My question :
how can America be more competitive ???
how can we encourage every American student to be as competitive as most immigrant students are ???
in my country , Mexico , every student had to take a test to be able to study at the school of their choice , those which were not able to pass had to try another which would usually be of lower level or one which was far form their home , i know for a fact that most Mexican schools do not receive as much resources as the American schools do but i am very proud to say that we usually perform better . however i live today in America and i wish the American school would do better , so i was wondering would a method like what i descrived and what the article descrives be put in place in America ???
how can we spend less and do much better ???
what are you thoughts about the article ???
ESL classes are offered in every Mexican school just as an aditional note ..
17 answers
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game over