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Politics & Government - 18 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I would like to know the steps of immigration in the states, lived by someone who recently moved in this country. (The price, skills, exams, etc) Thanks!

2007-01-18 12:16:57 · 4 answers · asked by Maheswari 2 in Immigration

I have been reading various articles on why POWS were left in Vietnam. Some reasons state that United States goverment was to pay 4.5 billion to help rebuild in exchange for pows, and the reniged.. Other sites said the goverment simply didnt care etc.

So why were the pows left?

2007-01-18 12:16:35 · 11 answers · asked by John M 1 in Military

Can you give me some of their viewpoints? and some examples of famous people who are?

Just curious..

2007-01-18 12:15:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I mean he had friends, a girlfriend, a cell phone, he was aloud to get piercings, he could go out, he had his freedom, he had a mysace, and a yahoo.
He got in trouble with the cops before and is all he had to do was tell him he was kidnapped but he didnt, they drove him to his house and dropped him off.
So whyy didnt he leave.
and i dont want to hear any "in shock and scared" crap.
He wasnt in shock for four years.
i watched Oprah today, and he looked miserable for the 2nd half and fake in the 1st part.
His parents are going to shelter him.
Hes been embarrassed in front of millions of people.
Hes never going to see his girlfriend or his friends again.
I feel bad for him.

2007-01-18 12:15:23 · 7 answers · asked by Taelor M 1 in Law & Ethics

In some western countries I've heard corporal punishment, also known as spanking or smacking, is completely illegal and considered abuse or assault. However for thousands of years corporal punishment was widely used to discipline children in the in the home-and in school, in the military, and even as criminal punishment. It is still pervasive in Asia and the Middle East. Is corporal punishment a constructive way of enforcing discipline and deterring misbehavior in children and adults or does it encourage violence as a solution to problems and create mental problems? Have there been any independent studies?

2007-01-18 12:14:30 · 11 answers · asked by Brandon 3 in Law & Ethics

Will they exhaust the White Flag industry, should we all build Nuclear shelters, Should we begin stocpiling weapons and Ammo once the Military is disbanded? I said what will we need, 4 jobs to cover the taxes and a fifth so we can feed the welfare recipients, and a sixth so we can eat once a day?

2007-01-18 12:14:21 · 15 answers · asked by The Real Bill Clinton 1 in Politics

Also I think his mentality is more focused at being a world statesman. I think being just a British Prime Minister and matters at home don't interest him. Whenever he's on the world stage he has always got a spring in his step though

2007-01-18 12:09:04 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

It would make a good landmark and a good way to stop border jumpers.

2007-01-18 12:08:47 · 31 answers · asked by Cory 1 in Immigration

Farming & The Environment
"If society wants a means of producing food, then a few, large farms is one way to do it. But if society wants a clean, thriving rural place to live and work and raise children, then you have to rethink this formula."

-Cheryl Tevis, Successful Farming Magazine

One of the most important issues confronting agricultural communities in the U.S. is the future structure of the livestock industry. The issue is whether livestock will be raised on sustainable family farms or produced in large, capital-intensive confinement facilities (factory farms) that concentrate the animals and their wastes in vast quantities and concentrate economic control in the hands of absentee investors.

What's at stake?

The prosperity of family farmers & rural communities
The future of our country's rural environment
The health of families and children
The safety and affordability of our food

2007-01-18 12:08:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Lets say that a person pays me an amount of money to transport a box from point A to point B. To make this simple lets just cut to the chase. Basically the box contains something illegal. I get pulled over or whatever and there is sufficient evidence for the box to come into play. Can I also be charged for the illegal contents of the box? Keep in mind that I had absolutely no knowledge of what was in the box, just that I was supposed to take it from point A to point B. I am not talking something like FedEx or UPS or similar types of services. This is a private transaction in all respects.

2007-01-18 12:08:15 · 8 answers · asked by Flynn380 3 in Law & Ethics

Will all the Parties thrown for Obama and Hillary exhaust the Watermelon growers?

2007-01-18 12:07:38 · 12 answers · asked by The Real Bill Clinton 1 in Politics

How many of you who have been talking about the quick fantastic sweeping changes coming, under the Dems, caugt Nancy Pelosi on TV today? Oh no, she said, the Dems cannot cut funding to the President. That just isn't going to be done. Now is it okay to replace George with Nancy when we talk about liars and traitors?

2007-01-18 12:07:23 · 10 answers · asked by Jimfix 5 in Politics


Is it ok to bomb targets in other countries if possibly there is a bad guy there? Maybe Al quada bomded the WTC with information that there was a bad guy there! It wasn't bombing the US only a target in the US.

2007-01-18 12:05:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Conservatives seem to believe it is upwards of 50%, since the extent of their opposition research on the guy has been to make fun of his name.

2007-01-18 12:04:29 · 32 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

2007-01-18 12:03:45 · 17 answers · asked by Norskeyenta 6 in Law Enforcement & Police

My friend and I have to pick some aspect of illegal immigration in America and one of us has to argue for it while the other argues against it.

Many of the good topics are taken: birthright, english as an official language, amnesty, etc. If any of you have any ideas, I'd really appreciate it. Many of you have already established that a possible right for illegal immigrants to vote is a bad idea, as I suspected.

2007-01-18 12:03:39 · 12 answers · asked by Hilary H 1 in Immigration

I made some reaserach a bout terrorist and many website said that they were freedom figthers and other ones said that they figth to over trow the goverment. Tell me your opininon a bout terrorist and why they do attacks. Also would you mind telling me what is the difference between a mercenary and a terrorist.

2007-01-18 12:03:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

If you've seen that movie did you or did you not agreed with what Maximus did when he opposed to obey the new Ceasar??? While you were watching that movie did you not root for Maximus?? If so it's the same concept as this soldier who has his own belief that this war is wrong and doesn't want to support Bush/Ceasar.

2007-01-18 12:02:36 · 7 answers · asked by Believe me 3 in Military

Now that Hillary is a frontrunner for the Democratic nomination, do you think the WHitewater scandal will be brought up again? Or were there enough people who were associated that mysteriously died, so the scandal won't be a factor?

2007-01-18 12:01:40 · 11 answers · asked by Truth B. Told ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID 6 in Elections

2007-01-18 12:00:25 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

We see our rights as Americans being eroded day after day by government and big business who craft their own interests into neat little law-worded wrappers to get slipped into law.Or, maybe some cleaver person hides a law deep in a bill (that is never fully read by congress) and we find out about it later when it's exercised. Bit by bit our freedoms are eroded and we don't seem to care because it was only a small thing, a very small thing. But as the old saying does "Each journey begins with a single step" and we've hit the road long ago and are a ways down it.We let semantics twist the intent of law,moving more and more away from it's original purpose with each ruling.This bill for example (http://politics.netscape.com/story/2007/01/17/congress-preparing-to-criminalize-critics-senate-bill-would-create-most-expansive/ ) is another step. Bush just fired 7 U.S. attorneys for no reason , who were investigating corruption,and replaced them. What will it take to wake up before it's 2 late?

2007-01-18 11:59:43 · 9 answers · asked by neuralzen 3 in Other - Politics & Government

If the houses are searched through in the middle of the night there is less chance of them hiding explosives or weapons.

2007-01-18 11:59:21 · 3 answers · asked by Cory 1 in Military

2007-01-18 11:59:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

don't get me wrong, most democrats can be intellectual. why do these kids that feel they have to hate something, try to insult you when they can't grasp what is going on in D.C.? if its too much, turn on the simpsons.

2007-01-18 11:57:16 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do you already feel that way?
Will you never feel that way?
Or are you still waiting on events?

2007-01-18 11:56:27 · 10 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

America took a "little mosquito bite" of an attack on 9/11/01...so what!

3000 dead and 4 or 5 buildings ...so what. That is nothing compared to the USA's body count in it's bombings. Do a little research...the USA is a nation of bombers and terrorists

The USA shows no sympathy when it bombs....why should our enemy's show any sympathy to us.

The USA will be CRUSHED in the MIDEAST...then it will limp home defeated and humiliated. That is the way it is going to be...hide and WATCH.

It does not have to be that way...but rotten hearted americans want revenge....they shall have it at a cost far greater than their tiny imaginations realize.

2007-01-18 11:56:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have a relative that has joined the Marines but is being hazed every night due to a sleeping issue. He has a problem waking up AND he snores, therefore his "comrades" thought it would be funny to beat him every night while he is asleep. Yes, it's a real medical condition. Some say, "hazing makes a man out of you". I say it makes enemies and cowards of the other marines since he is no condition to fight back. Any thoughts?

2007-01-18 11:55:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

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