They don't know the difference between a lie, an incorrect statement, and felony pergury.
If I tell you the world is flat
It is a false statement on my part if I say it and I believe it to be true.
It is a lie if I know it isn't true and say it anyway
It is felony perjury if I say it in response to a question asked of me in a court procedure or if I write it in a notarized document to be entered into evidence in a court proceding.
As to Saddam WMDs, he had them at one time, not only Bush said it, so did Clinton, Kerry, and every other Liberal politician at one time. We even saw him use them on the Kurds in the North. We gave him a decent amount of time to hide, move, or actually get rid of them, but Bush saying Iraq had WMDs is at worst an incorrect statement on is part, not a lie, and certainly not felony perjury.
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