we're sure taught a lot about HIV and AIDS. by eight grade, we've seen so many videos and guest lecturers, it's just like white noise to us. "yes you can get it the first time you have sex. no, you can't get it from toilette seats, drinking fountains, or everyday casual contact..."
did you know that if you come into contact with a risky situation, there is a seriese of shots you can get immediately thereafter that will nearly eliminate your chances of contracting the virus? i had no idea of this until my mom, a doctor, told me. this is appearantly a need health care professionals run into fron time to time from treating people--accidentally sticking themselves with a used syringe, etc. when it happens, they get these shots.
why don't we know about them? or was it just me? my thought is: these shots are terribly expensive, and if the knowledge were made widely available, the public would demand that they be administered without charge in an effort to control disease.
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