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Politics & Government - 30 August 2007

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The school district Superintendent sent the schools tech. coord. to his step-daughters house during school hours twice to fix her computer, and the tech. coord. assistant was also there. The Superintendent nor the step-daughter paid for any of these services, which wouldn't that be on taxpayers dollars?

2007-08-30 06:12:54 · 2 answers · asked by Tammy73 3 in Law & Ethics

Or what would it take?

2007-08-30 06:12:32 · 10 answers · asked by s 3 in Military

Leud acts in a public place or perjury?

2007-08-30 06:12:22 · 14 answers · asked by Handy man 5 in Politics

as history and science has proven since the earths beginning, will the scientists who advance their theories as fact thereby costing people millions and millions of dollars on an issue we have a miniscule effect on be held accountable?... or will those duped into believing "man made" global warming throw a parade and claim that because of the efforts of a few thousand people in a world of 6 billion people they made the difference to reverse "global warming"?

2007-08-30 06:10:33 · 16 answers · asked by Mr. Perfect 5 in Politics

Knowing that Hillary will be the next president?

2007-08-30 06:08:37 · 14 answers · asked by Handy man 5 in Politics

2007-08-30 06:07:35 · 7 answers · asked by hee_fv 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

The Government in one way or another controls almost every aspect of our lives, yet so few people blame them when things go wrong.

2007-08-30 06:03:53 · 20 answers · asked by A True Gentleman 5 in Government

seriously, the cops came to my house at 2am this morning to tell me that one of the neighbors complained that my dog is too loud at night and they asked me to keep her quiet, to put a mussle(spelling?) on her face to keep her from barking. he said "i really don't want to come back here because your dog is barking in the middle of the night" is that right? is it a law that dogs can't bark at night? and why does it only have to be my dog that gets silenced? there's dogs all over the neighborhood that bark at night!

Question: is there really a way for the cops to make me put a mussle (sp?) on my dog so she can't bark at night?

2007-08-30 06:03:22 · 57 answers · asked by yvettexas007 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I live in TN and know that here the income of both parents is taken into account before setting the amount of child support. I only work part-time right now and don't have a set amount of hours that I work nor am I guaranteed any. My question is... what is my income figured as?? Would it be calculated at "0" or what?? Would the child support office be able to tell me?

I also want to add that when we went to get the support set, they asked how much I made an hour & how many hours I worked. I told them I didn't have any set hours & they just said okay & wrote some stuff down. They never asked for a check stub or anything either & they didn't ask me what I averaged each week. Just wondering what they set my income as since I'm about to go full time there & I'm sure when my ex finds out he'll have a review of the case done. Will his payments be lowered just because I went full time??

2007-08-30 06:00:34 · 4 answers · asked by L 1 in Law & Ethics

In what ways could technology help or impede the criminal justice process?

If you were a criminal defendant, would you want your court proceedings to be recorded?

What if you were a plaintiff?

2007-08-30 05:58:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

A republican senators indiscretions (no Im not trying to exonerate this guy) or a presidential candidates that has previous issues with Chinese campaign contributions also being tied to a Chinese grand theft fugitive. Since this story has been on the back burner here is the story for those not aware
Norman Hsu, a prominent Democratic fundraiser who has funnelled hundreds of thousands of dollars into Hillary Clinton's Senate campaigns and pledged to raise $100,000 for her presidential bid has been a fugitive from justice for 15 years.

In 1992, he pleaded no contest to charges of grand theft and agreed to serve three years in jail. But something funny happened on the way to prison; he never showed up:

Since 2004, one Norman Hsu has been carving out a prominent place of honor among Democratic fundraisers. He has funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions into party coffers, much of it earmarked for presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.

In addition to making his own contributions, Hsu has honed the practice of assembling packets of checks from contributors who bear little resemblance to the usual Democratic deep pockets: A self-described apparel executive with a variety of business interests, Hsu has focused on delivering hefty contributions from citizens who live modest lives and are neophytes in the world of campaign giving.
It gets better. Apparently, Mr. Hsu "forgot" that he is a convicted felon:
On Tuesday, E. Lawrence Barcella Jr. -- a Washington lawyer who represents the Democratic fundraiser -- confirmed that Hsu was the same man who was involved in the California case. Barcella said his client did not remember pleading to a criminal charge and facing the prospect of jail time. Hsu remembers the episode as part of a settlement with creditors when he also went through bankruptcy, Barcella said.
The Wall Street Journal has some interesting facts about Hsu and his donors:
Yesterday, The Wall Street Journal reported that a modest home in a middle-class San Francisco suburb, where the family of mail carrier William Paw resides, is listed as the address for many contributions to the Clinton campaign. Mr. Hsu once listed the home as his address, according to public records, and the Paws' donations closely tracked his.

Hsu is known in fundraising circles as a "bundler" - someone who collects checks from large groups of wealthy donors and presents them to the campaign. Since many of these checks and donors list one single address of a house in a San Francisco suburb, suspicion is that most of that money could be Hsus' and that he either created many donors or re-imbursed contributors for their donations.

Hillary's troubles with another big contributor, Peter Paul, and a star studded gala fundraiser for her Senate campaign that was improperly reported to the FEC resulted in large fines. One begins to wonder just how many other fundraising scandals involving Hillary Clinton are out there just waiting to be discovered.

2007-08-30 05:56:43 · 26 answers · asked by CaptainObvious 7 in Politics


Aren't we pretty much out of all options at this point? BushFraud says "we've never been stay the course" (whatever that means) but isn't funding the war without a plan just staying the course?

2007-08-30 05:56:21 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I just watched some video from military.com of "insurgents" accidently blowing themselves up? stupid incompetent terrorists. For some reason they didn't plaster video of thier own accidents all over the website. Go figure.

This was followed by a foul mouthed loser kid who could control his parents minds to give him video games and make them talk like wiggers. I'm not sure what the point of this part was though. But the kid was happy that he got all his stuff for getting a D and his A student sister got mac and cheese and a hot dog, while foul mouthed johnny got a new laptop. If this stuff isn't subversive I don't know what the point of it is.

2007-08-30 05:53:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Would U be willing in believe that the this was the excuse for the neo-cons to press their agenda of Global Domination and now they're trying to get the NAU up and going as well.The Neo-cons being picked by George Bush for his administartion doesn't seem to be just condincidense,doesn't it?

2007-08-30 05:50:27 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

By all accounts, Leslie Van Houten has been a perfect inmate while in prison since the early 1970s. She renounced Charles Manson long, long ago. At about the age of 60, she is not seen as a danger to anyone. She is in prison for murder, but she has shown remorse, and taken every opportunity to improve herself as a human being.

Should she be released?

2007-08-30 05:49:45 · 13 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Law & Ethics

And are people harder on Republicans that are discovered to be gay/scandals because they profess that it is wrong while secretly engaging in the wrong behavior?

2007-08-30 05:44:35 · 29 answers · asked by justme 1 in Politics

If yes, then another question;
Is his conversation a running dialogue or the traditional prayer type relationship?
If traditional prayer, then another question:
Does God answer prayers?
IF so then you know God told Bush to invade Iraq and whether or not he told the Palestinians is completely irrelevant.
Our country is indistinguishable from a theocracy. Our leader makes decisions based on prayer and the answers to prayer. So why grief Iran etc.

2007-08-30 05:44:33 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The employer is no longer in business and was a corporation that filed bankruptcy. I was told since they were a corporation and had filed for bankruptcy that the $10,000.00 I was entitled to is pretty much gone. Is that true?

2007-08-30 05:40:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I want to know if this is true, and if he had complied, what would of happened? Some people have told me, that we gave Saddam a chance to be peaceful, is this true and does that help justify our invasion?

2007-08-30 05:40:00 · 21 answers · asked by Jim S 4 in Politics

I heard that theres a program called Mistvah, or something..I can't recall, that allows Jews from all over to join even if you have prior U.S Military service. So, say you have 4 years in the Marines, will the IDF still take you? SERIOUS answers please.

2007-08-30 05:39:24 · 5 answers · asked by Esiac O 1 in Military

ATLANTA - Baggy pants that show boxer shorts or thongs would be illegal under a proposed amendment to Atlanta's indecency laws. The amendment, sponsored by city councilman C.T. Martin, states that sagging pants are an "epidemic" that is becoming a "major concern" around the country.


2007-08-30 05:37:42 · 15 answers · asked by Holy Cow! 7 in Politics

It seems like women are naturally predisposed to leadership and strength under stress. As a man, I can't figure out why they, as a gender, don't have more cooperation and political power. Can someone explain this to me?

2007-08-30 05:33:13 · 27 answers · asked by l 5 in Politics


2007-08-30 05:30:59 · 1 answers · asked by cubfucm38 1 in Law & Ethics

It was a 1962 draft drawn up by the Joint Chiefs at the Pentagon that discussed staging terror attacks against Americans, including blowing up a plane, blowing up a military ship and setting gunmen loose in US cities, all as a pretext for war with Cuba, who would obviously be blamed for the attacks. Before you neocon hacks start screaming conspiracy theory and calling it urban legend, you should know that the existence of this program is beyond dispute, part of the National Archives. Kind of makes you look at things in a different light.

http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/200104... - the actual documents

2007-08-30 05:30:28 · 10 answers · asked by haywood jablome 4 in Military

I first thought that this was another one of those "Conspiracy Theories" you hear about but the more I've read on this, it seems more than a possibility to happen, and yet no one I know has any idea this is going on behing US citizens backs.

2007-08-30 05:26:09 · 7 answers · asked by Alex W 2 in Politics

Id like your opinions. Before you read, know that i am in no way expressing my opinions. I have no racist beliefs.

I hear the phrase "Black power", "Black pride", etc etc. Theyre socially accepted expressions.

When people hear a phrase "White power, "White pride", assumuptions are formulated that the person saying it is a member of a racist group or holds racist beliefs.

Personally I dont use the phrase white power, I simply draw conclusions on people based on their conduct, not their color. Having said that, I see this as a double standard.

What are your opinions of the use of phrases White Power compared to Black Power?

2007-08-30 05:26:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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