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Politics & Government - 10 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I am playing a video game that has a mini game in it. It has a word unscrambler the letters are c-r-a-y-o-n. I have three minutes to get as many words out of those letters as possible. the words have to be more than 3 letters.

I know this isn't political but, after being in several areas in yahoo answers I have found this group to be the most responsive and intelligent. Please help.

2007-03-10 07:08:44 · 11 answers · asked by snowball45830 5 in Politics

What's the difference and which would be better to get into?

2007-03-10 07:04:17 · 7 answers · asked by Brandon 3 in Military

They are still poor. They still have too many kids that they can't afford and they still complain that we just don't give enough. Who else thinks this is getting old?

2007-03-10 07:03:06 · 23 answers · asked by Gemini Girl 4 in Politics

What are the laws that allow them to do so?

Do they have the right to hold any secrets? I mean, where's the democracy?

2007-03-10 06:59:28 · 16 answers · asked by lizb 3 in Law & Ethics

If I were an office manager and I told an FBI agent about a crime that didn't take place, would a special prosecutor be hired and would I be tried and found guilty and sentenced to five years in jail?

2007-03-10 06:59:19 · 6 answers · asked by H.C.Will 3 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-10 06:59:13 · 4 answers · asked by hollie m 1 in Military

i woul like to find information on the FLSA law like who sign the bill? why it was created?

2007-03-10 06:58:30 · 7 answers · asked by charina0218 1 in Law & Ethics

I read an interesting article a few days ago. There is a theory that humans were never supposed to eat meat. One reason is that our intestins are very long compared to real carnivors. We also do not have the teeth and claws like they do. Our bodies are more similar to non meat eaters. I'm not a vegetarian but I find this intersting. What do you think?

2007-03-10 06:57:35 · 23 answers · asked by Gemini Girl 4 in Politics

2007-03-10 06:57:03 · 3 answers · asked by montana 1 in Government

The nation of Israel, friend or foe of America? Actions speak louder than words;

June 8, 1967; Israeli jets attack the USS Liberty, killing 34 American soldiers.

May of 1970; Perle passing secrets to Israel during Kissinger and Nixon term

1973-2001; according to the Christian science monitor, Since 1973, Israel has cost the United States about $1.6 trillion. Top Jewish senators and Jewish congressmen in the US are voting to take tax payer's money to support Israel. If divided by today's US Citizens, that is more than $5,700 per person. That is more than twice the cost of the Vietnam War. Israel receives over 2 billion per year as a peace accord agreement, yet still to this day violates that agreement.

1979-1981 During the US hostage crisis in Iran, Israel was specifically asked to stop supplying Iran with weapons while Iran was holding US hostages. Israel was selling 500 million dollars per year of weapons to Iran, even after America asked Israel to stop.

October 1983; Israel deliberately allows 241 American Marines to die

1984; Israel denies U.S. Justice Department demand to extradite Marc Rich, a convicted Israeli spy against America.

August 1985, Israeli American scientist arrested for stealing 800 nuclear weapons triggers from America and sending them to Israel

November 22, 1985; Jewish US Navy Employee Arrested as Israeli Spy

October 27, 1991; Israel enflames race tensions in America by supplying apartheid South Africa with weapons and forcing the Bush administration to waive sanctions against Israel.

March 1995; Israel Charged With Systematic Harassment of U.S. Marines

August 23 1996; CIA accuses Israeli spies of theft of U.S. corporate scientific and technological data as the type of espionage that poses the greatest threat to U.S. economic competitiveness.

September 1997; Israel, as a haven for Jewish American murderers to flee to and be holed up in, refuses to extradite the Jewish murderer of an American.

June 18, 1998; Israeli businessman convicted selling chemical and biological weapons components and know-how to Iran for $16 million.

January 28, 1999; Israel transfers laser technology to Communist China, despite American outrage

February 24, 1999; Another Jewish American murderer flees to Israel and is holed up there, after killing another American.

July 30, 1999 Israeli hackers attack Pentagon

February 24, 2000; Israel again sells donated US military technology to Communist China, in the face of US outrage.

September 11, 2001; Israeli spies caught cheering and photographing the WTC as it fell.

15 March 2002; Israel ignores US demand to leave Palestinian territories, damaging American credibility and making America look like a hypocrite for forcing Sadam out of Kuwait but not Sharon out of Palestine.

June 28, 2002; Israel Reports Weapons Development in Iraq, also prodded by 25 neo-conservatives, mostly Jewish, Bush went to war with Iraq, costing nearly a thousand American soldiers their lives, no weapons found.

August 28.2002; Israel Supplying Iran again: Germany holds up Israeli military shipment said headed for Iran

October 4, 2002; 9/11: WHAT DID ISRAEL KNOW? – and when did they tell us?

November 17, 2003; Israel blatantly uses American weapons in violation of AECA agreements between both countries which stipulate that Israel not use such weapons in civilian territories, enraging and inflaming the animosity in the Middle East against America, even though Israel can use Israeli weapons since Israel is the 6th largest weapons producer, it consistently showcases American weapons against civilians, spreading the guilt onto America by association.

Today; Israel forces America to keep silent about Israel's nuclear weapons, again destroying America's credibility world wide and leaving America looking like a hypocrite on it's goal to end weapons of mass destruction world wide, also allowing the "unsecure" Israel to attempt to guard that nuclear stockpile from the Middle Eastern black market.

In conclusion, since the founding of Israel in 1950, no other country has cost America more lives, money, and damage to credibility than Israel.

2007-03-10 06:56:45 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-10 06:54:42 · 25 answers · asked by Lou Dobbs 1 in Immigration

Is this political or what ?

2007-03-10 06:54:34 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do you think Europe is a chance for the world ?
(A chance for peace, ecology, human rights, social etc.)

2007-03-10 06:53:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

What if it meant that Mecca would be destroyed? Do you think they would like the trade off? I mean the world trade center was symbol of western capitalism. Mecca is a sybmol of Islam. I think a time will come when we need to play hardball with these Jihadists. Because right now, there is nothing to deter them from their desire to attack us again. And it's not a matter of if but when...It doesn't matter if we have a republican or democtratic president or what our policies are as long as we are infidels we are a target. They have their agenda and they started the war a long time ago. It's gonna be a very long war unless we take drastic measures to put an end to it. I know it sounds extreme and most Muslims are good people but so were the people they attacked in the name of Islam on 9-11 in the US and on 7-11 in London and on 3-11 in Spain.

2007-03-10 06:50:19 · 11 answers · asked by Cleareyes 2 in Politics

I honestly think there are people in the GOP who would follow Bush off a cliff - hell, they've followed him into the maw of two unwinnable wars, and blindly support his division of a once united country so you tell me?

2007-03-10 06:49:53 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am in Indian and my fiancee is from Iraq, could any one please suggest me what all process i should go through to get her here comfortably?

2007-03-10 06:46:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I'm in the military and I was born in Florida. How was it for you? Did you get a lawyer to help with the paperwork and whatnot? Did some of the companies you have to notify give you a hard time about changing your name?

2007-03-10 06:45:27 · 3 answers · asked by Metabee 3 in Military

Why not just buy a more efficent car?

2007-03-10 06:43:08 · 23 answers · asked by Gemini Girl 4 in Politics

2007-03-10 06:43:05 · 10 answers · asked by Beckham 2 in Government

why or why not

2007-03-10 06:40:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I am disabled and was getting SSI. I inherited some money and purchased a house. I lost my SSI which is understandable. I didn't work much in my lifetime because I was married twice and stayed home.

In my own lifetime earnings I'm told I will receive $226.00 a month if and when I ever reach 65. I am fighting a life threatning disease and need that small amount NOW. I'm told I cannot get this because I didn't apply during the so called proper time. I did, however, my file was lost through them and I can't prove it. I'm told this is the law, and I can write to the government about this. I have a number times, but my letters have been ignored and never answered. I've contacted social security attorneys, and they tell me the same thing. Too bad, they say I didn't apply during the right time.

This isn't fair, I did work and at least made what I made, I have been told I will receive medicare when I reach 65, that I worked enough to qualify for that. I have 15 years 2 go.

2007-03-10 06:39:16 · 5 answers · asked by janelle p 1 in Law & Ethics

men who do physical work, like tuck day at work the women cant lift the same boxes they ask us to help them so we end up doing thair job to.same pay, same hours ya right.

2007-03-10 06:39:15 · 9 answers · asked by sehoy 3 in Elections

Yesterday me and my boyfriend were at my backyard taking a tan, with nothing but a thong on, when I notice a little boy staring at us from the other side of the fence. His head was poking out and everthing! So I quietly told my boyfriend, (the boy still unware) and he took out his RAZR and took a picture of the boy and made a 10 second video, witht the boy still unware we were taping him. He stood there for about 2 minutes, and then when he made eye contact with us he crawled back down and left.

I want to call the cops, but he's not even over age, and he's only 12 years old. We know that our neighborhood hates us because we're homosexual, so nobody is going to take our side. But I felt so used... So dirty... I wanted to cry, it was horrible, that young boy watching us made me sick....

Even though, everyone (neighborhood) will be against us, should I tell the parents who alreday ahte me, or should I just call the cops. Even though I got evidence will the neighborhood believe us?

2007-03-10 06:39:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I tried to be sarcastic with some answers on other catagories and didn't even get one thumbs down..What is the matter with those people???

2007-03-10 06:35:52 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

President Bush entered into some kind of an agreement in Brazil to boost biofuels production across the Americas in order to make the region more indepenedent in energy sources. Biofuels like Ethanol have as many critics as advocates. It is not as efficient as other fuesl (less mpg). How eco-friendly is it really with its production process? What production levels can it achieve? And can it ever deliver any real independence? Is it wise to go top down with this decision while other promising technologies like Lithium Ion batteries and Hydrogen Fuel cells are working bottom up through the market?

2007-03-10 06:34:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Peace has only ever been achieved by war, force and the projection of military might. Ask yourself this; if we disbanned our military and swore to never fight for anything again, would the rest of the world let us live in peace?

2007-03-10 06:33:48 · 20 answers · asked by ric9757 3 in Politics

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