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Politics & Government - 12 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics


In the light of hard evidence(and an increasingly dumbed-down America which has virtually NO concept of real math and science), a public opinion poll is about as valid as asking Kindergardeners if they want a second run on milke and cookies.

Thank you for all those people who went into the soft-majors at schools over the past 30 years...a six-figure salary as a real engineer due to the fact of generation X,Y, Z can't read, write, or figure out a percentage in sales tax make me even more valuable in the market(and shaking my head on the Dads/Moms of these new "progressive" generations who made incredibly poor parents).

2007-10-12 09:02:46 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Usually in these cases there is one person who drives while the rest of the passengers fire the guns. Does the driver get a murder charge as well even though he did not physically fire any weapons?

2007-10-12 09:01:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

"Who are you going to vote for in next month's election?"

I think I'm going with Kerry. I don't want Bush to get a second term.

2007-10-12 09:00:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Include how, when, where and what propelled her into the arms of the DNC. I already know, just spreading the good news. Bonus find any links or connections she has carried on thru til today. New info !! Have a nice weekend. Thanks.

2007-10-12 08:59:26 · 8 answers · asked by Mele Kai 6 in Other - Politics & Government


Knights Templars posed as "the" Christians defending the christian faith. They, in fact, were heretics. They enriched themselves and when moved to Europe starting to take over governments. It was then the scheme of lending money that doesnt exist started to emerge. When the knights Templars disappeared due to persecution, other secret societies, with the same aim of world domination, emerged. The modern rulers of the West can be traced to these societies which today have various forms like tax excempt organizations, media tycoons, and so forth.

It is a fact, not conspiracy. But the Freemasons of today will tell you that you are nuts or that u smoke weed if yo believe in them. Thats their only defense (but to understand more about 9-11 terror attacks, you'd need operation northwoods as well)

2007-10-12 08:58:48 · 8 answers · asked by Z 1 in Other - Politics & Government

i am aspecialist e-4 a 44b (welder/metal worker) and i am currently in iraq and getting out when we get back so i only got 8 months left to serve and i dont know where to look for a job or if i fail in the civilian world,then i have a family to support there is no acap here. idont know where to look and the civilian world looks scary this is all i knew since 17. so where do i look and how do you get over the anziety of real life anyone can you help?

2007-10-12 08:55:32 · 15 answers · asked by cmarshallaka 1 in Military

For my womens studies class we have to write a letter to poltican or other person in power adressing our concern for a womens right issue. I would like to write a letter to someone adressing the need to change the TANF (welfare) system in Illinois. Should I address the letter to the govenor or possibliy the director of the DFS office?

2007-10-12 08:55:27 · 12 answers · asked by Leslie R 2 in Law & Ethics

I think these elite Corporate families have shared power long enough.

The Constitution is being whittled away by these groups of Lobbyist pleasing politicians
Hillary would be first to extend the war into Iran
Her voting record over the last couple of years speaks for itself

Foreign policy now comes first to America

That is what we need to change

Electing in the same circles doesn't change anything but party

Our economy will not survive under 4-8 more years of this and Hillary Clinton would be the worst choice if America wants change

2007-10-12 08:54:44 · 9 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4 in Other - Politics & Government

This might seem disrespectful and I apologize but this question constantly enters my mind - I don't understand why people care about girls who have sex 115 times with no protection , my feeling is - If they want to destroy themselves so be it . I see this on shows I enjoy and hear about it all the time ! I honestly don't care what a girl does , its her business and if she decides to have sex with x number of people #1 Who am I to judge ? and #2 Why should I care ? This country in my opinion is obsessed with people who want to and are knowingly destroying themselves and I believe it's time to get over it .

Anyone agree or disagree ? Please post honest opinions , thank you .

2007-10-12 08:54:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-10-12 08:53:27 · 11 answers · asked by purplelightning92 4 in Military

And if not, why?
I think he is stilll better than those LIEberal dumberats.

2007-10-12 08:52:35 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

to explain Mercury's motion around the sun?

Cons like to downplay the significance of the scientific concensus on the theories of evolution, the big bang, and man made global warming, because they think "theory" means hypothesis.

In addition, plenty of them think a "law" is superior to a "theory", but the fact is Einstein's (((THEORY))) of relativity supercedes Newton's "laws" of motion. Einstein's theory applies at regular speeds and speeds approaching the speed of light.

2007-10-12 08:51:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Is it too late for him to take on the Hillary, Barack and others? Would he raise the neccessary funds in such a short time?

2007-10-12 08:50:40 · 22 answers · asked by tynker 2 in Elections

2007-10-12 08:49:33 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Who deserves government-subsidized health insurance?

What if I told you I drove these three cars
A Volvo SUV…

A GMC Suburban…

And a nice, big Ford F250 Pickup work truck…

And what if I told you, further, that I owned a large home and commercial property worth at least $400,000 in total–property for which I paid a total of $215,000?

And what if I told you, in addition, that I was resourceful enough to cobble together financing (through scholarships and other means) for private school education for four children?

And what if I told you that neither I nor my spouse were employed full-time–one of us working “intermittently” and the other “part-time”?

Would you consider my family “exactly the kind” and “precisely the type” of family that should benefit from S-CHIP, the government-subsidized health insurance program intended for the “working poor?”

Or will they be honest and say its all about giving everyone free healthcare not just "for the children"

2007-10-12 08:47:43 · 23 answers · asked by CaptainObvious 7 in Politics


Would you believe this one?

Come President Bush and the Democrat led Congress.

The American people are fed up with illegal immigration and open borders.

Why won't you protect us?

Expecially in this time of terror.


2007-10-12 08:44:41 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Because the Dems in Congress pushes a useless and senseless resolution condemning Turkey for events that happened 90 years ago. Now, the Turks have withdrawn from diplomatic negotiations and are poised to cross the Northern Iraq border, which could mean more war. And for what?

Thanks, silly Dem Congresspersons. Once again, you prove your amateurishness in the realm of international diplomacy.

2007-10-12 08:43:23 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Is she an example of how a Christian should behave and is it safe to assume that ALL Christians behave in such ways.

2007-10-12 08:42:27 · 31 answers · asked by Liberal City 6 in Politics

2007-10-12 08:38:18 · 13 answers · asked by Firestorm 6 in Politics

Bill Clinton presided over the most corrupt Government in the history of the US and Hillary was right there advising him!

2007-10-12 08:37:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

why do many cops not show up to court, when the defendant has a good defense attorney?

2007-10-12 08:36:27 · 11 answers · asked by animosity 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

Why are democrats opposed to dancing lemurs? What is their problem? Why do I have to defend lemurs against the republican proganda machine that hates trouser-presses?
Am I completely drunk?

2007-10-12 08:35:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

tell me anything I can handle it.

2007-10-12 08:33:47 · 21 answers · asked by thealchamest 1 in Immigration

A klingon?

Sorry had to do it.

2007-10-12 08:33:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Ok, well this started months ago, when husband and I moved into this house. 1, We had a 25-30 gallon flood that occured from turning on our dishwasher, that had a broken line in behind the wall. 2, Our ceiling fan leaked every time it rained, and so did several other parts of the roof. 3, rodents in the attic. 4, The power was in their name for the first month and now they think they can vharge us for the balance when we tried to have it put in our names we could not it was in theirs(rental co.) 5, ac unit was 37 years old, and caused HUGE power bills, after we DID get it in our name we were billed for a 20 day eriod and the bill was $520.00, then 6 days in to the new billing cycle we called and found out that we used 1600 killowatts in 6 days!, We had to turn the ac unti off for three weeks for them to fix it. 6,termites they refuse to treat. 7, mold. 8, ac pipes down in attic. There is sooooo much more but do not have the charectors left to explain it all. I need help NOW!!!!!

2007-10-12 08:32:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

My uncle has been mentally ill for about 7 years he is very paranoid and dillusional has been ordered by the court to take his medication but he refuses to take the medicine. Since then his family has been trying to get by without him being the main income provider he has a hight amount of debt in credit cards and has 3 properies in his name. Anyway i can give the homes under his name to his spouse? Know of any laws that can help? He lives in California.

2007-10-12 08:30:52 · 2 answers · asked by jig4ev04 2 in Law & Ethics



This is not fair at all for Jewish people.

I never was an Ann Coulter fan any way.


2007-10-12 08:30:08 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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