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Politics & Government - 2 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

They think the War is a Delight. They think George Bush talks to God. They like a Decider making decisions for them, ignoring our laws. They excuse lies and corruption, even though they think Liberals are immoral. Many of them reply to sensible posts about the war and corruption with name-calling, insults and personal jabs. One fellow even replied in a long post, asking if he was "going too fast for me?" even though 20 years in the newspaper business has taught me to handle smug loudmouths with ease and I could easily debunk his ideas. Why can't these young Conservatives behave with civility and intelligence? What makes them think they have the right to treat others with disrespect, contempt, etc., simply because you have a different political opinion? It can't be their upbringing? It can't be their intelligence, because they are a bright young bunch, but they seem to have forgotten their manners. Are politics the reason they abandon all that their parents must have taught them?

2007-12-02 06:43:59 · 38 answers · asked by Me, Too 6 in Politics

and i'm a non-US citizen can i still join?

2007-12-02 06:43:13 · 8 answers · asked by mebs 1 in Military

This man supports abortion and gay rights.
he also does not believe citizens should have their right to own a weapon.
These things are definitely very liberal ideas.

2007-12-02 06:41:59 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I got discharged almost a year now and wanted to know if there is a way for me to get back into the military with the RE-3G code within a month.

2007-12-02 06:37:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

When you really think about the crop of Democratic candidates for president, it's clear that their best hope to win in 2008, is not even on the playing field. That current, non-candidate is Al Gore. He's the only one who can match the experience, accomplishments and gravitas of Rudy Giuliani and yet, the left ignores him.

He served in the House of Representatives for eight years, followed by eight years as a U.S. senator, followed by eight years as Vice President of the United States. In 2000, as the Democratic nominee for president, he won the popular vote by a plurality. Oh yeah, in 2007, his movie won an Academy Award and he also won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Seems to me, his resume is more formidable than the top three current democratic candidates combined.

What say you?

2007-12-02 06:36:25 · 20 answers · asked by Bubba 6 in Politics


Pennies actually cost more to produce than they are actually worth... We are already spending tons of money on military weaponry... What if we built a bomb out of pennies... You'd drop a huge container filled with pennies and a timed explosive from a plane... The pennies would blow up causing the penny shrapnel to go everywhere at high speeds causing mass chaos. Anyone else think this is a better idea than continuing to produce pennies for circulation?

2007-12-02 06:29:55 · 4 answers · asked by Reduviidae 6 in Military

I'm very confused on what I can do. Last year, when I was 15, I got caught driving without a license and without valid insurance. The cop was very rude and handled the procedure incorrectly. The arrest was rude and I was threatened and cuffed immediately before they even asked for valid information. The only reason I was driving is because my boyfriend (my ex now) was drunk and (he was very abusive as well not to mention he was 20 at the time) literally threatened me into driving. Now, I can't get my license until I turn 18, but that really isn't going to work for me. I'm 16 now and I work 2 jobs, plus am in high school and college. Does anyone know anything I can do to appeal this or does anyone know any good lawyers that aren't extremely expensive? Thanks.

2007-12-02 06:27:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

hi im 15 years old and have not had a clue of what to do for a job recnetly i have been thinking about jobs in the amred forces particaulr an engineer but nay job would be great although i do have ahstma and i hear a nut alergy can be a problem although i might be wrong are there any jobs i can go for with both of these or am i rules out. my ahstma is easily controlled and my fitness is good and can run well perhaps better than many people without ahstma but could this be an isue? thank you to anybody who can give me an answer anyone answering who is in the armed forces also thank you very much

2007-12-02 06:26:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Would you vote for Hillary just because she's a woman? Would you not vote for her just because she's a woman? And why?

2007-12-02 06:24:32 · 9 answers · asked by juliettavirgo 5 in Elections

My friend was involved with a stabbing, and the court told him he was under criminal investigation, what does that mean? And what could happen to him?

2007-12-02 06:23:50 · 4 answers · asked by lovemyparadise07 1 in Law & Ethics

What was the jury's decision and what was the rationale behind it?

2007-12-02 06:19:57 · 2 answers · asked by ? 2 in Law & Ethics

The NRA's website has a section on various states' gun laws. According to their site (http://www.nraila.org/statelawpdfs/WISL.pdf) "State law does not prohibit the open carrying of a firearm, but a person should exercise caution when carrying a firearm in public".

I called the police just to make sure and they said that I would be arrested for disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace.

Does anyone know who's right?

Just to clarify my motives - I'm not looking to be John Wayne and carry my gun at the mall. I do quite a bit of hiking (sometimes at night) and I just want a way to protect myself.

2007-12-02 06:15:15 · 3 answers · asked by Jim 3 in Law & Ethics

Republican states were historically slave states and slave territories.

“It is, sadly, a simple fact that torture was once a deep part of the American way of life, inextricable from slavery and racism, for a very long time. It was worst in the South, but not unknown elsewhere - well into the twentieth century. The ease with which some in the new GOP reconcile themselves to it with respect to terror suspects, as long as it is directed at "the other," cannot be fully understood outside this context. "Waterboarding," for example, a torture technique the majority of GOP candidates cannot bring themselves to condemn and which the new attorney-general refuses to declare illegal, was used against African-Americans to extract false confessions in the South. And lynching was often accompanied by gruesome torture.”


2007-12-02 06:14:55 · 7 answers · asked by Wave 4 in Law & Ethics

i think there are rampant racism in Canada. For example, immigrants can only drive taxis in Canada. Canada also discminated against Chinese ,Jewish and Sikh eg. Chinese Head Tax. And Tony Blair bullshitted that Canada would be a superpower. I don't Canada would be a superpower, especially if it runs out of oil in 20 years. What do you think?

2007-12-02 06:04:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Congressional leaders are increasingly concerned about the future of agriculture in America's breadbasket, in part because water-intensive biofuels production is threatening to suck dry the Ogallala Aquifer.

The huge groundwater reservoir's upper levels have dropped about 100 feet since the 1940s, probably because of agricultural practices in the Great Plains.

What say you?

2007-12-02 06:01:23 · 10 answers · asked by Bubba 6 in Politics

Toni Vernelli was one of two women recently featured in a London Daily Mail story about environmentalists who take their carbon footprint very, very seriously.

So seriously, in fact, that Vernelli aborted a pregnancy and, by age 27, had herself sterilized. Baby making, she says, is "selfish" and "all about maintaining your genetic line at the expense of the planet."

Because Toni and her husband, Ed, are childless and vegan, they say they can justify one long-haul airplane trip per year and still remain carbon neutral.

In my opinion, couples who choose abortion and sterilization may not save the planet, but they're saving the gene pool a mess of trouble by purging their own from the mix.

What say you?

2007-12-02 05:50:25 · 32 answers · asked by Bubba 6 in Politics

What I'm seeing from some posters on this board is that questioning General Patraeus is unpatriotic, but questioning Generals Clark, Batiste, Eaton, Odom, Zinni, Newbold, Trainor, etc... is not...

What's your take?

2007-12-02 05:48:58 · 17 answers · asked by Fretless 6 in Politics

My ex and I bought a house close to his Military base,and after 6 weeks of being there,he cheated on me with some girl he met online,then took off. Leaving me with the house and all. I got him to pay for half of the house payment for a year until I get back on my feet. Now when he gets mad,he says well I don't have to pay,or if I date,he thinks he doesn't have to pay. This month he hasn't even paid it yet and it was due on the 1st on NOV! So he is already a month behind. Does he think he is GOD? I mean he is a control freak as it is,but will I be able to do something about it seriously? Someone said go to I.G? Is that right? What rights do I have without spending alot of money I don;t have on lawyers. We already have the court papers.

Thank you

2007-12-02 05:44:12 · 16 answers · asked by Holly 2 in Military

obviously to christians it is a sin, but was this nation not founded with the idea of separation of church and state? benjamin franklin and thomas jefferson, two very important founding fathers were deists, not christians. and the christianity of even george washington is debatable!

anyway, even if we're gonna define marriage as "between a man and a woman," why not have civil unions which we give equal rights? then all those babies that weren't lost due to abortion could have a good home. just because people are gay doesn't mean they are child molesters, and i doubt that there are more gay pedophiles than straight pedophiles. anyway, just looking for why anyone wouldn't gay people to have the legal right to unite other than the fact that they don't support seperation of church and state.

2007-12-02 05:43:42 · 7 answers · asked by james p 1 in Law & Ethics

Now the Democrats are finally serious about cutting off the money. But in the last week I hear the Press saying "the Surge is Working."

Is this press manipulation or is it really working?

2007-12-02 05:42:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

does the international community have a right to invade other nations if there are atrocities taking place?
(under international law)

plz provide the source and example if possible

2007-12-02 05:40:51 · 4 answers · asked by Simply Simple 1 in International Organizations

2007-12-02 05:40:07 · 4 answers · asked by Nicko 2 in Civic Participation

2007-12-02 05:32:29 · 19 answers · asked by Russ 2 in Politics

2007-12-02 05:29:23 · 4 answers · asked by loooooove 1 in Immigration

does anyone know of any websites that help people relocate to england/scotland/wales and help finding work? Im n.irish btw so all the anti immigrants can look elsewhere lol

2007-12-02 05:26:31 · 4 answers · asked by Glenn F 5 in Immigration

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