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Politics & Government - 20 March 2007

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For 6 years Bush operated without fear of any oversite by Congress. If Republicans were still in control of the House would they have just ignored the firings of the US Attorneys?

2007-03-20 11:43:19 · 12 answers · asked by itsdabigbadwolf 3 in Politics

can collapse at free fall speed (i.e. maximum gravitational pull) without the help of explosives. PERIOD!

If you can’t understand that, I suggest you bush up on your high school physics.

9/11 was an inside job.

2007-03-20 11:42:59 · 11 answers · asked by eatmeneocon 2 in Politics

if he really wants to change the world for the better and stop global warming ...being the big man will help his cause...when will Al make it knowed he is running again...in is movie he show himself losing and I think he is going to run again ...I hope so..

2007-03-20 11:42:01 · 16 answers · asked by xjim7 2 in Politics

If you were a ranger for 4 years could you possibly be elegible for employment at blackwater? What about 8 years? Is it only special ops and seals that can work for them cause Rangers are right there as far as training.

2007-03-20 11:39:39 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

or will you be in trouble if you tell the American People the truth? If you buy this explanation: "If the staff of a president operates in constant fear of being hauled before congressional committees ... the president would not receive candid advice and the American people would be ill-served," I will sell you the Empire State Building for a GREAT Price Cons. LOL!!!

2007-03-20 11:38:59 · 12 answers · asked by Tom B 3 in Politics

i need a serious mature answer.iam in the model un competition and need to prpose a solution to this issue to win.HELP!

2007-03-20 11:38:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Does it surprise anyone that when a conservative makes a point he/she is called a racist, bigot, warmonger, corporate america shill, etc....then 10 years later his point is proven correct?

A good example would be Dan Quayle and the Murphy Brown incident. Criticizing people for purposely having children out of wedlock was seen as blasphemy then, but now people are starting to say "hey, maybe having 2 incomes is a smarter way to do it. perhaps a child actually needs a father-figure in their life...hmmm"

You can find another example of a conservative being right today, with the Bush tax cuts that liberals vomited when they saw. Perhaps in 15 years, after liberals rule the gov't and thousands of americans are dead, they will say that the conservatives had it right and we should have faught the terrorists instead of licking their boots and cowering in fear.

2007-03-20 11:37:19 · 9 answers · asked by Matt 4 in Other - Politics & Government

...he is planning on starting World-War-3, will draft all the legal able bodied citizens for the war and needs the illegals to work in the factories as slaves for next to nothing?

2007-03-20 11:37:08 · 3 answers · asked by insert name here <--------- 1 in Immigration

2007-03-20 11:36:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

who do you think you will vote for, and why?

And who do you think will be the next president, and why?

I am probably going to vote for John Edwards because I really like his plan for the environment and for the war in Iraq. I think that Hillary Clinton will probably win because people are familiar with her name and a lot of people really like her get-out-of-Iraq plan. Plus I think that a democrat will win because republicans have gotten such a bad rap from the actions of the Bush administration.

2007-03-20 11:36:36 · 3 answers · asked by Rat 7 in Elections

Are the republican and democratic parties and the country as a whole suffering from bad government resulting from the currupting influence of power on our elected officals thinking processes because of the incredible amount of slack the rank and file gives the leadership? Is this what inevitably happens when we let our vigilant guard down by not helping keep them strait forward, honest, sharp, fair, skilled, altruistic, thoughtful, discaplined, wise, and just? Should we not tollerate at the very least the MOST absurd or obviously incorrect actions, descicions, judgements and behaviors because by doing so we let them, ourselves, our children, our country, the world and the hope for a bright present and even brighter future down because of the lousy government we end up with and the wrong things they end up doing and the right things they don't end up doing on a day to day basis? Is it our fault because in a democracy politicians always end up acting as badly as they can get away with

2007-03-20 11:36:18 · 2 answers · asked by Stan S 1 in Politics

I was wondering if it is slander to tell your testimony and it involves someone who did some very horrible things to you, and you dont use their name or names, but if they read it,,,they would know it was about them? would it be illegal?

2007-03-20 11:35:03 · 7 answers · asked by an angel F 2 in Law & Ethics

why are the democrats trying to go and use firing US attorneys
as an im peachment

2007-03-20 11:34:45 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I use a handicap placard and my co-workers give me a hard time becuase on the outside it doesnt appear that I have a disability, but I don't feel like legally they have a right to harass me about it and I shouldn't have to explain my medical issues....what should I do?

2007-03-20 11:34:43 · 6 answers · asked by Lola 1 in Law & Ethics

Is that why he is purposely flushing this great country down the toilet?

2007-03-20 11:32:08 · 11 answers · asked by Surfer Dude 2 in Politics

we have all heard a great deal of talk from this administration and Rove himself that if we all have nothing to hide then we shouldn't mind if our phones are tapped without a warrant - well here's a perfect situation for them to lead by example.

Why wouldn't they jump at the chance to have Rove tesify under oath?


2007-03-20 11:29:43 · 13 answers · asked by nostradamus02012 7 in Politics

Was she the one who was always getting her face lifted every time her son came to see her?

2007-03-20 11:29:16 · 3 answers · asked by the_skipper_also 3 in Government

I would like to help a friend with a conventional refugee claim in Canada , does anyone have any info that might help with the interview , how long the application process takes , what info or proof they might need and how complicated the whole process is?

Thanks , any info would be appreciated.

2007-03-20 11:29:11 · 4 answers · asked by Rach 1 in Immigration

2007-03-20 11:28:54 · 6 answers · asked by Zelda Hunter 7 in Government

WASHINGTON, Mar 20, 2007 (UPI via COMTEX) -- U.S. President George Bush has OK'd appearances by adviser Karl Rove and other White House figures before Congress on the firing of eight federal prosecutors.

However, Rove, Harriet Miers, deputy White House counsel William Kelley and White House aide Scott Jennings would not be made to testify under oath, The Hill reported Tuesday.

The monstrous psychopaths now infesting the White House have taken malevolence to a whole new level. Let us remind ourselves that The White House belongs to us and that Bush serves us.

2007-03-20 11:28:24 · 11 answers · asked by dstr 6 in Politics

I belive that if both the president and the vice president were die, the speaker of the house is next in line, but would the speaker of the the house suceed if it was only the vice president who died?

2007-03-20 11:27:59 · 10 answers · asked by needBIOhelp 1 in Politics

But not every other President did the things Bush has done. It doesn't make any sense.

2007-03-20 11:27:07 · 8 answers · asked by Surfer Dude 2 in Politics

(Reuters) With regards to the Dismissal of 8 Lawyers.....
In a letter to relevant members of Congress, White House counsel Fred Fielding made clear he was not offering Rove and other aides to give sworn testimony as had been requested.

"Such interviews would be private and conducted without the need for an oath, transcript, subsequent testimony or the subsequent issuance of subpoenas," Fielding wrote.

Democratic lawmakers described the offer as unsatisfactory, saying they wanted the witnesses under oath.

2007-03-20 11:26:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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