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Politics & Government - 27 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

What kind of example of anything that works have we shown them? Billy Boy Clinton and all of his henchmen? Favor brokers? Abramoff?

2007-03-27 10:03:45 · 8 answers · asked by Charles S 1 in Politics

I work in the field of protecting children and see so many cases of abuse and negect that could have been prevented if someone had simply made a phone call. We hear several excuses as to why a neighbor, friend or family member did not call: A few examples:
* If it weren't true I would hate to have had the parents mad at me (What if it WERE true? would you care if they liked you then?)
* I have and nothing was ever done (Keep calling every day UNTIL something is done, go as far as going to the news)
* It is none of my business (Then WHOSE is it? Some children can't speak for them selves)
* And believe it or not..the child must have deserved it, they probably talked back to their parents. (No child deserves it, no matter what kind of a brat that particular child might be)
What would prevent you from making such a call?

2007-03-27 10:01:07 · 18 answers · asked by Junior's Gal 3 in Law & Ethics

Im try to find out if a visa is issue to a known deadbeat dad or mom

2007-03-27 10:00:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

The New North Carolina Drivers Licenses Has a New Trackable Chip!

It was a sad day for me today as I called the local DMV. My cousin showed me her Renewed drivers licenses yesterday, and to my surprise there on the back was a new type of hologram. However as I came to find out today thru DMV sources it's not just a hologram it infact is a new trackable chip. They said infact it was a new homeland security project for this state. The officer also said that the cards which are trackable is just the first step in the new project, she also stated that other states had their own projects but that eventually all states would infactbe merged into the same system. This news shocked me to say the least but she also added that they were infact doing facial recignitions as well to go into the database. However before answering my questions she had a couple of her own such as, why do you want to know? Have you been involved with fake ID's ect. ect. I laughted and assured her that infact I was just a concerned citizen, and that I found it irronic how we are not the terrorists but that we have to submit to being treated as such. She however didn't seem amused. What as a nation have we allowed? Well as for me my drivers licenses don't expire until 2010, and until I move to a state that doesn't have such a policy or the policy itself is recended I'll stick with the ones I have!

Please do not accept this infringment on your constitutional rights! Fight back against tyranny!

2007-03-27 09:59:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

1 Edwards- His wife just had a press conference telling of her news of cancer.

2 Obama- Is running as a minority even though his mother is in the majority. He shuns the color of his mothers skin and calls himself black.

3 Richardson- Similar to Obama except he is running as a Latino canidate also ignoring the color of his fathers skin.

4 Clnton- It's been a hard life working in this world as a woman.

So... who wins your sympathy vote?

2007-03-27 09:59:07 · 2 answers · asked by mbush40 6 in Politics

The ugly head of racism again rises in the democrat party. Is this a reemergence of their KKK roots?

2007-03-27 09:59:03 · 37 answers · asked by ? 6 in Politics

I want to make sure an idiot doesn't jump the fence into my backyard, jump into my pool head first, bust his head open on the bottom of the pool, pass out and nearly drown and then try to sue me for breaking into my property and injuring himself.

2007-03-27 09:59:00 · 8 answers · asked by Enterrador 3 in Law & Ethics

real close

2007-03-27 09:58:31 · 1 answers · asked by ronzohooter 4 in Elections

And what the hell is a "throe" anyway? Only a repigletcon would make up a dumb word like that.

2007-03-27 09:58:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have always wanted to be in the military. Army or navy haven't decided. I want to eventually be a psychologist for the FBI. I want to become a special agent and might join the police dept and work to become a homicide detective what should I do. Skip the military and join the police after college?

2007-03-27 09:58:06 · 14 answers · asked by jbd89 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

BUT the rumors are that it is looking to acquire something - no specific deal on the table just an open eye, but if they did buy something it'd be big, I think it would be in New England since they've been putting up branches there, and they would pay a premium for the assets so the stock price may fall - - so I'd buy some now and some later.

And YES this IS political.

All you idiot Libs bitching about "two Americas" act as if there weren't a freakin' superhighway from the one America to the other - there is, it's called work, save, research and invest.

And here I'm giving you a freebie - ANOTHER freebie. I TOLD you NYX was a buy in the high 80s and it's at 93. I TOLD you drillers were cheap. They're all up. Now I'm telling you that at 51 Citigroup is worth owning even if it sits there because it has a 4.2% dividend which is taxed only at 15%.

It's also recession proof - if the economy dips, the Fed will cut rates, boosting banks' margins.

2007-03-27 09:57:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


How can one go about enrolling for our country's naval academy?

2007-03-27 09:57:17 · 5 answers · asked by Ray 2 in Military

Your Local MP represents an approximate average of 60,000 people in his/her constituency - is this possible? Is this a true representation for "the people" in a democracy?

Are your questions and/or problems ever solved? Is your MP willing to stand up for you in the Houses of Commons to campaign for your 'Rights'?

What will you do to our so-called democratic system in order to be truely representative of the local people?

2007-03-27 09:56:48 · 8 answers · asked by geoffrey S 1 in Government

Anyone who has bothered to read my answers and questions knows I am true, dyed in the wool Democratic Party faithful.

But what you don't know is I know cancer. I, for one, (one of many, I suspect) put the mundane game of politics aside and stop and say a prayer for Tony Snow' s fight with cancer. He is showing great courage in this fight over this evil disease and needs all our support. (As does John Edwards' wife and the millions of Americans and folks world wide afflicted with this terrible disease.)

If you are going to add pork to a bill, add pork (but it isn't pork) in the form of more federal support for cancer research.

So fight hard, Tony. We need to see your smiling face back up there.

2007-03-27 09:56:37 · 18 answers · asked by iwasnotanazipolka 7 in Politics

2007-03-27 09:55:43 · 15 answers · asked by Lou Dobbs 1 in Immigration

I know what would have to be done politically, but what would the people have to do to get there.
Abolish the electoral college, limit the amount a politician can spend one the campaign, free media advertisement for all candidates, the end of gerrymandering, and a constitution that actually protects you from the government, ect. Yea i know ours is supposed to but I can read the news and some laws that have passed and I have come to the conclusion that it doesn't serve its purpose.

Its obvious neither a democrat or a republican will do these things because it gives them a stranglehold on the country. Its Impossible for third parties have a chance. I know many Dems that would best fit in the green party or libertarian party. And I know a handful of repubs that would fit in the constitution party. And I know people that simply dont vote because they dont have a voice, only a vote. And sometimes that vote doesn't actually count. Violence? Patience? What can we do...

2007-03-27 09:54:55 · 7 answers · asked by tsumavoc 2 in Politics

I don't want to hear... "They are stealing it", or "taking it out of peoples pockets." Obviously they are not just walking away with money and people shrug their shoulders and wave good bye.... What do they do to make the money??? Transporting oil, pipelines, rebuilding, selling chairs??? What are they doing?

2007-03-27 09:54:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Has the political arena always been this bad? What can be done to correct it?

2007-03-27 09:53:52 · 12 answers · asked by CJ 2 in Politics

First of all, gas is REALLY not that expensive here. In many parts of Europe, it is over $5 a gallon (yet another reason I am glad to not live in Europe!)

Is gas expensive because Dick Cheney is getting kickbacks to keep the prices up?
Because execs in Exxon Mobil are lining their pockets with money?
Because the war in Iraq is affecting supply and therefore the price?


Because environmentalist wackoes in America won't let us drill for more oil in our own country?
(Guess which one I feel is the truth...)

2007-03-27 09:53:24 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Here is a chance for all of you who stand left of center to speak out against Islamic Radicals. Give them heck and really tell them how you feel. I know it's an every day thing for you to speak out against Christians, so this shouldn't be too hard for ya.

2007-03-27 09:52:24 · 6 answers · asked by mbush40 6 in Politics

Truly, do you really want Iran to come in and take over all the oil that can help fund the fight against terror rather than fund terror?

2007-03-27 09:52:21 · 11 answers · asked by El Pistolero Negra 5 in Politics

What is happening today in Zimbabwe is exactly why Africa is in trouble.
African leaders and NOT true leaders after all, just power hungry people looking for an opportunity to grab wealth and stay in power.
Robert Mugabe can continue his free rein of terror until god decides his fate, rest assured no African leaders will ever rise up and speak out against him.
LFS Burnham ran the same for twenty-seven years in Guyana right under the nose of Caricom whose membership includes some greatest democracy known to man in the western hemisphere.
Carry on Mugabe your legacy will be buried right alongside your pure ignorance and purpose here on earth.
I pray someday Africa can elect some women leaders who I may add have the courage to speak up and take on a challenge even is the issue lies outside your country.
Remember Gandhi started in South Africa ended in India, may be the leadership today in South Africa will not turn a blind eye on thy neighbor!
God Bless Africa

2007-03-27 09:52:19 · 4 answers · asked by Andrew M 1 in Government

or other obvious flaws in our nation. surprise invasion, took us right out. they then set up a communist government, cause its working for them.
i bet everyone would become insurgents.
this is the answer to whats going on in iraq. thoughts?

2007-03-27 09:51:13 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-27 09:49:49 · 8 answers · asked by OASIS 1 in Law & Ethics

I've recently found a very interesting video about the Kosher food and hidden taxes that we pay to rabbis I've heard even Coke and Pepsi: http://youtube.com/watch?v=yWn--jlRVAI
Some rabiies don't like African-Americans:
Some information about wiretaping in US:
A little bit about the Homeland Security and the Patriot Act
Thank you for your oppinion

2007-03-27 09:49:46 · 17 answers · asked by Goldman I 2 in Politics

Or Bush, for creating the problem and the consequences? it just seems funny to me that everyone is saying 'if we leave now it will get worse', with no real answer for how it gets better?

2007-03-27 09:49:20 · 19 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

"I would argue that the most serious threat to the United States is not someone hiding in a cave in Afghanistan or Pakistan but our own fiscal irresponsibility," (U.S. Comptroller General Walker). Walker is generally very well respected by both political parties.

Are we ever going to elect a President who will flatly state that we need to both raise taxes and cut entitlements in order to get us out of the disatrous debt scenario we are in, or do we just not want to know the truth? Please read the link before answering.


2007-03-27 09:49:00 · 5 answers · asked by celticexpress 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Hello, I hope someone out there can help me. I was given away at birth, due to some hardships. After 25+ years I finally located my parents. They are both United States Citizens. Unfortunately, I am still in a small island in asia. What can I do so I may be able to live with my blood parents? They became US citizens when I was no longer a minor. Thank you so much =)

2007-03-27 09:48:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

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