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Politics & Government - 10 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Reasons why?

2007-03-10 05:29:37 · 11 answers · asked by Armin 3 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-10 05:26:32 · 12 answers · asked by h@voc 3 in Law & Ethics

my name is ali aqdawi; i have famly consist of my 2 parent & my sisiter; we rare living in Iraq but i dream & go to USA or Europe to be get good life there filled with piece& scince and far from the wars& terrorests; there i can continu my medical& surgical researches so i can get the benefit to me& to community i life withen

2007-03-10 05:25:26 · 9 answers · asked by draliiraq 1 in Immigration

...."we must end the failed policy of Dont Ask Dont Tell."? Wasn't that failed policy her husbands? I am in the military and do not want to have a gay dude checking me out in the shower. If we end that policy, does that mean I can now shower with the females?

2007-03-10 05:25:05 · 8 answers · asked by ric9757 3 in Military

Any ignorant hick or s|ut can find Waldo, so why can't the U.S. find the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq...

Or, are there none?

Do I smell conspiracy?

By the way, as a TAXPAYER, I want my money back!!! I paid for the military to go on a wild goose chase to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the military didn't produce!!! Refund please!?!?

And, can we use that refund to provide legitimate healthcare for our injured and impaired veterans and to get 20% of our nation's homeless (who are all military veterans) off the streets?


2007-03-10 05:24:17 · 11 answers · asked by yvvash 1 in Military

I play an otherwise fairly realistic video game in which tanks can be killed by multiple grenades. I find it hard to believe some tiny chunks of metal would make more than a scratch. Can they wreck treads or something?

2007-03-10 05:24:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Rebublican = Rudy Giuliani (W)
Democrat = Hillary Clinton

2007-03-10 05:22:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

that white men should only marry white women.
Is the Honorable Minister Louis Farakhan a racist bigot?

2007-03-10 05:21:23 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

please write in some detail to what end you would follow her and under what condtions you would ignore her .

2007-03-10 05:20:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Less than a year. It's a done deal. Here's why:
there's presidental coming in less than a year. No one who advocates keeping our troops in Iraq is gonna get much support.
Because US of Americans are sick and tired of this war (most of us).More and more people see it as what it really is--a war of aggression, an illegal action taken because of bushco's lust for oil and power.
So no pro-war candidate will rate. jr. will have no other choice but to start bringing troops home. His fellow rep's will demand it, otherwise the rep's will take a major butt-whupping in next year's elections.
Here's what's gonna happen: this summer or fall bushco will reveal a "pact" with the insurgents. Secret negotiatons just like tricky dickie conducted in Vietnam. A cease-fire will be worked out (which will probably fail, since many insurgents are independent).
bushco will HAVE to start bringing our troops home.

2007-03-10 05:20:24 · 9 answers · asked by AlphaMale 2 in Politics

My fiance has a website on yahoo called MSVETS and they are looking for more ppl to join in the chat because there is pending research.

2007-03-10 05:19:47 · 2 answers · asked by jenn 2 in Military

Any ignorant hick or s|ut can find Waldo, so why can't the U.S. find the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq...

Or, are there none?

Do I smell conspiracy?

By the way, as a TAXPAYER, I want my money back!!! I paid for the military to go on a wild goose chase to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the military didn't produce!!! Refund please!?!?

And, can we use that refund to provide legitimate healthcare for our injured and impaired veterans and to get 20% of our nation's homeless (who are all military veterans) off the streets?


2007-03-10 05:19:21 · 4 answers · asked by yvvash 1 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-10 05:18:35 · 17 answers · asked by Miss 1 in Government

If one were to create a surname for themselves from the top of their head but it did not at exist anywhere, would it be illegal? This is assuming that they would use other legal procedures to change their last name.

2007-03-10 05:17:26 · 10 answers · asked by F G 1 in Law & Ethics

by late 2008. Is this what you voted for? Didn't you vote for them in the mid-terms because they promised an immediate, repeat immediate troop withdrawel? Now it is one and a half years away!!! Feeling betrayed?

2007-03-10 05:16:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

let us assume the people were elected fair and square. once they got in with a massive majority they started becoming dictators . something like the small 3rd world countries . they issue orders to arrest aponents and protesters. all of parliment is in on this. so now here is the question if the govenor general came on tv or the queen and said she disolved parliment and was taking tempary control of the governing until new elections and calm were there . do you think the police the military and you would follow her or the parliment say the parliment was offering you quite a good prize to follow them . what would you do .?

2007-03-10 05:14:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I am wishing to file a restraining order against someone who abused me. I would like to know what "rules n regulations" are for both parties. Also how to go about getting one. This guy likes to hang out outside my apartment complex to terrify me and has threatened my life more than once. My complex is huge and I'm not sure if that would keep him away. I just want hin out of my life and leave me alone!

2007-03-10 05:14:21 · 4 answers · asked by lazerangel99 4 in Law & Ethics

I'm getting ready to move and prefer to keep my ex from tracing where I move, for safety reasons. No, I'm not going to change my name---it's already very common, which helps tremendously. I only use a cell phone and don't plan on having any public phone numbers either. I heard that I could forward my mail to a PO Box, but often times the places that let you do that will also give out your information if pressed enough. I was thinking of forwarding my address to a friend's place and having them forward my mail to my address, but the post office might be able to trace the final address to where I will live.

Essentially, I want to disappear without this person finding me. Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

2007-03-10 05:13:55 · 6 answers · asked by Neophyte 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

Which country

2007-03-10 05:13:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

in prophecy,,it staes that this man will dupe the common people through corporation,,and that he is of dark olive skin and medditeranen lineage

scary stuff,, he was right on about Hitler The timing is right too

2007-03-10 05:10:35 · 10 answers · asked by No Bs 1 in Politics

>>>>from the Middle East with similar appearances and names. Have any of the accused (most of whom speak arabic) ever acknowledged that a certain person actually heads this "organization" or did the U.S. give them this definition because they didn't really have a name?

2007-03-10 05:10:10 · 11 answers · asked by rare2findd 6 in Politics

I am considering enlisting as an 11B in the US army and I was just wondering if anyone on here was an 11B and if they could tell me what it was like. and also what exactly do they teach you at your AIT?

2007-03-10 05:10:00 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

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