claim.Details:I sent a pkg,electronics item insured which arrived damaged from US to Iraq.USP.O.Claims told me it was too soon to make a claim-wouldnt give me form.I turned in a form and was called to come pick it up(too soon to make claim).Resubmitted form,called for a copy,none given.After lengthy time, recipient threw item out-no room to keep broken item.I complained, Postmaster had meeting with me and claims person who lied.Postmaster said when StLouis sends me denial, the he will authorize it.Another lengthy time goes by and I dont recieve denial. Claims dept "calls StLouis, StLouis said letter went to recipient May5 and did not get a reply so they closed the file"I ask recipient and recipient did not ever receive a letter from StLouis, another lie from claims.In other words, the claims woman has lied all along. Her first impression was that my claim was "for loss" and she has since lied to cover her initial mistake, lying all the way through. Forget the money now, she interfered
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