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Politics & Government - 1 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

What kind of liberal nonsence is this?

2007-03-01 23:09:54 · 12 answers · asked by ? 6 in Politics

If the U.S hadn't won the Revolutionary War, Civil War , World War 1&2 this question wouldnt even be able to be posted. Simple as that. Life as you know it now would be much much different.

2007-03-01 23:09:46 · 17 answers · asked by julia4evert 4 in Military

world can progress and reaches to the height but due to corruption all planning fail. how can we solve this problem .although being teacher I always teach my students lesson of honesty ,duty and discipline .

2007-03-01 23:04:42 · 9 answers · asked by ratan r 2 in Law & Ethics

I rent a house previously rented by someone else who has outstanding debts. I have been receiving letters (reminder, warrant of execution, bailiff removal) that I have sent back advising that the person does not live in the property anymore. I have received the visit of bailiff threatening to remove my household effects to satisfy unpaid amouns at any hour of the day or night... I have called them and they want me to prove who I am? Is it legal? What else can I do?

2007-03-01 23:01:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

my uniform was a mess! all wrinkled up. this first lieutenant approached me and told me if i dont go down below and square my uniform away he would report me. my question is, if he would have reported me or wrote me up, what would be the punishment i would have probably received?

2007-03-01 22:59:06 · 6 answers · asked by Beaujock 1 in Military

Over 3000 US soldiers in Iraq lives have been TAKEN NOT LOST. Was the taking of their life a waste or a sacrifice?
Senators Barack Obama and John McCain used the word ‘wasted’ and are being persecuted by those that make it apparent to me that they have NO UNDERSTANDING of the word and thereby disagree with their use of it.
Please use the common sense given to you by God Almighty and take out your dictionary(ies) and thesaurus(i); look up the definition of these two words, waste and sacrifice.
Don’t ASSUME that you know the definition.

2007-03-01 22:57:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-01 22:51:14 · 2 answers · asked by LongJohns 7 in Politics

from the article:

Biden also revealed his desire to institute a "National Service Program" that would require all American citizens between the ages of 18 and 21 to either undergo military training or participate in a foreign or domestic Peace Corps.

"It seems to me that this is a country where we need to reinvigorate the sense of community," he said. "I'm not talking about a draft, I'm talking about participation." Asked to elaborate, Biden said the program needs further debate, but "I think it'd be more likely embraced than rejected by the public."

2007-03-01 22:44:43 · 7 answers · asked by Kismet 7 in Politics

If so any clues on the regulations surrounding possible manipulation of such subjects (if it is a pretty female.....)?

2007-03-01 22:40:51 · 1 answers · asked by Info4me 1 in Law & Ethics

* For the weak, it is like athe spider web,so to hang seeking help.
It is only satisfy the jungle law, If you are strong, whatever you do is right.
* if you are weak & try to defend yourself against the strong aggressor, the UN band you as a terrorist!
* it doesn't satisfy the purpose it was created for.

2007-03-01 22:31:17 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-01 22:28:37 · 5 answers · asked by Burn Obama in effigy. 1 in Elections

Jade to take up new duties as Indian ambasador as soon as she gets the all clear from the staff at the Priory where she has been resting. Jade now speaks fluent Urdu, Hindi and Bengali! Part of her new duties will be to promote Indian food,customs and general culture in Britain. Jade is also discussing the possibility of off- loading 30 million bottles of her perfume on the Indian market.

Well done Jade! Great to see you're on the way back!

2007-03-01 22:25:32 · 2 answers · asked by schtonka 1 in Embassies & Consulates

My great-grandfather was a "frog-man" in WWI, and survived. Mom told me that they are basically the early Navy seals, which is really, really cool. He told me the story when I was ten, but I don't remember it. Do you have any more facts about Nazy Seals? Thanks!!

2007-03-01 22:25:32 · 2 answers · asked by Mood 2 in Military

Some experts say we reached peak oil of world oil supply in1979. The discovery of new oil sources have been stagnant. With current oil consumption and population growth, we may start seeing severe shortages by 2015. Even if this is not completely accurate, it is true that oil is a finite and non-renewable energy source which will not last forever. Our global economy and very lives are extremely dependent on oil proliferation and consumption. We use oil for everything from flying airplanes to making plastics for medical supplies. Imagine what would happen if we ran out of oil. What can we do to prevent a world wide catastrophe due to the depletion oil?

2007-03-01 22:22:59 · 13 answers · asked by H.Thompson 1 in Politics

2007-03-01 22:20:23 · 8 answers · asked by Chandra S 1 in Government

If you where elected president in 2008, what would be your agenda?
Would you focus on foreign affaires, or more on domestic?
What would you do about Illegal immigration?
What would you do about the war on terror? Would you pull the troops out as soon as possible, pull them out a little at a time? Or would you keep them their?

What would you do about taxes?
What would you do about gay marriages?
What would you do about stem cell research?
What would you do about abortions?
What would you do about other pressing issues of our time?

What would be your total domestic agenda?
What would be your total foreign agenda?

You have total control of the House of repusentitives, along with the senet.

What party do you repusent? Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Green party? Or would you be a new party?

No mention of past presidents I.E. Bush, Clinton
No party bashing (Democrats no bashing republican leaders, and Republicans no bashing Democrat leaders, But Green

2007-03-01 22:19:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

He's liberal on abortion, gun control and gay rights. He has committed adultry and been married three times. On a 1989 Phil Donahue show he said "I've said that I'll uphold a woman's right of choice, that I will fund abortion so that a poor woman is not deprived of a right that others can exercise, and that I would oppose going back to a day in which abortions were illegal." On Sean Hannity's show recently he said he supported the assault weapons ban and "reasonable regulations" on gun ownership.

And then there's this ...


Considering the way Bush turned left on education (signing the Kennedy authored education bill and turning his back on vouchers), entitlements (the drug bill) and spending (never vetoed a spending bill and signed the pork-filled transportation bill) Do Republicans REALLY want to risk picking a LIBERAL as their nominee?

2007-03-01 22:18:46 · 12 answers · asked by Timothy B 3 in Politics

I mean I don't want anything to happen to us. We both just want my parents to have custody of our child, if anything shall happen to us. Does anyone know how I would go about doing this, without costing me a fortune? I know that money shouldn't be an option, since we want it to happen, but I have been quoted over a 1,000 dollars. And that is a chunk of money for us to come up with. What other options are out there, we live in Indiana. Thanks for reading and for you answers!

2007-03-01 22:17:47 · 8 answers · asked by buckeyefever7 4 in Law & Ethics

where and from who can we get help?

2007-03-01 22:13:22 · 2 answers · asked by ǝuoʎʞɔɐʍ 7 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-01 22:10:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

An employment agency booked me on to a first aid course and the £110 would be deducted from my first 2 weeks wages. The job did not materialise and I have sent a cheque for £10 to the company with a written promise to pay the rest @ £10 per month (I am unemployed on £54 per week dole) The cheque has been sent back to me with a demand that I pay in full. What can I do now?

2007-03-01 22:07:59 · 10 answers · asked by jane p 1 in Law & Ethics

according to a lot of people replied to Yahoo answer , it gave me the impression that just because america always managed to kill more enemies than losing its own , based on that calculation , america has never lost in a war . do you agree with this assumption? For example , america lost 50,000 soldiers but killed 3m vietnamese , so america won the vietnam war !!! does this make sense to you ???

2007-03-01 22:07:13 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

We are fighting a war that will never end and wasting all tax payers money and also American lives!!!!

2007-03-01 22:05:38 · 14 answers · asked by mkdenton1943 2 in Politics



2007-03-01 22:03:53 · 11 answers · asked by theoden of rohan 2 in Government

our's country india is second largest in population in the world, because of some corrupted people we all are suffering, most of the government scheems are not going to the right people,so how can we stop corruptin in our country.

2007-03-01 22:03:32 · 4 answers · asked by krish 1 in Civic Participation

An Honda Accord was posted in the autotrader.com website and the person selling it claimed he was at Ft Hood Texas going to Iraq and wanted to sell his car. His name was Mark Klein and his email address was mklein67@yahoo.com. He insisted on using www.AutoExchangesite.us because of the escrow business it had and the escrow biz only allowed western union transfers for the first ten times then after that you can pay via credit card, etc. The site disappeared 4 days after I paid them. Anyway, the escrow agent they listed on their site to send the money to had a paypal and BBB emblem on it. Anyway, after I sent the money. all correspondence stopped. I got swindled out of $3000.00. I sent the money to Miami western union. Who do I see about reporting this to. What federal agency?

2007-03-01 22:03:01 · 2 answers · asked by Hapo 3 in Law & Ethics

fedest.com, questions and answers