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Politics & Government - 14 September 2007

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2007-09-14 12:24:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-09-14 12:22:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-09-14 12:22:39 · 36 answers · asked by K. Marx iii 5 in Government

When I say arguments I mean actuall arguments. Not something like "I sure hope she's not going to be president" or "Because any smart person wouldn't vote for her."

2007-09-14 12:20:39 · 23 answers · asked by K 4 in Politics

I'd hate to make generalizations but this is getting ridiculus.
The people who say they are the ONLY patriots claim universal healthcare is an evil.
The biggest arguement I've heard is that it'll 'cost too much of taxpayers dollars'.
So contibuting a little to a government that - in the global grand scheme of things - asks little of us citizens doesn't count as patriotism? So spending a little extra TO A GOVERNMENT YOU CAN FREELY PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO doesn't count as patriotism? Come on. What's wrong with saving lives,limbs, and houses?
I do recall that the CONSTITUTION says something about the rights to life, liberty, and property that should only be taken be due process, NOT by poverty.

This is a matter of loving fellow human beings, not of a liberal-conservative fight.

2007-09-14 12:19:15 · 8 answers · asked by Mitchell 5 in Politics

My husband and some friends are stationed in Manas, Kyrgyzstan... What would be some nice things to send them... That CAN be shipped safely and will not get them in trouble.... This is The first deployment for us, So any ideas would be Greatly Appreciated... And Thanks to those of you who answer this and to those of you who answered my previous question...

2007-09-14 12:16:16 · 8 answers · asked by spazattacker 3 in Military

... and we call them "civil rights" activists?


2007-09-14 12:15:53 · 5 answers · asked by Michael F 3 in Law & Ethics

On Friday’s "Good Morning America," token conservative reporter John Stossel told portly filmmaker Michael Moore, "Forgive me. More of us look like you" and that obesity explains why Canadians live longer than Americans, not universal health care. Stossel appeared on the morning show to promote his program debunking the myth of "free," government-run health care. His "20/20" special, which will air September 14 on ABC, includes a quarrel with the left-wing director.
Stossel’s appearance on GMA, and his conservative take, also strongly contrasts with the morning show’s own coverage of government controlled health care. In June, Moore appeared on the program to promote "Sicko," his movie bashing the United States system of private care. Back then, GMA co-host Chris Cuomo mildly questioned the filmmaker’s trip to Cuba to lavish praise on the communist country’s health system. After the director noisily objected to this offense, Cuomo backed down, saying, "Look, I like the stunt."

2007-09-14 12:12:58 · 19 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2 in Politics

1) We defeated Saddam, like we said we would if he didn't comply with the UN resolution for weopons inspections.

2) The Iraqi people drafted and ratified a constitution, creating their own government.

3) The Iraqi people held elections and formed a government. Remember then holding up the ink spots on their thumbs indicating they had voted?

4) We're killing Al Qaeda, and Al Qaeda has not attacked american soil since 2001.

5) The Iraqi government is distributing oil revenue to all the "tribes" in Iraq.

So congress is going to set benchmarks? Let them set their own benchmarks.

2007-09-14 12:12:52 · 33 answers · asked by kimmyisahotbabe 5 in Politics

What will a judge due if one of the parties cannot afford their own lawyer? What guidelines does the court follow to make their own determination about settlement amount?
I heard they rely heavily on standard of living.What if, do to the husbands control of money. Her standard of living was not that high? And does she get to say anything in her case if the court has to rule?

2007-09-14 12:12:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Poor Muslim farmers in Iran burning a US flag is probably more threatening than your local Ghetto huh?

2007-09-14 12:11:01 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Wouldn't it be good for us to have a military presense in the region after it is stablized, and we're not getting killed there anymore? Wouldn't our being there discourage the islamo fasists from stirring up trouble? We're probably going to have to deal with Iran and Syria eventually, so why do we want to leave Iraq?

2007-09-14 12:05:01 · 14 answers · asked by kimmyisahotbabe 5 in Military

In state of Rhode Island

2007-09-14 11:58:25 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Hello all. I need a minnesota code section............the code section that attorneys put in their representation letter to insurance companies that authorises them to handle their client's personal injury claim. In california, it is code of regulations section 2695.2; title 10, chapter 5. what is it in minnesota?

2007-09-14 11:57:50 · 1 answers · asked by bartakers 1 in Law & Ethics

I merry in june 06 to an american citizen. 2 months after I found he was a cocaine user, and what ever comes from there....Since then i am trying for him to sign the divorce. He doesn't want to. He left to Puerto Rica 9 months ago. don't even know where he is. Today some one told me not even to try contested divorce, cause i came to this country (USA) under a visitor visa, which expired already, so i can be deported. DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO. PLEASE HELP!!!!

2007-09-14 11:57:45 · 12 answers · asked by elizaabigail 1 in Immigration

Only about 20 million people listen to Rush Limbaugh. The rest of us think he is a blowhard who will agree with anything any conservative in power says or does,and disagree to the same degree with any democrat. We believe this because it is mostly true, and we like to think for ourselves. And fox news is regarded as nearly the same. Do you not realize that we watch fox and then cnn and the others because we want all sides of a story and then decide the truth for ourselves? That's why the others do so much better, because liberals don't watch fox. Try it sometimes, you may realize that you don't agree with anyone in news or radio completely, and this is as it should be. If we all would think for ourselves, maybe the world would be a better place. Okay, maybe not the world, but at least our country.

2007-09-14 11:57:32 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Weve seen how people in that region can hold grudges for decades and never get tired of it. I'd rather not be stuck there for 50 years. Couldn't we be out in more like 5 years if we seperated the Sunni and Shia?

2007-09-14 11:56:04 · 8 answers · asked by St. Toad 4 in Military

How do you have to be to enter canada?

2007-09-14 11:53:58 · 5 answers · asked by denis_kagora 1 in Immigration

2007-09-14 11:52:17 · 23 answers · asked by arvis3 4 in Politics

Would they prefer to see everyone keep quiet and let the show roll on....and if they disagree with anything being said or have suspicions of anything to bite their lips like good locksteppers?

LoL these guys really amuse me. go shed your tears elsewhere cons...no one is buying your act. Its over the house of lies is crashing down.

2007-09-14 11:49:47 · 12 answers · asked by ez f 1 in Politics

I mean look this way. The towers collapsed in between 8.6 seconds and about 15 seconds. The south tower fell faster. But it is just to fast for huge buildings to fall. It is an average of 10 floors per second. Then building 7. No plane impact and fell at free fall speed, all 47 stories in 6.5 seconds. The pentagon, where is the damage to match a plane crash. How did a plane cause so much damage at the wtc, totally destroying the buildings and about 16 acres of buildings, wtc 1-7 all destroyed in the end due to this event, but at the Pentagon hardly any damage. Then in shanksville, Pennsylvania. How the hell does a plane leave so little wreckage. Please no abusive answers, just honest opinions on what really happened on sept 11th, 2001. Thanks

2007-09-14 11:47:14 · 14 answers · asked by B W 1 in Government

Few politicians...PERIOD...have even explicitly condemned MoveOn.org's add about General David Patreus.
MoveOn.org may have similar views to Democrats, but have not declared itself as an engine of either political party. Therefore, WHY should Democrats be responsible for the isolated actions of the group MoveOn.org? WHY??

2007-09-14 11:44:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-09-14 11:43:46 · 8 answers · asked by Patrick the Carpathian, CaFO 7 in Politics

Can I get copies of someone's naturalization documents under the FOIA?

2007-09-14 11:41:06 · 3 answers · asked by Noodle 2 in Law & Ethics

If you think of all the horrible mass shootings, Virginia Tech, DC Sniper and others there seems to be a common thread where the perpetrators of these crimes shouldn't have had the guns in the first place? Is there a system that we can make efficiently so gun shop and sporting goods store owners can quickly reference that the purchaser of the gun is allowed to buy this gun. I am all for the second amendment, but I do realize that there are certain people in society that shouldn't have guns that is affecting law abiding citizens right to bear arms?

2007-09-14 11:34:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Minorities can say, or do whatever they want about another race, but when Whites say it, they are racists. Tell me who the racists are here.

2007-09-14 11:28:22 · 17 answers · asked by Darth Nihilus 5 in Politics

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