Politics have always been this bad. People used to fight and shoot each other on the senate floor back in the 1800's. If anything it has become more civil now.
2007-03-27 09:56:50
answer #1
answered by tobcol 5
You are kidding arn't you? You are not from another planet are you? Take a look at the bill regulating money for the Iraq war. A hundred million dollars has been added as pork which will be directed to both political parties. Non other than Senator Byrd has stated there are things out there that are as important and it should be added. Guess there is a big decision about balloon and liquor huh? And your asking why politics is disgusting. What a joke!
2007-03-27 10:15:54
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
George Orwell made a great observation in his essay "Politics and the English Language".
It was simply this, the nature of language is to express the truth. The nature of politics is to deceive. He concludes that politics is the enemy of Language.
Have you noticed how any political point now has a red answer and a blue answer? Can you guess how your left and right friends will answer any given political question?
Now here is the sad part. Everything has been politicized; how we are born, how we die, the cars we drive and there fuel, the close we wear, and foods we eat. Now each point has its own color coated answer. It has made most people rather dull. We are all given our talking points, and they cover everything.
You ask how can we improve political discourse. I should say we need a good deal less political discourse and a little more civil speech .
2007-03-27 10:24:03
answer #3
answered by Herodotus 7
Civ Vs. Pol. is simple.... The politics let civilians be angry towards whoever because it will keep them off their back. No one is trying to assassinate anyone or whatever... So they really don't give a crap what these people are saying.
Pol. Vs. Pol. rides the wonderful wave I just explained. As long as there is this uproar within the Civ. the Pol. can use this uproar against their opposing party members.
Americans don't care about the "issues" anymore. They just care if who they think is cool wins. Like many people on here who say abortion is a right and capitol punishment is murder for example.... They are both parasitic lifeforms for Christ sake!
2007-03-27 10:00:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
My suggestion would be to revote for senators and congressmen that are under the age of 60 and to add 2 nonpartisan parties. Theirs a fine line between democratics and republicans that neither will touch, but by haveing nompartisans in there than fine line will be dealt with. Also our politicians have been in office so long that they sit straight up close their eyes and go to sleep. This is'nt what all tax payers are suppose to be paying for. By doing this we stop the retirees before they retire and put younger people incharge of controlling our country.
2007-03-27 10:11:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Stupidity and greed. I think it has somewhat always been this way, there are just more ways for this to show up now. But I do think we are working more to correct it in political positions than ever before, or at least I hope so.
You asked a tough question!!!!!
2007-03-27 10:07:40
answer #6
answered by "Hooks" 3
I have a lot of hatred and disrespect for people on the other side, not because they hold different opinions that they apply to the same facts but because they make up their own facts.
2007-03-27 09:58:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Listen to rap music. There is hate and disrespect in all aspects of life and no one is trying to clean anything up.
2007-03-27 09:57:11
answer #8
answered by Charles S 1
Always been bad, just never reached this level of incompetence before.
2007-03-27 09:57:46
answer #9
answered by Carpe diem 6
People want to point fingers and not look at the issues.
2007-03-27 09:57:10
answer #10
answered by infobrokernate 6