Is it because they realize they can't touch anything Hayek or Friedman said?
We economic conservatives are on this board ripping not only Lou Dobbs but Paul Krugman, John Kenneth Galbraith, even historical wrong-thinkers like Marx, Malthus, Veblen and Keynes, apart almost daily.
We don't sit here and find something stupid that a radio personality like Al Franken said and rip that to try to sound superior - we know we're superior because we routinely show the problems inherent in the ideas themselves - - we go right to the source and show why collectivism is a failure and why it's the opposite of what it holds itself out to be.
No Leftist on this board has ever even endeavored to take on Smith, Ricardo, Schumpeter, Say.
Is that because our friends on the Left are intellectual wussies?
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