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Politics & Government - 25 August 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

In particular his ability to cut taxes and keep un-employment at some of the lowest levels in decades while creating a very strong economy? Do you think his record on keeping terrorism at bay for the last 6 years (not 1 single attack on American soil) ?

2007-08-25 05:46:30 · 18 answers · asked by jaredshouse 2 in Politics

The Administration has reduced its economic growth projections but is still arguing that its tax policy is stimulating the economy. President Bush is now touting projections that the federal budget deficit for fiscal year 2007 will be only $205 billion as proof. The projections came Wednesday in the Mid-Session Review from the Office of Management and Budget. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities rightly points out that revenues have increased, reducing the deficit from its high of $413 billion in 2004, but that always happens in an economic recovery, and usually revenues increase by more (by around 12 percent, as opposed to the 3 percent increase that we've seen since the beginning of this economic cycle in 2001). What's more, revenue increased by 16 percent in a similar period in the economic cycle during the 1990s after taxes were increased. Finally, the Administration actually reduced its growth forecast for this year from what it projected back in February.

2007-08-25 05:43:17 · 18 answers · asked by It's Your World, Change It 6 in Politics

I sort of feel that this is the beginning of a Green movement. There's so much more publicity about saving the Enviroment, going Green, saving energy, etc. than there was when I was growing up. Or maybe I'm just noticing it now?

Seriously, I feel like the Green movement is taking off. It's something I think is great and would like to be a part of...But, I guess another question is, how can I be well informed about this and not just be taken as another flaky anti-government socialist? I don't want to jump onto something because it seems like the cool thing...And it really confuses me. Is all the liberal "it's basically the end of the world" stuff true? How much is propaganda?

2007-08-25 05:40:01 · 9 answers · asked by Penelope 2 in Politics

I have been with my partner for 2.5yrs. since the beggining he has been telling me that his family &f riends in my work place & out on rd have been telling him that i have been sleeping with other men weather money is offered or not, and i am doing these things when i am at work or home, they have also told him that i have a drug habit. through all this going on i have givern birth twice so they are saying that it was happening while i was pregnant.
my partner is believing this and is saying that the law will take my children from me and give them to him if they are true.
none of it is true and i have asked him to tell me who these people are but he won't say. what can/do i do?

2007-08-25 05:35:29 · 14 answers · asked by chi 1 in Law & Ethics

Ever hear of "Starving the beast"? It's an American conservative political strategy which uses budget deficits to attempt to force future reductions in government expenditure, especially spending on socially progressive programs. The term "beast" is used to denote government and the social programs it funds, including publicly-funded health care, welfare, educational financial aid, and Social Security. Some empirical evidence shows that the strategy may actually be counterproductive, with higher taxes actually corresponding to lower spending: "Controlling for the unemployment rate, federal spending [from 1981 to 2000] increased by about one-half percent of GDP for each one percentage point decline in the relative level of federal tax revenues." The article (written by William Niskanen and Peter Van Doren of the Cato Institute) shows that "a tax increase may be the most effective policy to reduce the relative level of federal spending."

2007-08-25 05:33:30 · 13 answers · asked by It's Your World, Change It 6 in Other - Politics & Government

Doesn't he know that according to the DMCA, he has just commited a criminal act of circumventing an access control which will open him up to lawsuits from both Apple Computer and AT&T? Maybe he was just banking on not being prosecuted since he's only 17...my money is on him being waived into adult court.

2007-08-25 05:32:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

They live in Indiana and want to adopt 3 children. What are their chances?

2007-08-25 05:30:27 · 6 answers · asked by Misty T 1 in Other - Politics & Government

When did cops loose their integrity and go from being protectors of the public to tax collectors for the fatcats?
And how can traffic cops feel any sense of pride in what they do -surely that's not why they joined the police force.
Or does the power change them and turn them into that?
Do cops try to argue the 'quota's' for small speeding tickets?
Do officers realize (not having ever received a ticket before) how even small no points tickets affect insurance rates?

And yes i am bitter because I commute more than an hour each way to work and get a ticket at least once a month (95 in an 80 zone -Ontario Canada) Each cop that tickets me has a different idea of how fast is too fast. I've seen people blow by me going 120, but then I get a ticket for going 96.

2007-08-25 05:27:02 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I am a practical person who is neither an extreme conspiracy theorist nor an extreme skeptic/debunker. That being said, lets get to the question. Keeping your personal opinions and beliefs aside, please answer this question in your most scientific, third person, practical manor.

Q: Why would Federal and/or local authorities withhold footage from three Virginia Department of Transportation 24hr traffic and road condition cameras which filmed permanent fixed angles outside the Pentagon, that contain the cleanest footage and images of the attack on the pentagon? Remember, this is a straight forward question that does not ask for personnel beliefs or opinions about situations that took place on 9/11. Thank You.

2007-08-25 05:26:07 · 9 answers · asked by s g 2 in Law & Ethics

If you could change any of the old amendments or add any new amendments to the old amendments what would you add or change?

2007-08-25 05:24:14 · 5 answers · asked by Frantzie S 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-08-25 05:23:02 · 1 answers · asked by Tenisha C 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

A lot of so called 'news' reporting from both of the countries has a large amount of 'spin' applied to it and so causes considerable pressure to be applied to the government. Would it allow a quicker resolution to have tighter controls of reporting from the warzones and allow the Generals to get on with whatever they consider to be the most expedient way to resolve the conflicts?
I am aware of the moral dilemma this poses but increased casualties in the short term may save lives by shortening any conflice by years.

2007-08-25 05:22:24 · 20 answers · asked by keith d 4 in Military

She said that the KKK is a democratic organization. (I am neither democrat or republican I will vote for who supports my ideas, so you can't offend me). Share with me how you know this is true or false.

2007-08-25 05:18:13 · 14 answers · asked by PrettyLady26 5 in Elections

2007-08-25 05:17:13 · 5 answers · asked by gene_frequency 7 in Military

im 16 now but when i grow up i want to be a state police officer in maryland. ill go to college and study police science or criminal justice. but the problem is that i wear glasses. i heard that you have to have 20/20 vision uncorrected to be a state police officer, is that true? im going to get lasik later in my life tho. how old do you have to be to get lasik anyway?

2007-08-25 05:14:20 · 10 answers · asked by uma b 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

so my ex is harrasing me , he dumped me a few week ago and when i refused to take him back,he sent me nasty messages over the internet and to my phone, i know i can block him on the internet and i can try avoiding him if i go out, but how do i get his number blocked so he cant sent me messages or call me, i know you can go it on your phone, but you can eathier block all or none.
Also if i went out could he get removed from the bar for harrasming me on there property if i told the bouncers ?

2007-08-25 05:10:14 · 7 answers · asked by lauren 2 in Law & Ethics

Hillary blabbing That the only thing that can hurt her chances of being President is if we are attacked by terrorist before the election! This can only be interrupted one way . I can't wait to see the Liberals spin there way out of this one!!!

2007-08-25 05:09:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Gathering point for the liberally whiny...
Democratic rivals criticized Hillary Rodham Clinton on Friday for her comment that a terror attack before the election would help the Republicans.
...............the main point being.............
quote 2
Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd said in his own statement, "Frankly, I find it tasteless to discuss political implications when talking about a potential terrorist attack on the United States."

quote 3
Likewise, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson said in a statement, "We shouldn't be thinking about terrorism in terms of its domestic political consequences, we should be protecting the country from terrorists."

I find it hard to believe working americans can read a story like this and think anything else than the Clintons have hit an all time low. Why do out of control liberal extremists continue to give her a pass on self serving grandstanding comments

2007-08-25 05:09:25 · 7 answers · asked by koalatcomics 7 in Elections


2007-08-25 05:06:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I received a "violation" notice because I ask a question asking if illegal immigration was good for our economy it got removed. Is Y/A that afraid of the truth?

2007-08-25 05:02:21 · 21 answers · asked by Ethan M 5 in Politics

Just as a precaution so I don't.

2007-08-25 04:58:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-08-25 04:46:29 · 7 answers · asked by kelvin c 1 in Embassies & Consulates

Okay so theres this girl in jail.. when she got arrested for theft by check it said she had a 2500 bond.. but i recently checked back on it and now it says 0.00 for bond there wasnt any fine to begin with but what i was wondering why it is now 0.00 she is still in jail and has other fines i also want to know how long will she be in jail... it says dunn was her judge on the theft by check and he is a very strict judge who doesnt let hardly anyone get by.. i need some legal help so if anyone can help please do heres the link to her record...


2007-08-25 04:46:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

In each of their respective terms, each President had involved us in a difficult war where victory seemed impossible. Both were very unpopular towards the ends of their presidencies.

Yet, many years later, Truman is looked upon as a good President, with many politicians invoking his image. Johnson on the other hand is deemed by history to be a failure.

2007-08-25 04:29:09 · 15 answers · asked by Uncle Pennybags 7 in Politics

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