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Politics & Government - 8 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

We were discussing such tax exempt statuses and how it really makes no sense to give any religious property (churches, etc.) special consideration.

What does religion have to do with taxes?

Do you think that revoking this unnecessary exemption could provide financial assistance to local communities?

2007-05-08 17:50:52 · 8 answers · asked by Scrapeem O 1 in Politics

I didn't see him on the List of Republican candidates.
Yet he was voted by a landslide as winner of the recent debate.
What's going on here?

2007-05-08 17:47:37 · 11 answers · asked by Rocco 1 in Politics

Just pretend that there is no law around, no slaughtering of innocents please=)
Examples of Unsafe Locations: Crime ridden ghettos of major cities, most war torn countries of the mideast; pretty much any place that would require a gun for your survival.

2007-05-08 17:47:06 · 21 answers · asked by ColdSteel2099 2 in Military

2007-05-08 17:44:43 · 1 answers · asked by syed h 1 in Other - Politics & Government

How big a chance is it that the citizens of our country "USA" will vote in a Muslim as president? Will this really happen? Why would this happen? Can the United States be so screwed up to do an in justice like this?

2007-05-08 17:43:33 · 8 answers · asked by aulona37 3 in Politics

2007-05-08 17:43:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm a Democrat, I want the troops out of Iraq, I don't see any good coming from sending more troops out there to die. So, I'm in favor of the bill the Democrats sent to Bush, but I'm not in agreement with allowing the biggest payout to Bush to date, if we are going to leave the Middle East anyway. Are we paying him off to sign this bill and give us back our troops, I think he's taken enough of the Tax Payers money already. Please don't start arguing how honest George doesn't have a clue about these funds that disappeared, why was Bremer allowed to go without answering the question, "So, Mr Bremer, where did all the money go?" That would be 8.8 billion dollars, that's alot of money to just forget about, and no president, unless he was aware of what happened to that money and didn't want the truth to get out, would have allowed a man to go without getting to the bottom of money that was to be used to Fund the Iraqi War? So, why toss billions more in funding, when we are leaving Iraq?

2007-05-08 17:40:37 · 4 answers · asked by Coulterbasher01 4 in Government

And why did Yahoo delete the first questions posted on this topic earlier?

2007-05-08 17:37:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

The points I found most interesting were:

they were foreign-born muslims---

not connected to Al-Qadia or other International Terrorist groups---

Three illegals who had lived in US for years--- two had green cards allowing them to stay in US permanently--- one US citizen (Sponsor?)

The large range of military installations they had staked out---

The fact that an alert citizen turned them in (Is it possible that Homeland Sec. alert sys. works?)

They were training in NJ, where D-senators vote in favor of pro-illegal issues

They said there were 10---they caught 6. Where are the other 4?

2007-05-08 17:36:07 · 10 answers · asked by DixeVil 5 in Law Enforcement & Police

How can Ron Paul not be listed as a candidate on Yahoo? He is not even listed under the Republican dropdown box. It's a year and a half before the election and Yahoo decided to phase out the person who won the first debate according to the MSNBC and ABC poll and I'm wondering why that is.

2007-05-08 17:30:21 · 3 answers · asked by anndy 1 in Elections

All you get in the news is pure Bush bashing at its finest. Don't believe me, just watch Olbermann any night. He will have a countdown of the top 5 stories of the day and 6 of them will be on Bush. Democratic candidates pounded Bush in their debates (real shocker there) like he was running again. If they are going to rely on hate, shouldn't they start hating Guiliani, Romney, Thompson, or McCain? So, do they know he can't run again or are they still upset about 2004 and 2000?

2007-05-08 17:30:18 · 23 answers · asked by Billy 3 in Politics

Why do people put those on their cars when they could be at least TRYING to help fix those problems. In my opinion- my opinion strictly- people should stop blaming the government for their problems. Instead of complaining about the terrible job they are doing in office, they should be out trying to help. It doesn't even have to be drastic...

We have had presidents that didn't do such a peachy job before, haven't we? Our country lived, right? I think that everyone has a fifty-fifty percent chance. We all mess up and get forgiven, so why is it that when someone important messes up that we can't find it in our hearts to forgive them?

(I do not support either democratic, republican, or anything else in this question- I would ask it about anyone, it juts so happens that Bush is our president and I saw the impeach Bush sticker recently and wanted to ask about it)

2007-05-08 17:29:37 · 14 answers · asked by CoUnTrY mUsIc FrEaK-a-ZoId 3 in Government


2007-05-08 17:27:30 · 5 answers · asked by Phil J 1 in Elections

Or about oil?

2007-05-08 17:23:22 · 19 answers · asked by Christopher B 6 in Politics

2007-05-08 17:22:13 · 17 answers · asked by Kimberley 2 in Politics

I have a friend who is being evicted for being Hiv positive and his landlord says hes a threat to the other tenants, and that he is a testament to his unlawful behavior? Whats that, I know there are discrimination laws but what does he do. Who do you contact in a case like this?

2007-05-08 17:18:23 · 4 answers · asked by Michael J 2 in Law & Ethics

Is that how we won the Cold War?

We had to keep our powder dry in case we had to go to war militarily, but we fully realized that the war against Communism had to be 99.9999% ideological.

And we won the Cold War sooner than our most optimistic dreams could ever anticipate.

With this undisputed victory in mind, why aren't we fashioning our war against Islamic fundamentalism primarily along the same ideological lines?

2007-05-08 17:18:02 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Their only "policy" is to bash Bush.

2007-05-08 17:16:43 · 17 answers · asked by Billy 3 in Politics

This is amazing. How can Yahoo ignore Ron Paul? He clearly made a great showing at the debate and now he is being shut out by the corporate filtering system. WAKE UP!! WE R NOT FREE! The media is blocking Ron Paul.

2007-05-08 17:16:16 · 6 answers · asked by John F 1 in Elections

The reports say that there is approximately 150 000 troops in Iraq right now. Some have been there more than the 12 to 15 months, will they be coming home now?
The news is driving me nuts... i don't know what to believe or think anymore. Just miss my man so much

2007-05-08 17:15:00 · 6 answers · asked by Echo AKA Arch 1 in Military

Ann Coulter claimed that the poll was made up.

2007-05-08 17:12:06 · 8 answers · asked by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 in Politics

I'm doing a video project on terrorism and I have seen this clip used on several TV programs and news clips that I think would make a good opening shot. What it is, is a shot of 7-8 AK-47s in the air forming a "cone" like formation with someone holding a Qur'an in the middle of it. I tried to find a photo of it to use as an example of the clip, but can't seem to find any. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.

PS- It has to be downloadable as well.

2007-05-08 17:11:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Everyone should be held accountable! People who make False Reports should not be taken credible in any future issues

2007-05-08 17:07:51 · 2 answers · asked by ? 5 in Law & Ethics

Reed duped his fellow evangelicals into putting their political muscle behind "Casino Jack" Abramoff's gambling clients. If anything, Reed has earned his infamous image as the Poster Boy for Christian-right corruption!



Boy, has America forgotten the corruption, dirt, and deceit he and his pal, Abramoff , injected into America?
The Abramoff-Reed Story:

2007-05-08 17:07:28 · 2 answers · asked by United_Peace 5 in Elections

A while back a guy online wanted me to buy cell phones for him....?
I didnt. I actually asked my local police staion about it cuz something sounded kinda wierd about it.....the guy had made up some story about how he had to have a bunch of cell phoens bought but he wanted to kown if i could buy them and ship them to him...does that sound wierd to anyone else???or am i over reacting when i wonder if i should've informed someone other than the local police??

Additional Details

10 minutes ago
through convos he said he was not from this country but i dotn remember which country he was from....he was definalty ESL though...and it's not so much scamming me i ws worried abou tcuz he wanted to send me mmoney to do it...and i wasnot intersted in helpinghim out

10 minutes ago
through convos he said he was not from this country but i dotn remember which country he was from....he was definalty ESL though...and it's not so much scamming me i ws worried abou tcuz he wanted to send me mmoney to do it...and i wasnot intersted in helpinghim out

26 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer. - 11 answers

2007-05-08 17:03:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I am american i want to know what i will need in order to get to canada like identification

2007-05-08 17:03:47 · 5 answers · asked by leunatic 1 in Law & Ethics

Sometimes i wonder do we as american citizen really excersise our bill of rights as american or are there certain rules and regulations that we have to follow by. If so then what does it really mean to have freedom to voice our thoughts and ideas, wether it be in the new, the press or even over the internet? I sometimes wonder what would our forfather of this country would say if they saw or heard what was going on today and would they have given their life for the things that they have seen today.

2007-05-08 17:03:32 · 6 answers · asked by Josette F 2 in Law & Ethics

shouldn't they help support the illegals by sending them to Catholic Schools and Hospitals for free ?
Then the American Taxpayer wouldn't have to pick up the tab .

2007-05-08 16:57:36 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

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