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Politics & Government - 12 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Why does the typical conservative woman look like Elizabeth Hasselbeck and Meghan Kelly (beautiful) and the typical Liberal woman looks like Rosie O'Donnell?

2007-04-12 14:02:12 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

For insulting ever minority in America. Michael Weiner aka Michael Savage is a bigot and a racist and should also be fired for his inflammatory, derogatory and racist comments.

2007-04-12 13:58:22 · 13 answers · asked by yahu_sux 1 in Elections

fight a war over it

2007-04-12 13:56:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

ExxonMobil has pumped more than $8 million into more than 40 think tanks; media outlets; and consumer, religious, and even civil rights groups that preach skepticism about the oncoming climate catastrophe.


2007-04-12 13:54:44 · 7 answers · asked by Stan S 1 in Politics

this question is not intended to insight a lot of "hate posting" or to sound silly or "smart a**y". It is very hypothetical Please answer seriously...
Comservartives, if Bush was made absolute ruler of America (god forbid) and started KILLING (I mean actually rounding up and actually shooting) liberals and all others who opposed him, how would you feel about that?
I know this question sounds foolish but I hear many conservatives say liberals should be "shot". Are you all just bs-ing or do you really believe liberals should die for their beliefs. PLEASE, PLEASE answer seriously!

2007-04-12 13:53:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

A man was fired for saying words in the U.S today. Obviously what he said was cruel but that was his right as an American. The KKK was never censored and we were able to ignore them and make them nothing. The times are changing when your company can now fire you for what you say. I pray for my country. And everyone who wanted this to happen, be carefull to never let a "slip of the tongue" happen. Cause you wll be next. Honesty is gone. Whats next, we root for our troops to lose a war?

2007-04-12 13:52:08 · 13 answers · asked by Relax Guy 5 in Elections

In behalf of the Black community I'm sure they will want to show contrition for prejudgeing the Duke LaCross team.

2007-04-12 13:51:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

the drug addiction

2007-04-12 13:51:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Recently Allahabad High Court of UP, India withdrew minority status from Muslims and division bench stayed the order. What was criteria?

2007-04-12 13:50:58 · 3 answers · asked by Parashuram S 1 in Government

ok, the whole thing with Imus is unbelieve. but my question is...

is society made because Imus called them hos or are they made that it came from a white man?

Rappers say it all the time in their lyrics and for some reason, that's OK with society. The public buys their albums and helps promotes it. And that's ok. But here comes Imus, a WHITE man, and all of a sudden it's wrong.

Double Standard or Racist???

You decide!!

2007-04-12 13:45:00 · 31 answers · asked by yv060183 3 in Civic Participation

It's sort of like emperor penguins, they all look alike. Emperor penguins mate, and then the female lays the egg, and the male warms the egg while the female goes miles and miles and miles and miles away to feed because she's been starving. She comes back and those males are all huddled with the eggs, the females come back and the only way they can recognize their mate is by the individual sound the mate makes, and that's how liberals end up identifying each other. Rage is the mating call. Anger, irrational hate is the mating call. They share it with as many people as possible. They are miserable people and they want you to be. They are trying to keep this country in total chaos and tumult with the never ending Drive-By Media reports of every disaster that is happening 24 hours, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Everything is another disaster; everything's falling apart; everything's going to hell in a hand basket, from global warming to the war in Iraq to the Bush administration, everything is apocalyptic. There is nothing happy. There is no happiness in the left. They don't exude it, they don't inspire it, and they don't try. In fact, they don't want people to be happy because they think angry and rage and fear are the way they will get elected. And it may be. They succeeded in November in congressional and Senate races. So the antidote to all this rage and anger is good cheer and optimism. Some people don't have the guts to be optimistic because the daily bombardment of the apocalypse from global warming to the war in Iraq to the war on terror to we're spying to we're torturing to whatever, you hear this enough and you start half believing it if you're not strong.

2007-04-12 13:42:51 · 14 answers · asked by GREAT_AMERICAN 1 in Politics

I thought things were better, and I liked Obama.. but now, with white people under attack, I will NOT vote for him... and I am angry. My best friend is black, and I was a member of his wedding party, but I am not a bad guy, and all the racist crap that Al and Jesse promote upset me!

2007-04-12 13:42:31 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Since Reagan, America hasn't had a strong figurehead in the White House. Finally, it appears, between Romney and Rudolph, the Republicans have some possiblities when it comes to father-like strength at the helm.

Do any of the demoratic candidates appear like strong leadership material? Since Kennedy...I can't think of one Democrat, anywhere, that didn't give off major "woss" vibes.

Don't say that this counts for nothing, lest you be exposed as a hypocrit for making the essentially same argument against bush.

Appearances and oratory are no small thing when it comes to the president, in fact, one can make a good argument that they are the most important thing for the one person govt. body that is the presidency.

One thing I can say for certain...anyone who would vote for a pathetic wimpish candidate simply because of a couple of issues, puts party / self before country.

2007-04-12 13:40:22 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have always seen these tube like things on the top rotating part of a tank. There's usually 3 on each side of the rotating part, and they are like curved outward. What are they for, what do they do?


2007-04-12 13:37:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

...for supporting a low-life, ghetto hooker over three "innocent" lacrosse players who have now been completely exonerated?

2007-04-12 13:34:27 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-04-12 13:34:09 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I can't find mine...

2007-04-12 13:33:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

...who said they won't offer an apology to the now "innocent" Duke Lacrosse players, and who called for Imus's firing, but whose "General Counsel" just referred to a woman on national tv as a "prostitute" because she disagreed with him?

Is this why Americans don't trust Democrats because they are owned by race pimps?

2007-04-12 13:31:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Okay, say a group of people are kidnapping random people for political gain. In this situation, it would be logical to override the constitution so that the police could detain anyone SUSPECTED of being the hostage takers to speed up the invesitigation. This is for the good of society, and agree with it.

Do you think politicians should have the right to override the constitution if it is for the good of society?

2007-04-12 13:16:49 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I truly hope that the worst thing that ever happens in the Rutger's girl basketball player's lives is that someone made an offensive remark in jest.

3,280 lost their lives in Iraq, but what's more important, someone called me a "nappy headed ho."

2007-04-12 13:16:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Since they believe humans and dinos coexisted.

It could explain their ignorance.

2007-04-12 13:12:18 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Evaluation of Human Rights In Islam

"O people, we created you from the same male and female, and rendered you distinct peoples and tribes,
that you may recognize one another. The best among you in the sight of GOD is the most righteous. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant. (49:13)"

Terrorism and Islam

[Quran 7:28] They commit a gross sin, then say,
"We found our parents doing this, and GOD
has commanded us to do it." Say,
"GOD never advocates sin.
Are you saying about GOD
what you do not know?"

While all the known religions of the world call for LOVE, PEACE, TOLERANCE, FREEDOM OF BELIEF AND MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING, many of the terrorists' acts are committed in this world by people who consider themselves religious.

[Quran 6:151] "...... You shall not kill - GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. These are His commandments to you, that you may understand."

2007-04-12 13:03:57 · 6 answers · asked by Cyrus 1 in Politics

I have long ago given up believing that Republicans act in the national interest. The last 6 years prove that they only look out for the interests of their own party and that of the corporations who have hijacked their loyalty with large donations. Their record proves this again and again. If they can't be trusted to act in the best interests of this country, how can any of them be qualified to be president after '08?

2007-04-12 13:02:19 · 6 answers · asked by abdiver12 5 in Elections

In your Bizzaro world of Bush derangement syndrome Bush is guilty of everything is'nt he?

2007-04-12 13:00:14 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I mean, its great that you serve your country, but infantrymen are a different animal all together. Isn't this something the services have made up to make support troops feel better about themselves? While the Infantry certainly couldn't perform without every 11 troops that support a single infantryman, if you were really a bad @$$ in the first place, you would have volunteered to be a grunt. If you close with the enemy to destroy them, you deserve the equivalent recognition of a CIB. I know that there are non infantry troops doing infantry jobs. But if you are not CLOSING WITH the enemy, meaning bringing the fight and not just getting shot at on your way to BIAP, do you really need a badge?

And if you aren't 0311 or 11B, I don't care what you think.

2007-04-12 12:57:52 · 9 answers · asked by ElevenBang 2 in Military

2007-04-12 12:56:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I hate this whole Imus thing. It was stupid...but seriously....turn the dial. Last I checked people still had the freedom to be stupid. If enough people stop listening, capitalism will take its toll.
Why is it that we allow "leaders" to perpetuate these notions? Are they not doing just as much to "keep racism alive" If racism dies then they would have no job. Why would they want to work themselves out of the spotlight. Why gives that man's (Imus) words so much power?

2007-04-12 12:52:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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