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Law & Ethics - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

He never ask questions while seated on the bench. He never writes opinons and he have no original rulings he is predictable. He may as well stay at home because whatever the case is he will rule on the side of the conservatives so why do he even act like he could be impartial?

2006-07-09 09:54:02 · 11 answers · asked by meanblacktiger 5

in for tax evasion?? What info I would need to do it.. and who I need to contact?

2006-07-09 09:36:33 · 11 answers · asked by tripnonmyhalo 2

There has been an incarceration order on him for 2 years now.. police wont pick him up and DHS wont make them. I have to send them over to his house every other weekend and he owes $7284 in child support. Why am I in contempt of court if I don't let them go?

2006-07-09 09:16:58 · 6 answers · asked by tripnonmyhalo 2

I have an affidavit of service that is stamped & signed by a notary public, but there is no other signature on the form. There is a place to put a signature with a typed name but thats all.Looks like the person that performed the service did not signed it.Will a court allow this?

2006-07-09 09:04:34 · 5 answers · asked by Elizabeth B 1

i want to buy an AR series rifle, but i dont know of any way to do it legaly. i dont want one that can only be lodad by removing the upper.
is there any way to legaly get one in Cali?

2006-07-09 08:35:47 · 4 answers · asked by tonymister 2

should they stay to fix there/and there countryes problym?

2006-07-09 08:26:40 · 9 answers · asked by The King 2

san mateo california

2006-07-09 07:48:35 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

NO-RISK - someone who has completed their sentence and therapy successfully, had no technical violations, and is waiting for the required time on the statue to expire. Not required to be on Registry or included in banned locations or proximity laws.

LOW-RISK - someone who is on probation, or parole, or been released, with a single count non-aggravated charge and intra-familial victim, is in good standing in therapy, no failed polygraphs, and no technical violations for two years. Not required to be on Registry or included in banned locations or proximity laws.

MEDIUM-RISK - someone who is on probation, or parole, has passed polygraphs, but continue to exhibit red flags to therapist, or someone who has had a technical violation within the past two years, or someone who has been granted probation or released from prison with a non-aggravated charge and intra-familial victim. Must pass two polygraphs per year. May be required to wear GPS monitor if deemed a higher risk to re-offend base

2006-07-09 07:13:31 · 5 answers · asked by nk_rso 3

Should we enact a lead by example tax, where those who feel they do not already pay enough in taxes get to pay more and leave the rest of us to enjoy the full benefit of our labor.

2006-07-09 06:25:26 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My restaurant have been tradinng for over 20 years in essex, a new restaurant opened with few yards of my premises and directly affecting my business. Is there any legal action I can take against the business for damaging my business?

2006-07-09 06:23:02 · 16 answers · asked by Star 2

How long is a landlord required by Ohio law (or any law) to give tennants to get their belongings from the home before demolition? My in-laws lost everything they owned to a house fire that was caused by faulty wiring. The landlord waited for less than a month, and tore the house down before we were able to salvage the few items at the back of the house that had not burned. Is that legal?

2006-07-09 06:05:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

why cant a woman have more than one husband ?

2006-07-09 05:59:45 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

on the side of a pack of cigarett they have bar codes if you save them and send them back do they give you gifts from a catalog

2006-07-09 05:55:29 · 5 answers · asked by doc (bigwillie) 1

Also the rape happened in Texas and I live in TN, would this make it more difficult to press charges? Is there any way to find out if anyone else has pressed charges against him? I am concerned because he has a younger sister that is one year younger than me that he may have attacked. I know it has been a long time since it happened but as a psychology student at a local university I know it is important to come to terms with past abuse. My family use to visit my cousin's family every christmas. The year it happened my parents and his parent went out 3 to 4 times that week and he raped me everytime while he was suppose to be babysitting me. Being five years old I did not know what was happening but I do remember wondering why there was blood on my panties. What are my legal options?

2006-07-09 05:48:42 · 14 answers · asked by Kristy T 1

2 months ago we went to small claims court, and lost, the amount was 500 dollars. The papers from the court do not give a specific time that the amount must be paid by, just that interest would be added if over 1 year. Anyway, we are not a rich family and have been saving to pay this off, but do not have it yet. So my husband goes to work and his employer shows him some papers that were faxed to him. They are from the person we lost to. He has faxed copies of the court case records and a hand written letter that he wants my husbands wages garnished for the amount owed. Now my husbands employer not only knows that we owed money but he knows the whole case history and what it was about. My question is, is this legal? Should'nt the person who won have gone back to court to get a legal wage garnishment or can he just do what he has done and take legal matters into his own hands? Not to mention now letting other people know our private business? Can I do anything about this? Please advise.

2006-07-09 05:35:29 · 9 answers · asked by Devil Dog 6

Maybe it's just me but theres to many leaks in our government. And what makes it a truely sad thing is it seems all these leaks end up in the hands of the new york times.
We need to find the source of the leaks and plug it (preferebly with a lead slug).But the main thing I am wondering should the NY times be charged with crimes of treason for betraying the country and it's peoples safety and security by exposing classified programs that are in place to protect the US.
I believe strongly in freedom of the press but I draw the line at the press risking the safety and security of possibly a whole nation.
Where should a news org draw the line and say "we can't print this we have to report the leak" So NY Times you should be very ashamed, your actions in my oppinion put you in ranks of those we are fighting.....................

2006-07-09 04:44:10 · 14 answers · asked by wardancer 3

Every time I go to fairs, conventions, thrift stores, etc, I see people that sell celebrity portrait drawings based on copyrighted images. Do these people ever get in trouble? How would someone prove that they were deriving a work from a copyrighted image?

2006-07-09 04:33:33 · 6 answers · asked by martin h 6

My question is, could someone legally trade sexual favors for things other than money, or is that illegal too?
I tell ya, prostitution WOULD end with poverty.

2006-07-09 04:22:55 · 19 answers · asked by its just me!! 4

2006-07-09 04:03:54 · 16 answers · asked by awalkingmiracle1985 1

2006-07-09 03:19:39 · 8 answers · asked by Kooties 5

For every Israeili that dies, 10 Palestinian civilians are murdered. The world remains silent. Why should such injustice and crimes be allowed in this so-called civilized world? How do you people sleep at night knowing about the mass-murder of innocent Palestinian men, women and children that happens almost every day? Why is the world doing nothing? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD??

2006-07-09 03:17:54 · 13 answers · asked by tinuviel 2

I had my home remodeling by adding 500 square feet to existing house. Some people said that less than 500 square feet of increase would not be affected by property tax increase in CA. I received a supplemental tax bill to pay more. Should I appeal or pay it?

2006-07-09 03:06:16 · 5 answers · asked by ahrario 1

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