job. I can still barely talk. I am emotionally scarred for life.

Can I sue for psychological damages?

2007-03-11 11:11:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

NJ MVC SUSP MY DRIV & REG PRIVILEGES 2/07. 10/03 Newark some1 got 2 tickets said they were me & used my name, similar address & date of birth. Ticket1 Unlicensed/Never Licensed Driver & Ticket2 Careless Driving. Not my address NO NOTICES RECEIVED. 2 tickets & warrant 4 my arrest open since 11/03. I found out when I went 2 RENEW my license 12/06. MVC:go 2 Newark straighten this out & come back w/ a certified letter saying it wasn't U-wrong defendant. Same Day-Newark. Mandatory Court Appearance. 1/10/07 go 2 Newark Municipal Court-All charges DISMISSED. 1/11/07 Bring certified letters 2 MVC that says "All charges dismissed". MVC:WE WANT A LETTER SAYING "IT WASN'T U". Write & send a letter/MOTION 2 Newark Court asking 2 reopen closed cases & y. Send certified mail w/ return receipt. 1/19/07 Give MVC copy of letter & returned receipt. MVC:Come back by 2/2/07 with new court date. 2/2/07 Go/tell MVC..I called Newark NO NEW COURT DATE YET. MVC:no new court date U R SUSPENDED.


2007-03-11 11:01:37 · 5 answers · asked by msgypsy4justice 1

He is an Africa American

2007-03-11 10:42:28 · 1 answers · asked by Mercedes S 1

I work for a major company, has thousands of sales reps. We are commission only, but employees. They make our statements impossible to tell without hours of dissecting work to see if we are paid correctly. Dispite numerous requests from everybody to make them so we know if we are paid right. Also I found in their chargeback system how if we get a chargeback the following month or after, they are stealing hundreds of dollars from us that should of been paid, by taking more then we were ever paid.

I need to know the laws against this and how to find a very good/high profile class action lawyer if this warrants this. Thanks

2007-03-11 10:41:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have heard this opinion alot since the ipswich murders.
While i understand that prostitution will always be around and these women need some protection i definitely dont agree with legalising it!! i think this would belittle any attempts to teach values to children and would make it seem that its ok to sell yourselves. what do you think?

2007-03-11 10:40:14 · 15 answers · asked by BABY BELL 3

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