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Politics & Government - 27 June 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Was it the NeoCons disavowing Barry Goldwater?
Right wing cults infiltrating the Party?
Baby Boomer-era lawlessness?
America tired of their minority bashing?
Lack of common courtesy?
Too many non-issues on its platform?

What made the party so coinfident after an easy win to John Kerry in 2004 disintegrate so quickly. And, after the "thumpin'" they took in the 2006 midterms, it seems to be even worse now. What's happening with them?

2007-06-27 05:12:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

When you lower taxes, the economy grows and you take in more taxes because of this growth in the economy. This has been proven time and again. So my question is if the Democrats want to grow the size of the government why have no democrats avocated tax cuts since JFK? It seems to me that they would want to lower taxes and take in more money for their social programs, but no they just want to raise taxes. Why?

2007-06-27 05:11:02 · 26 answers · asked by John Galt 2 in Politics

CIA 'Family Jewels' Revealed
By Steve Holland and Andy Sullivan,Reuters
Posted: 2007-06-27 11:09:21
Filed Under: Nation, Politics
WASHINGTON (June 27) -- The CIA worked with three American mobsters in a botched "gangster-type" attempt to assassinate Cuban leader Fidel Castro in the early 1960s, according to documents released by the CIA on Tuesday.

The agency's leaders determined "a sensitive mission requiring gangster-type action" was needed. "The mission target was Fidel Castro," the document said.

The CIA contacted Johnny Roselli, believed to have been a high-ranking member of the Mafia and the person who controlled all the ice-making machines on the Las Vegas strip.

There were concerns that foreigners might try to disrupt the Republican and Democratic National Conventions in 1972, and one memo said ex-Beatle John Lennon had given money to an anti-war group.

There are also details on such Cold War matters as the three-year incarceration of KGB defector Yuriy Ivanovich Nosenko.

The agency was convinced Nosenko, who defected in 1964, was still working for the KGB but was unable to prove it "even after a long period of hostile interrogation."

2007-06-27 05:10:51 · 8 answers · asked by marnefirstinfantry 5 in Government

Those who send young people to blow up weddings, funerals, hospitals, kindergartens, market places and college libraries in the promise of a paradise filled with young women are the Nazis of our time.

2007-06-27 05:09:27 · 20 answers · asked by Jacob W 7 in Military

I am asking this question again in different text people took it the wrong way. If you are a law enforcement officer and the technology was available that a side arm that fires faster and has more ammo than a pistol and just as reliable; in this case it would shoot faster if using lasers. It only paralyzes or knocks out a suspect. It has no lethal effects, or side effects. and doesn't cause any kind of permanent damage. The way to load it is a simple battery or plugging it into a wall to charge. Allowing to ease the burden of the common fear of taking someones life. Would you use it or prefer a regular pistol?

This question is excluding civilian or criminals, as if it was only available to law enforcement.

2007-06-27 05:05:48 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I propose that we celebrate Our Nations Founding. By having a temporary end to this ridiculous name-calling craze. That BOTH sides are doing!!
Every one agrees that it's not getting results. It's only preaching to ones that agree with your ideas. What kind of results do you hope to gain by that?
And the avid name-callers are mostly Kids. Since there are actually a few adults, on this site? Why not show some pride in this Nation. And put the name-calling away for one week? Seven Days, is all I ask!

Between July 1st, Through July 7th. I ask that we all stay from the temptation of badgering the other Party. And act like we have some respect for our fellow Americans. At a time to be celebrating our Nations Birthday!

Now I don't expect all to follow along. I ask that we stay clear of anyone who doesn't agree with this. Ask or answer, only questions that show Pride in the U.S.A.
A Show of unity on Our Nations begining!

What about think?

2007-06-27 05:04:07 · 21 answers · asked by Nunya Bidniss 7 in Politics

What a Bush-Cheyney created quagmire.

2007-06-27 05:01:02 · 19 answers · asked by Dirk von Pelvis 1 in Government

I dont know what city he was in or if he was even in New York. I have looked on the internet but I cannot find anything. Is there a website that could help me find him???

2007-06-27 04:59:28 · 2 answers · asked by punky brewster 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

I am only 16 right now so I know I have time. But I am seriously considering joining the military. But I'm still a little scared. It won't stop me. But that still leaves me with another problem. I don't know what to join. So, if you would be so kind as to list your opinion, with a detailed explantion as to why. And it would also be most helpful if you could list salary, duties, rankings, danger factor, deployment rates and othe important information. That would be good. Please and thank you.

2007-06-27 04:59:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

or is it more like the bar scene from Star Wars?

2007-06-27 04:47:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'd remove Pelosi, Reid, Levin, Obama, and Clinton. Obviously, I'm a conservative but who would you remove? Thanks for your answers!

2007-06-27 04:47:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Instead of showing girls like from Paris Hilton, Playboy, Penthouse models and such.... to show our soldiers in Iraq their simple, real American girls that love them and wait for them at home

2007-06-27 04:47:08 · 2 answers · asked by alexandredz 3 in Politics

And the candidates are: Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey.

2007-06-27 04:43:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

A recent responder suggested that Lib's were better people by instituting welfare for the nations poor. While conservatives were evil for cutting programs.

For you Lib's, please address this issue: "Give a man a fish and his full for a day. Teach a man to fish he full for life." Most "cuts" in welfare revolve around this idea. That instead of just handing money around, we need to educate people to make money for themselves. How is forcing people to get a job, bad? How is making people responsible for THEMSELVES, bad? Don't give me excuses for people not to work, few can hold water. Instead address your desire to spread money everywhere some one is down on their luck. Explain why every Lib wants an increase in welfare (yes every, if you vote liberally, you vote to increase welfare even if you personally don't belive it) . Fine, have the Lib's pay for it if they belive in it. Put YOUR money were your mouth is, not my money.

2007-06-27 04:40:15 · 5 answers · asked by JonB 5 in Government

Ron Paul is the only Presidential candidate that lets it be known that he is for complete sovereignty for the USA.
All the other candidates seem to be indifferent that a "New World Order", is taking over the worlds independantly run countries.

The IMF controls the banking laws in 185 countries that have central banks.
When you have a foreign agency controlling banking regulations in your own country aren't you losing some sovereignty???????


2007-06-27 04:36:14 · 22 answers · asked by beesting 6 in Politics

Armchair free market capitalists take note.

2007-06-27 04:31:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

My boyfriend was driving last night and got pulled over by a police officer. He said my boyfriend was not wearing a seat belt. Oh, my boyfriend moved from California to New Jersey a year ago and he did not change his license yet. So, the cop asked him why he did not change his license and searched his car. He had a bottle of vodka and a bottle of another liquor. He is 19 right now. He was not drunk driving. He was transferred to the police station and his car was towed. He stayed at the station for around three hours and they took the alcohols away for evidence and took his finger prints and mugshots. They said it will be on his record. Also, they will send it to the school? What will happen to him? What are the punishments and how much are the fines? It was in the state of New Jersey. Will he have to bring a lawyer or money to the court? Thank you for answering!

2007-06-27 04:22:07 · 9 answers · asked by HI:) 1 in Law & Ethics

First off, I am 16. I want to be a cop when I get older. I've always wanted to be one since I was in 1st grade, and my parents respect my decision. With this, I want to get a pair of handcuffs. I know they come with instructions. So I want to try, practice, and get a head start on other future cops. I wouldn't handcuff anyone against their will or anything like that. My parents said it was okay for me to get a pair of cuffs, but they will not give me their credit card, so ordering online is out of the question. Believe me, I've tried to persuade them to let me order online, but they won't budge. So where can I buy double-locking handcuffs? Keep in mind I am 16, so sex stores are out of the question (and I heard their quality is terrible). Also, I do not want like furry handcuffs or anything like that. Where's somewhere I can go (yes, I can drive) to buy real handcuffs?

2007-06-27 04:21:15 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Socieology or psychology?

what would best complament my political science major?

i have taken all the political science classes i can till i have the credits to transfer to OSU.

2007-06-27 04:16:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

more answers to the question i asked

2007-06-27 04:16:21 · 2 answers · asked by banurenuga87_nathan 1 in Government


If there are any police officers out there what would you do in this scenario. Anyone else who is not a police officer feel free to answer as well !

And yes, I got this from the RCMP Preparatory guide (RPAB) I'm planning on becoming an RCMP officer soon !


You are a police officer in a large municipality. Your coworker and friend, Constable Grey, is in constant financial trouble as the result of loans that she obtained before joining the RCMP. Constable Grey is married and has recently taken on a second job to pay her bills. You have noticed that since she has had this second job, the quality of her work has gone down considerably. Of the following, which is the best initial step to take?

a) Suggest to Constable Grey that she speak to a financial consultant.
b) Lend Constable Grey some money.
c) Speak to Constable Grey's spouse to identify possible solutions to her financial
d) Speak to Constable Grey and tell her about your concerns

2007-06-27 04:13:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

i would like to know how this job works. i know you get to pick your job either the 3rd week of bootcamp of when u get on the fleet. I would like to be a master at arms...would this be possible? Someone please let me know exactly how this works!

2007-06-27 04:10:24 · 6 answers · asked by Stabler 1 in Military

Seems like this was not asked in just this way before. Thanks for any laughs!

2007-06-27 04:10:15 · 4 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Elections

Let's use Fred Fredburger as the mascot to represent the GOP.

And Cheese to represent the DNC.

And there you have it !
An accurate representation of the current two party system in America.

Don't you think that it is time for a change?

2007-06-27 04:08:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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