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Politics & Government - 10 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

We are learning about the new deal in school and I was just really curious what other peoples thought are.

2007-03-10 13:47:55 · 8 answers · asked by epcheerleader09 1 in Politics

2007-03-10 13:44:52 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

When muslims in Iraq and elsewhere behave like animals, blowing up innocent people, and we catch suspects, should we treat them like we treat other suspects? For that matter, why do criminals given the death sentence live so long, going from one appeal to another appeal? Is anyone else there who thinks animals who have lost their civility should not be treated civilly?

2007-03-10 13:43:54 · 12 answers · asked by paanbahar 4 in Politics

Hey I'm looking to serve in the military after high school. What really interests me is Special Forces jobs. Now What branch of the military's spec ops should I join. Also if anyone served as one could you give me some info?

2007-03-10 13:41:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-03-10 13:38:53 · 4 answers · asked by PATRICIA G 1 in Law & Ethics

do you think we are to nosey in other countrys besnuise because of Iraq i mean if sudam was like that we should of just stated out of there beusinns

2007-03-10 13:37:59 · 17 answers · asked by cierra g 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Also...should Bush and Cheney be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity and the planet?

2007-03-10 13:37:47 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


I have a good friend of mine who was "clocked" at 51 in a 35 zone today. The ticketing too place in Ohio, but the friend lives in PA. Now the officer was coming in the other lane and claims to have used Radar to clock it. The friend was only truthfully doing about 5 or 6 over the legal limit at the time, also, there were several cars in front of the vehicle. The ticket cost is over $300 and is causing financial difficulty. Is there anyone that can be done to get rid of the ticket?

2007-03-10 13:36:51 · 5 answers · asked by chuc819 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Why is the term white trash used in America and pointed towards low income American familys and people living intrailer parks.The trillions of dollars that is collected from taxes is or is it supposed to serve the people of America to better themsevles and better the America Way of life or has it turn America into a fiery pit of hells angels that a holy roller has to come and put out the fire the save the family home from burning down around them .The law should be showing common sense not contempt towards the people .Play positive music in the jails sidney used to say commenting to jarod.

2007-03-10 13:32:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

There are apparently a few hundred people a paycheck away from being homeless, and here the liberals are, arguing for their .... wait a second ... why don't the liberals CANCEL their Internet access, take that money and then give it to the poor?

2007-03-10 13:29:28 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Here is a page with Hitler's 25 points on it in case you need a little help.

2007-03-10 13:28:53 · 15 answers · asked by archangel72901 4 in Politics

a. Rudy
b. Mr Guliani
c. America's mayor

2007-03-10 13:28:09 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

to find the you might want to ask people of the government

2007-03-10 13:27:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

taxes r stupid! you should keep all ur money! why do we pay the government to waste all our dollars on stupid stuff like old ppl!!!

i'm glad our presidint is doing all he can to make foolish taxes disapear!

so why do we pay taxes neways? i think it has to do with the government being old liberal ppl and wanting to take money with taxes and spend it on themsellves thro "socail security(sp?)"

2007-03-10 13:26:04 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I do not have alot of money and no military experience. I have a loving family and good friends. I also have a B.A. in Philosophy and do not yet have my Law Degree. Must I get a Law degree to become President? In God We Trust.

2007-03-10 13:24:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I know what I did was wrong and stupid, I need help and advice and some answers please.

Over a month ago I was at the mall with a friend of mine, she told me I can get money by putting an empty envolope into the bank machine and I receive money. I tok out 200$ and now I owe the bank money.

I do not have the money to pay the bank back but I DO plan on paynig back the money when I CAN.

What will happen If I dont back back asap. Have any of you done this b4? do you get into alot of trouble? can yuo get arrested for this?

2007-03-10 13:23:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

The first time I rescheduled, the second time I showed up but had to leave because of a family emergency and the third time I never received the summons.

2007-03-10 13:22:20 · 14 answers · asked by brenda a 1 in Law & Ethics

carry concealed wepons for the citizens of the USA

2007-03-10 13:20:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-03-10 13:20:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Me and my friends had an argument over this. Is the drinking age (21) a federal law? And to broaden the subject, must all states obey federal law?

2007-03-10 13:19:56 · 13 answers · asked by Pattay 1 in Law & Ethics

Non-farm payroll employment increased by 97,000 in February following an upwardly revised increase of 146,000 in January.

Service-providing industries added 168,000 jobs in February following an increase of 120,000 jobs in January. The increase reflected job growth throughout much of the sector.

The Labor Department also said that the unemployment rate unexpectedly edged down to 4.5 percent in February from 4.6 percent in January. The decrease came as a surprise to economists, who had expected the unemployment rate to remain unchanged.

The report also showed that average hourly earnings increased by $0.06 or 0.4 percent to $17.16 in February. This increase followed gains of $0.03 in January and $0.08 in December. Average hourly earnings were up 4.1 year-over-year.


2007-03-10 13:19:05 · 11 answers · asked by robot_hooker 4 in Politics

I swear it is not a 911 conspiracy theory!


2007-03-10 13:18:42 · 3 answers · asked by Nationalist 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Fox news was going to host a debate in Nevada and Edwards had a fit and cried because Fox does not give him unbridled love. What is Edwards scared of?

2007-03-10 13:18:35 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

if this post is called by some other name?
I just know it was an important position.

2007-03-10 13:17:56 · 3 answers · asked by naz 3 in Government

what country is most free

2007-03-10 13:15:20 · 6 answers · asked by shitsueu 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Last year I was told by an overseas client that I had
a wire pending. For $70,000. Since he had paid previously
in amounts of $35,000 and $15,000 on 4 occasions I had no
reason to think it wouldn't. When he gave me confirmation
I wrote 3 checks in total $56000. When he at first said
the wire was delayed I told the bank to hold and redeposit.
When he said he couldn't I asked bank 2 cancel. The bank bounced
all but $30000 which I replaced with a 2nd mortgage.
Someone apparently have tried to charge me
with grand theft - I guess they don't know it's my mother
in law and think I tried to defraud - does anyone have any
thoughts? I've never even had a jaywalking ticket but to
sleep at night would like to hear this will be dropped or
if anyone knows the fine I can pay to avoid a jail sentence
for something I didn't do - I have an autistic child and want
them to stop
hounding me &norm life-please don't answer with a guess it's too important - ps I DO have a lawyer

2007-03-10 13:13:43 · 1 answers · asked by thamilton164 2 in Law & Ethics

Last year I was told by an overseas client that I had
a wire pending. For $70,000. Since he had paid previously
in amounts of $35,000 and $15,000 on 4 occasions I had no
reason to think it wouldn't. When he gave me confirmation
I wrote 3 checks in total $56000. When he at first said
the wire was delayed I told the bank to hold and redeposit.
When he said he couldn't I asked bank 2 cancel. The bank bounced
all but $30000 which I replaced with a 2nd mortgage.
Someone apparently have tried to charge me
with grand theft - I guess they don't know it's my mother
in law and think I tried to defraud - does anyone have any
thoughts? I've never even had a jaywalking ticket but to
sleep at night would like to hear this will be dropped or
if anyone knows the fine I can pay to avoid a jail sentence
for something I didn't do - I have an autistic child and want
them to stop
hounding me &norm life

2007-03-10 13:12:36 · 4 answers · asked by thamilton164 2 in Law & Ethics

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