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Politics & Government - 29 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

While I agree that it is anyone's right to state their opinion, isn't comparing the U.S. to an Islamist regime intellectually lazy?

I understand that the secret CIA prison issue raises serious concerns (if not about Europe's cooperation as well) and that the Iraq war is highly unpopular — but where does disagreement simply turn to mindless rhetoric?


2007-03-29 06:22:29 · 20 answers · asked by buzzfeedbrenny 5 in Politics

I got pulled over today for speeding in a school zone. (39 in a 25). it was a mistake since the school zone is only 80 feet long. but i didn't have my license on me so i gave him my social and he didn't give me a citation or anything. he asked for my home phone and my cell phone number. i didn't give any paperwork or i didn't sign anything. was it a warning or what? Will I get a ticket in the mail?

2007-03-29 06:21:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

i am a sophomore in high school and i want to join the Marine Corp. i know the Marines is no joke and its a big decision, and i am totally a wear of the risks. i just want to know should i tell may parents my junior or senior years the i want to join the Marines. if sooner better then later or should i wait till i sign the papers?

2007-03-29 06:21:08 · 10 answers · asked by steph 1 in Military

The Building was a 47 story steel superstructure and it fell down at free fall speed into a pile of dust. Fire alone does not have the energy to do this. So who was in charge of planting the explosives?

2007-03-29 06:14:16 · 8 answers · asked by Surfer Dude 2 in Politics

I see-robot like behavior among party lines all the time on YA.

Could the party-line mantras hypnotise you?

Don't rag on me, just an observation.

2007-03-29 06:14:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Michael Long, chairman of the New York state Conservative Party states, "The gay marriage issue draws a line down the middle of the street, and Rudy Giuliani is something of a champion of gay rights."[11]

During his mayorality, gays and lesbians in New York asked for domestic-partnership rights. Giuliani in turn pushed the city's Democratic-controlled City Council, which had avoided the issue for years, to then pass legislation providing broad protection for same-sex partners.[12] In 1998, he codified local law by granting all city employees equal benefits for their domestic partners.[13] Giuliani also allowed gays and lesbians to serve openly in his administration.[14] When Guliani divorced from his wife in 2000, he moved temporarily into the apartment of a wealthy gay couple.[15] "You can't get much more to the left than Giuliani was on gay issues," says Joseph Mercurio, a bipartisan political consultant.[16]

2007-03-29 06:13:50 · 2 answers · asked by pip 7 in Politics

I was involved in a rear-end accident and I had to go to court on 3/16 because the woman that hit me wanted to fight her ticket (points). She got her fine reduced and she still has the points. She has since appealed this decision and I have now been supoenaed again to a Formal Hearing this time. Do I need to be represented by an attorney? What happens at this hearing?

2007-03-29 06:12:50 · 1 answers · asked by rklotz203121mi 1 in Law & Ethics

I keep hearing them saying "Bush is not a real conservative" when Conservative "values" are all that he ran on in his two elections.

Why the flip-flop? Why are his conservative backers and fans throwing him under the bus?

Is it that his performance is so poor that people are afraid to admit that he is their guy?

2007-03-29 06:08:30 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I ask this because our media tend to paint Iran and her people in a very bad light. The following is an excerpt of comments made by the female British soldier.

Captured Female U.K. Sailor Shown on Iran Television (Update1)
By Nick Allen and Mark Deen

March 28 (Bloomberg) -- A female U.K. sailor who was among a group of Britons seized by Iranian forces in the Persian Gulf was shown on Iranian television today.

Faye Turney, 26, wearing a black headscarf and smoking a cigarette, said her group had ``obviously trespassed'' into Iranian waters before their capture on March 23. The Iranians had been ``friendly and hospitable,'' she said.

``They were thoughtful, nice people and they explained to us why we had been arrested. There was no aggression, no hurt, no harm. They were very compassionate,'' Turney said.

Here is the link for the whole story:


2007-03-29 06:06:08 · 20 answers · asked by darrellkern 3 in Military

Whiles leaving tesco's supermarket 2day my mum was stopped and her bags where searched. 1 security guard was infront of her trolly and the other 1 at her side. They searched her bags and check her receipt and found she had payed for all her goods.They done this infront of everyone coming in and out of the store. When they found she had payed for everything they said that the thought that the Girl serving her had not charged her for all her shoppin. My mum was very upset by this and even had to get a stranger to drive her car home. Does anyone know if this is illegal or have an advice . She has made a complaint to the store and they have apologised and said it should never have happened.

2007-03-29 06:06:05 · 15 answers · asked by sexyass 3 in Law & Ethics

While Mayor, Guliani stated he is against banning partial-birth abortions and that he didn't see his position on that changing. Giuliani also told The Albany Times Union that he would not support a ban on late-term abortions.[6] More recently, he has shifted his position on partial-birth abortion slightly to agree with the new ban, but only as long as there is a provision for the life of the mother.[citation needed] Giuliani also supports parental notification in the case of child abortions so long as there is a judicial bypass option.[citation needed]

In a February 2007 interview with Sean Hannity, Giuliani said, "I hate [abortion] ... However, I believe in a woman's right to choose."[7] Regarding Roe v. Wade, Giuliani recognizes that the case has been on the books for some time and has precedence, but as to whether to overrule it or limit it: "That's up to the court to decide."[7]

2007-03-29 06:05:26 · 11 answers · asked by pip 7 in Politics

he probably did and so did you republican clowns

global warming IS HERE TO STAY

2007-03-29 06:05:22 · 8 answers · asked by baldheadrove 1 in Politics

Congress is using the money for soldiers food as leverage against our president. Im not saying i side with anyone but by the gods people are we as the american people going to let these people on capitol hill starve our troops so they can play politics?

2007-03-29 06:02:36 · 14 answers · asked by Militarywiccan110 2 in Politics

My 14yr old wants to become a Swat team member.. I want to hear from anyone with personal expierence what they think. I also want to know if I am correct in saying, that in order to become a SWAT member you have to be a street officer for some amount of years before joining the SWAT, is that true?

2007-03-29 06:01:53 · 6 answers · asked by sara w 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

In an October 1, 2001 speech before the United Nations in New York, Mayor Giuliani said that New York City truly reflected the United Nations: "Just go outside for a walk in the streets and the parks of New York City. You can't walk a block or two blocks in New York City without seeing somebody that looks different than you, acts different than you, talks different than you, believes different than you." Then he said that in order for the United Nations to remain relevant, it had to unequivocally oppose terrorism, and now: "The United Nations must hold accountable any country that supports or condones terrorism. Otherwise, you will fail in your primary mission as peacekeeper. It must ostracize any nation that supports terrorism. It must isolate any nation that remains neutral in the fight against terrorism."

2007-03-29 06:00:44 · 6 answers · asked by pip 7 in Politics

If the President of the U.S. is the mouth piece of American citizens should it matter greatly what the President thinks about the public opinion? Is public opinion our Democracy?

2007-03-29 05:57:21 · 12 answers · asked by edubya 5 in Politics

Would you consider for a moment that perhaps all this hate (from both republicans and democrats) is being fomented on purpose by these two parties?

Both have abandoned their core beliefs and both have morphed over the last 80 years into something that doesn't resemble who they were before.

Could it be possible that it is time for Americans to take a new and hard look at the real evidence that these two parties are actually part of the problem and neither are part of the solution?

There are third party candidates out there that deserve to be considered for your votes. Would you agree that perhaps it might not be a bad idea to at least consider rejecting both the democrats and the republicans in favor of someone that actually represents what you believe?

Not trying to slam either republicans or democrats...it is the parties that I don't trust any more to represent me or for that matter any American.

2007-03-29 05:55:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What are the advantages of both systems in Great Britain?

How are they reflected in the National legislature of G.B?

Since 1990, how has GB become more federal?

2007-03-29 05:54:05 · 2 answers · asked by Jennifer N 1 in Government

If we had to pay for it now, instead of spending on deficit, would the reps still be all for it?

2007-03-29 05:53:04 · 10 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

I understand that it is a struggle to have a family member with cancer, THOUSANDS of women have cancer. I understand that it must be terrible to lose a child, THOUSANDS of families have lost children. WHY IS THIS AN ISSUE? I think Edwards should stop trying to make himself seem so "special", like he is some kind of super dad/husband. Stick to the issues. There are so many others that have delt with so much more than he has. It makes him look like a dinkus.

2007-03-29 05:50:13 · 23 answers · asked by tlcbaotou 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Have you ever felt that you were mislead by someone important?

2007-03-29 05:49:57 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

With all the fighting going on between both political parties, dose it anger you that nothing to benifit the citizins of our country is getting done. As the demacrates had said before they were elected back into office, they had a 100 day agenda, and they have done nothing to advance what they promised, yet day after day they are hammering on the present adminastration, and constently nit picking, and this adminastration is constently on the defense, they aren't getting anything done ether.

2007-03-29 05:49:16 · 14 answers · asked by Boggadee 1 in Government

In 1992 Hillary Clinton supported the Federal assault weapons ban before the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act was passed in 1993 and signed by President Clinton[14].

During a 1999 press conference at the White House, First Lady Hillary Clinton stated, "And since the crime bill was enacted, 19 of the deadliest assault weapons are harder to find on our streets. We will never know how many tragedies we've avoided because of these efforts."[15]

In the 1999 Proposition B in Missouri campaign, Robin Carnahan's Safe Schools and Workplaces Committee, on the weekend prior to voting day, coordinated a taped phone message from Hillary Clinton that automatically dialed 75,000 homes statewide with the message, "Just too dangerous for Missouri families." [16]

Hillary Clinton favors "sensible gun control legislation" and not limiting gun control lawsuits. [17] She made gun control issues part of her 2000 Senate campaign.[18]

2007-03-29 05:46:38 · 5 answers · asked by pip 7 in Politics

2007-03-29 05:45:44 · 11 answers · asked by bigma 1 in Law & Ethics

Some people evidently have demanded that the state of Georgia issue an apology for slavery. Why? It isn't the case that any law makers today took part in keeping slaves, obviously, so why exactly do people think that an apology will make any difference? I just find this absolutely ridiculous and a waste of time when legislators could be addressing more serious issues than slavery, considering it hasn't existed in our lifetimes.

2007-03-29 05:45:06 · 13 answers · asked by Danielle S 2 in Law & Ethics

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