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Politics & Government - 30 August 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

i heard that this guy talk to women on the internet then meet them and then kill them.

2007-08-30 07:21:11 · 2 answers · asked by KeOnia U 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I have a super sensitive, sweet son who is a hockey player. Last spring he wanted to improve so we had him in private skating lessons. He is expected to practice what he learns during open skate. One day he was practicing and bumped into an old lady who was standing on the ice. My son was horrified and stayed with her until an adult arrived. She tried to sue the rink but it is a "skate at your own risk" facility. She is now suing us.

Do we have a leg to stand on? My son did nothing intentional or wrong.

2007-08-30 07:20:36 · 16 answers · asked by starbrite74♥♥ 3 in Law & Ethics

Do you agree that I should have been flagged for this???
I can see if I was out of line and disrespectful but I don't see it,

A little help

Thanks/ Dez

Question: Does anyone get the feeling that if this joke was played on Bush, he'd be so confused he'd just buy a new car?

Question Details: Dez: As a soldier, it is your sworn duty to defend my right to say whatever I want. So deal with it.

Deleted Answer: as an American and Soldier, I have said it a 100 times on here it's your right as an American to disagree with the President and engage in friendly debates, but this flat out hate, name calling and disrespectful screen Icons about our president is uncalled for and UN-American, you got people that are so blinded by hate and this Anti-American hate machine, I don't hate the Bush Haters, just feel sorry for them.

2007-08-30 07:19:32 · 15 answers · asked by dez604 5 in Politics

That was the statement their put out to the press after the raid yesterday.I don't believe a bit of it.The company I used to work for had away around the law.On construction sites they shifted the hiring to the foreman the who was suppose to check ID cards and S.S. numbers and have them make copy's of both.The man in the field has no way to verify the documents or not.And as for the copy's, what a laugh! they would go to a 7-11 store and turn the printer real dark.That way the company was off the hook and the foreman took the fall if someone investigated.

2007-08-30 07:18:28 · 7 answers · asked by Dragons Slayer 7 in Immigration

2007-08-30 07:16:58 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I remember cartoon network had this years ago. And nearly all their shows ran to be the most popular cartoon on the network.
Scooby-Doo won with Powerpuff girls as the 1st runnerup. Then, over years, newer cartoons came on and over popularized many. Now I only watch Boomerang cuz it has all the classics. I wonder if the 2008 election had cartoon characters from Cartoon network or Nick, I wonder who would win?

Even Brak had a little campaign relating to Ike Eisenhower's presidential campaign slogan.

2007-08-30 07:15:05 · 35 answers · asked by I hate Hillary Clinton 6 in Elections

I live in a small town and my family owns a funeral home..just recently my father hired a new guy to drive our hearse..hes not very sensitive when it comes to the deceased recently i noticed him dropping the casket out of the hearse and the women sort of slipped out..he then very angrily shoved her back in..then i noticed him stealing money from one of the deceased..he took the jewerly off of the elderly woman and put it in his pocket.then he slapped her across her face.laughed and did it again.this time even harder.. it seemed unreal.i tried to tell my mom to watch him but she thinks im dreaming it all up.i mean those are just a few things ive saw.who knows what i havent seen..i would hate for him to do something worse nextime.how could he be such a coward.these are innocent people hes harming..should i tell my dad so he can be fired.

2007-08-30 07:12:55 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

how did we lose the last practice air to air combat drill against

2007-08-30 07:12:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-08-30 07:12:07 · 23 answers · asked by thomas crocks 1 in Law & Ethics

If so, why should they? If not, who does

2007-08-30 07:12:00 · 9 answers · asked by futuretopgun101 5 in Other - Politics & Government

Also, did he get involved in the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics before or after the scandal?

2007-08-30 07:11:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Could be War monger for his stubborness on the Iraq war
Wacko for the way he tried to pressure his own party to pass an insane immigration bill,or Wimp when it comes to dealing with the mexican government

2007-08-30 07:11:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My brother just had a second interview with a company and they gave him a job – told him they’d be sending his new employee packet to him, they went over benefits and pay. I guess someone at his current job (at a construction company) heard that he may be going to this new company. He then proceeded to call up someone he knew at this new company (they buy parts from this new company) and told them that if they hired my brother, they would NOT be placing any further business with them (his current job is a 1-million dollar account or more for this new company). So, within that hour, my brother got a call from the new company saying that they can’t hire him because they are worried that their relationship with his current company will be jeopardized if they hire him. So…now he didn’t get hired after they told him he was. Is it illegal for his company to threaten to take away their relationship/business with this other company because my brother is choosing to go work there??? It's crazy

2007-08-30 07:10:34 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Seriously, Bush just asked for another $50 billion for the Iraq war. What about helping out our own?

2007-08-30 07:09:16 · 20 answers · asked by lopezv628 1 in Other - Politics & Government

what does it mean to be a conservative is it a refuge for people that wish the social order of our country was as it was in the 1950's ? Or is this a huge misrepresentation of conservatives ?

2007-08-30 07:09:01 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I've not followed the story very closely and would like to get up-to-date on it now . From the little that I know about it , I understand that he made 'hand-signals' and tapped his feet . Did he plead guilty or no contest ?
Is everyone mad at him because he's gay(even though I know he denied being gay) or for some other reason ?
Was the person in the stall next to him an adult or a minor ?
Are there certain 'hand-signals' that are against the law ?

I would appreciate a complete listing of the details .
Thank you .

2007-08-30 07:07:34 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Over and over again I read about the criminal things Bush has done, how he has lied to the people and stolen money from the government. The economy is terrible, unemployment is way up and wages are way down. Everytime he opens his mouth a lie comes out and there are people out their who think he is a God. What is wrong with you people?

2007-08-30 07:06:58 · 9 answers · asked by oldhag 5 in Politics

2007-08-30 07:05:15 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I'm Wondering if i could some how scan bunch of news paper here in my country and sell it Online.. But is it Legal? Im in the philippines.

2007-08-30 07:05:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

When the street value is $10 dollars. Sure the person learns the lesson, but they do things like that just because they CAN. And they say the government doesn't profit from pot being illegal.

2007-08-30 07:04:01 · 16 answers · asked by Alright 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

They don't know the difference between a lie, an incorrect statement, and felony pergury.

If I tell you the world is flat

It is a false statement on my part if I say it and I believe it to be true.

It is a lie if I know it isn't true and say it anyway

It is felony perjury if I say it in response to a question asked of me in a court procedure or if I write it in a notarized document to be entered into evidence in a court proceding.

As to Saddam WMDs, he had them at one time, not only Bush said it, so did Clinton, Kerry, and every other Liberal politician at one time. We even saw him use them on the Kurds in the North. We gave him a decent amount of time to hide, move, or actually get rid of them, but Bush saying Iraq had WMDs is at worst an incorrect statement on is part, not a lie, and certainly not felony perjury.

2007-08-30 07:03:44 · 17 answers · asked by SteveA8 6 in Politics

And how do the libs who brand conservatives as racist for criticizing Obama reconcile the fact that Justice Thomas was slandered, libeled and pilloried by the mobocracy of the Left?

Is that a 'real' black person cannot possibly be a conservative?

2007-08-30 07:02:30 · 14 answers · asked by ? 2 in Other - Politics & Government

we were staying in a city and wanted to move to a more serene area and started communicating with the person in question who years ago had purchased various plots at throw away prices and has now built colonies and made millions. Firstly, he hoodwinked us on many, many issues like the electrity is slim, even our two invertors conck out, he has not made drainage system the rain water is just left to accummulate for 8 to 10 days waiting for the sun to dry it out, we have purchased these flats on ownership basis but the builder behaves as if he owns all of us dictating terms to all and sundry, as there is the panchayat raj out here.. when we asked him before coming if there were all emergency services availabe and he said yes, but he did not tell us that to reach an equipped hospital we have to travel 45 kms, the list is endless.. where there is no municipality whom do we approach...panchayat people, our local watchmen everybody are in his fists, and they bow to him as if he is a demi god

2007-08-30 07:02:19 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I recently got a ticket going 79 in a 65 in Virginia on interstate 85 from a county police officer from whoodathunk Virginia. Does he have jurisdiction to issue a speeding ticket on a interstate highway?
I am thinking of possible avenues to get the ticket nullified b/c I don't want my insurance to increase!

2007-08-30 07:00:56 · 13 answers · asked by Oprahwannabe 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

When will Republicans wake up and put aside their partisan politics and see the TRUTH?!!? Bush and Cheney are LIARS!

President Bush and Vice President Cheney have told audiences that Social Security faces an $11 trillion shortfall if nothing is done to fix the current system. But they fail to mention that this is over the course of the “infinite future." Over the next 75 years -- still practically a lifetime -- the shortfall is projected to be $3.7 trillion.
The "infinite" projection is one that the American Academy of Actuaries says is likely to mislead the public into thinking the system "is in far worse financial condition than is actually indicated," and therefore should not be used to explain the long-term outlook.


2007-08-30 06:59:37 · 10 answers · asked by It's Your World, Change It 6 in Other - Politics & Government

my mother is mentally unstable (example: she burned most of my things because she believes that pokemon is of the devil)...she wont let me get a job or an ID she wont even let me out except to church, even if i try to get out all the doors are locked and you need a key to open them. i need to get out and go to a real school instead of this crap Christan academy that is a sad excuse for an education and i want to get a job for some real world experience. i found a family that lives in a good school district and will take me in on the fact that i get a job and graduate, but the problem is my mom wont allow me to leave and if i ran away then she would find me and send me to live in dallas but i have a phobia of large new places and people. if i could live with this family now then at least i can have a chance at life.... i am going to turn 18 in 8 months but i have no real world practice i need to use these last months to explore the rules of society, so i need to move out asap

2007-08-30 06:58:41 · 5 answers · asked by nina q 1 in Law & Ethics

Since the erly sixties while I was in gradeschool we have KNOWN the enviorment was in trouble, (this isnt new folks), and rather then pass laws to help save the planet, the government went gleefully on pillageing and rapeing the earth. Now we are in serious and possibly un fixable straights. Shouldnt I be able to sue the US government for at least inaction? Malfeasence? Deraliction of duty? You cant be a nurse or dr and walk away from a dying person without being sued. Doesnt our government have at least as much responsibility to insure our futures and those of our progeny?

2007-08-30 06:50:35 · 19 answers · asked by RowCo G 1 in Law & Ethics

Are we citizens in the US and UK giving up more and more civil liberties and rights to our govt, each day?
it certainly seems so. Whats more with the Brazilian boy killed on the tubes, and the tube attack itself. things all look too well planned for terrorists.
The UK has more CCTV cams than anywhere on earth, with 4.3million of them in london alone.
ID.cards being suggested, with a complete and intimate history of your life and actions...

am i going mad? or are we really gettting locked down into a police state where we are monitored and cataloged?

2007-08-30 06:50:27 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-08-30 06:49:41 · 17 answers · asked by Nicholas S 1 in Politics

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