1. Hang people who are GA-Y's
2. Hang people who perform abortion
3. Wave the US flag ang the Bible during Elections
4. Hang non-Christians and show the videos in Church
5. Create fake wars so Lock Heed's stock would jump 150% from dropping bomb women and children
2007-03-01 14:25:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
1. School Vouchers. Our students can't read, they are falling behind the world in math and science and students are stuck in schools that are failing to educate them because of political correctness and bureaucracies.
The Democrats are blocking it because they are in the pockets of the teacher's unions.
2. Illegal Immigration Reform. Whether we address it now or in several years when the problems are worse, we will need to get a handle on this. Over 90% of the outstanding murder warrants in California are on illegal immigrants.
The Democrats are against it because the children of the Illegal immigrants will most likely end up voting for Democrats...potentially a lot of votes. The other little twist is that the illegals are paying into Social Security using someone else's ID, if social security lost these payers it would go bankrupt.
3. Tax reform/cuts. We have seen what tax cuts can do for growth in our economy, both during the 80's, 90's and now in the 00's. One of the few great things George W. has done.
The Democrats are against it because it works and they don't want people to know it. They use class warfare and put out an image of caring for the little guy when in fact they simply appeal to people's jealousy for those who have more. Envy is a powerful motivator and they use it to energize those too naive to understand that small business benefits tremendously from tax cuts, and small business employs more Americans than any other sector of the economy.
2007-03-01 22:45:27
answer #2
answered by blissdds 4
Honey, this is a waste of a good question. Conservatives
have no idea what they want. It changes day by day, and
even if they get it , they want something else. It's like trying
to pacify a 3 yr old. child.
2007-03-02 00:47:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
1) Stop listening to the Israeli's
2) Abolish the Republican & Democrat Parties
3) Nationalize All Our Natural Resources
What do I think is there motivation both the Republican & Democrat Parties, have two main goals, MONEY & POWER, and brother we will never raid ourselfs of these tryants
2007-03-01 22:36:11
answer #4
answered by man of ape 6
To make the U.S. great My Conservative views:
1) close the border with Mexico and kick out all illegal aliens
2) Win the War on terror by crippling Iran, Syria, and North Korea
kick out all embedded journalists because most are libs and only report the bad never the good.
3)Stop market globalization and end free trade agreements with countries who manipulate their currency value
4)Disband The ACLU they do not represent our countries best intrests.
5) pull out of the U.N. they are anti America and anti Israel. They are not of any use to us.
2007-03-01 22:34:52
answer #5
answered by conservative for life 2
well i think that liberals with all of this equal rights for everyone thing that is their latest kick (well since the 1960's) is just nonsense.
everything would be better if everyone knew their place and just stayed in it and shut up and didn't ask any inconvenient questions.
and what's all this i hear about women wanting to vote - they can't be serious.
and what's this nonsense i keep hearing about minorities actually wanting equal opportunities - they can't be for real about this.
and what's this i hear about liberals wanting to make workplaces safer and wanting fair pay for a fair days work - another liberal pipe dream.
there, now doesn't that sound rather silly...
2007-03-01 22:26:34
answer #6
answered by nostradamus02012 7
1. We need to seal our borders.
2. We need to deport the illegals already here.
3. We need to stay the course in Iraq.
4. Appoint more Conservative judges to overturn Roe V. Wade.
5. More parents need to make the financial sacrifice to home school their kids. As it is, the public school system uses school time to force the Liberal agenda on our kids (brain washing them).
2007-03-01 22:34:31
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Not sure what phais is talking about but:
Lock the boarder down
number 1!
2007-03-01 22:31:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Get rid of the illegals, only pay welfare to those that NEED it (due to disabilities) and an express lane to the chair would be a good start.
2007-03-01 22:25:35
answer #9
answered by Cookie Monster 3
i feel that no matter what party you are in,,, it would take a miracle to get America on the right path to piece...
2007-03-01 22:39:30
answer #10
answered by Raphael D 2