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Politics & Government - 6 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Ok anybody, i want to know what you thin about abortion...
All i know is that my church does this thing with a group of people. We go out and hold signs on the street to stop abortion. My friend at the church just got arrested for doing that because people were handing out flyers to teen age girls to fill them in more about abortion. He has a trial tommorrow, he may go to jail. { oh my gosh } Go to jail for trying to stop abortion. This question i hope you people read. Just please tell me what you think about it, please pray for us. And remember it is a baby even when it is 2 weeks old. It has a heart so girls be careful and guys please it may be fun at the time but what is the end result. Type it in the computer it will scare you. I know it did me

2007-04-06 17:13:44 · 17 answers · asked by angel 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I heard that this woman is trying to change our medical plan like Canada basically. In other words we would have to wait forever, 2-3 years for one little procedure for a sprain or a major procedure like heart surgery. I was a democrat until i heard this. It is scray because with our medical plans changing and everyone one on a 10 years long list would mean worse disease due to many not getting treatment fast enough and they mutate, more deaths.....Did yall know this or am i wrong ? Who is voting for her because she is just a female ?

2007-04-06 17:08:44 · 10 answers · asked by May 2 in Elections

Is it a granting of power to religious organizations or is granting power to the individual? How are politicians using this?

2007-04-06 17:05:12 · 10 answers · asked by Ford Prefect 7 in Other - Politics & Government

Which excuse are you going delude yourself into believing now that I've shown Keynesian presidents like FDR, JFK/LBJ, and Clinton leave tax cuts for the rich supply side presidents like Reagan and Bush Jr in the dust?

1) Having the highest real GDP on record is proof tax cuts for the rich work, regardless of the fact that every single president since atleast FDR could have said the same thing when they were president.

2) It takes 4, 8, and sometimes 12 years for a president's policies to have an effect on the economy. That's why Clinton was reaping the rewards of Reagan's tax cuts (let's just forget the Bush Sr recession for now)

3) Government policy has absolutely no effect on the economy whatsoever. FDR, JFK, LBJ, and Clinton were just plain lucky.

2007-04-06 17:03:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm not sure where you got that "650,000" number, but it's wrong.

America has ACCIDENTALLY killed less than 3,000 Iraqi's during this entire conflict! yet you Anti-Americans, Fascisists, Communists, and Nazi's have blamed EVRYTHING ON America---9/11 included!!!!!!!!!!!!!..

Anyway, Whatever, LESS THAN 100,000 people have been killed - sure thats A LOT - but its only 1/6 of what our critics say....


2007-04-06 17:02:14 · 21 answers · asked by quarterback 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Yes, he's THAT incompetent!

2007-04-06 17:02:12 · 9 answers · asked by Jack D 1 in Politics

I was in the military until i was accused of assaulting 2 grown
men . After i lay my life on the line i get setup so that they can kick me out because they didn't like me or the fact that i got married. What is even worse is that i was the one assaulted, file a police report and went to the hospital n yet the charges were turned on me. It bothers me so much because if something worse would of happen they would of gotten away with it 2. As a matter of fact, some did get away with a sex assault charge in the unit. Now that i am a civilian the VA is worthless. I continiously submit paperwork for justice and change of my discharge. What gets 2 me is that if i really assaulted 2 male seargents y i got a general under honorable condition, 30 dys jail time when the real charge is a couple years in jail and dishonorable discharge...i was sent home and treated like a baby, told not to tell no one. Set up huh... ?
The injustice is eating me inside with hatred. Any advice ?.....

2007-04-06 17:01:44 · 6 answers · asked by May 2 in Military

I'm writing a paper and using those two words together,i'm not sure people will understand what i'm talking about.Anyone understanding this....

2007-04-06 17:00:34 · 16 answers · asked by don_vvvvito 6 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-04-06 16:56:29 · 7 answers · asked by mark k 3 in Politics

2007-04-06 16:50:48 · 13 answers · asked by Just some dude 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

I'm not sure he's a bad guy. Some info please.

2007-04-06 16:50:03 · 27 answers · asked by Noneya B 2 in Politics

if you have a probation officer and you move to a differnt state do you get another probation officer or does your old one come with you ???

2007-04-06 16:47:51 · 5 answers · asked by funkychika22 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

survived bush's wholesale incompetence? America has built up reserve strength in the 200+ years of her existence, particularly after World War II. Bush has squandered much of it away. Without this safety net already in place when bush was installed, would America have survived such a disastrous presidency?

2007-04-06 16:45:27 · 15 answers · asked by Scott G 1 in Politics

16/8/1975 date of birth time 1.20 pm indian time place ratlam mp

2007-04-06 16:45:12 · 5 answers · asked by yamini 1 in Military

please answer i really would like to know your thoughts and opinions

2007-04-06 16:44:30 · 13 answers · asked by ash 1 in Politics

The lead singer from Twisted Sister trashed the Gores in Congressional hearings.

2007-04-06 16:44:15 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am looking for info on my grandfather who passed away last June. He was a korean war vet, a retired us master sargeant and an airborne instructor. Does anyone know how I can find info for free on the web about us army vets...especially the ones from the Korean war? Im putting a book together in his memory and need all the info I can find. Thanks

2007-04-06 16:38:54 · 3 answers · asked by anngeez2005 1 in Military

My government won't pay for my education or healthcare. They no longer give me money for daily expenses. I probably won't have a nest egg in Social Security when I turn 65. And now since the condom that Planned Parenthood gave me broke, I don't know if I'll be able to get my baby aborted. I might be stuck at my parent's house forever. What should I do?

2007-04-06 16:37:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

but deliberately did nothing because he wanted war with the Middle East. For those too weak-minded to handle the truth, what is the best way to break the information to them?

2007-04-06 16:31:14 · 16 answers · asked by Scott G 1 in Politics

Do liberals/democrats prey on the uninformed?
Additional Details

I was just thinking about this. Liberals primarily recruit through impressionable kids who dont know anything about politics and are basicly brainwashed into these liberal ideas. This is done in a couple ways. Mostly this is done by the media/hollywood. Most of hollywood is controlled by liberals. They employ discriminatory hiring tactics in not hiring many people who dont agree with their political views (note this is one of the many dicriminatory things that liberals do even though they are supposed to be anti-discriminatory). The people who arent liberal that are actors most likely only slipped through the cracks. Now stay with me here. All the kids idols are always prattling on about politics (something they dont know anything about due to their lack of living in the real world as well as lack or research) therefore exposing the children to a bunch of liberal propaganda.

2007-04-06 16:30:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Or was that just someone's idea of a prank?

2007-04-06 16:29:05 · 7 answers · asked by Nice Real Nice 2 in Immigration

are organized religions really just accepted cults?
think about and let me know your thoughts

2007-04-06 16:26:57 · 13 answers · asked by Brian 1 2 in Politics

I heard it's illegal, but it's an Us vs Them situation to me so I flash my lights. Do you?

2007-04-06 16:26:47 · 23 answers · asked by ? 6 in Law Enforcement & Police

I recieved a ticket from Roanoke, TX, the ticket had a "court date" so I went that day and said I'm here for court, they said we dont have court you have to pay your ticket, I said I dont want to pay it I want to fight it, they said you cant do that you have to pay it, I said I dont want to pay it I want to go to court, they said you cant, what can I do?

2007-04-06 16:23:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

( thanks to them )

to answer this question please read the article inside :


* the article does not stops at the commercial in it , keep reading after that *

2007-04-06 16:18:08 · 9 answers · asked by game over 5 in Immigration

Just a question for those with a mind for the law--nothing has happened and it probably would not but I have an obsessive fear of my mother in law. I am Pagan, specifically I practice Witchcraft and lean toward a peaceful Goddess following. I am normal, pay my bills, have a healthy relationship with my husband and daughter. We have a wonderful family and I am a great mom. However, my mother in law is mormon and is very zealous. I fear that if I ever came out of my broom closet to her that she would not understand my faith and assume the worst (as most Christians do) and try to take my child from me. Could this ever happen? I know that Wicca is legally recognized as a religion now and that I have rights to my religion. But you see all the time crazy legal proceedings about people losing their jobs and custody battles because of someone's unfounded fear, hatred and intolerance of earth-faith people. Should I keep hiding this from her?

2007-04-06 16:15:52 · 13 answers · asked by ? 2 in Law & Ethics

I'm planning to join the Navy in about a year or so, but right now i'm trying to convince my mom to give me her blessing. I know it's my decision but I'd really like my mom's support on this. I want to ask you guys who have military experience that it looks good on the resume if you served? I plan to be an engineer (probably aerospace or industrial, not sure which quite yet) and I wanted to know if military experience will benefit. Can you guys give me personal stories on how it helped you in your career also? Thank you

2007-04-06 16:13:21 · 19 answers · asked by arkainisofphoenix 3 in Military

do they go to juvies? do the parents get in trouble.

2007-04-06 16:13:07 · 6 answers · asked by Stanislav K 1 in Law & Ethics

Of course you can. No matter what credible investigations showed there was no conspiracy, you will still always counter with your own "credible" websites. I actually have a couple of questions for you:

1. I would really like a list of the 897 trillion websites that show 9/11 was an inside job (as one CT posted). Can you give it to me?

2. How is it your "credible" sources are any better than the sources that debunk them?

3. Why is it necessary to have multiple Loose Change videos? Is it because they are being debunked?

4. Can you show proof that Popular Mechanics is biased?

5. How is it that after so long, this is still supressed? No anonymous confessions, no proof, no documents?

Anyway, I just want to know how you can be so certain you are right? And, please, keep your namecalling to yourself.

2007-04-06 16:09:34 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

fedest.com, questions and answers