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Politics & Government - 10 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Hi,My name is Chris, and i am currently a senior in college. I have recently met with an Army recruiter, concerning a position in the US Army as a officer. He told me with my college degree, i would most likely be qualified to attend the OCS in Georgia.
Please help me out in these fields.

1. What is the required college GPA to be accepted into Army OCS.

2. How hard is it to get a 110 GT score on the ASVAB.

3. When can i bring my wife with me? after BTC, OTC etc..

4. Will I (if i become an officer) most likely end up in Iraq? and if so, for how long?

5. Does officer have better chance of picking their dream sheet -AKA- Based station?

I would greatly appreciate any help regarding the above issues..Thank you,Chris

2007-01-10 07:51:06 · 5 answers · asked by Dallas Cowboy 1 in Military

Situation(short version): single at home mother of three. dad hasn't seen them in 10mths. as of 1-07. no money from him since 6-06. found out for sure he has had a girl for 5 years that has bragged about expensive gifts and going out on myspace with him. she's 20 and he's 27. what legal action can be taken in the state of texas?

2007-01-10 07:50:46 · 10 answers · asked by MaMaMiLaJo 2 in Law & Ethics

My history teacher told us Bush is supposed to give some sort of a speech tonight and she said we could watch it for extra credit. I definitely need extra credit in that class, but I don't know what time it starts. Does anyone know? (EST) Thanks!!!

2007-01-10 07:50:12 · 8 answers · asked by je t'♥ 5 in Politics

To call Americans that. Please folks, is that your only defense is to get nasty and say that. Isn't illegal immigration about all races, so please stop associating only hispanics to it. When you associate isn't that showing that you are the one being racist and racially profiling ?

2007-01-10 07:49:30 · 20 answers · asked by Baghdad Pete ! 4 in Immigration

against Mexico for stuff like this?

Mexicans Offer $10,000 Bounty for Dead U.S. Border Patrol

Guardsmen overrun at the Border

Mexico government publishes guide to assist border crossers

in my personal opinion is time to kicked some butts
if the Mexico government can't control your own people
and you encourage any illegal activity against USA
you should be punish by our forces ..

please keep pushing!!!

2007-01-10 07:48:39 · 13 answers · asked by Arizona A 2 in Immigration

Maybe Bush should step down as president and join the Blue Collar Comedy Tour instead?

2007-01-10 07:48:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Just happened today... I"m not a smoker, but shouldn't she have put this to a vote?

2007-01-10 07:48:08 · 19 answers · asked by MoltarRocks 7 in Politics

I had someone to call in personal time for me (I was unable to call) I later called in and requested vacation time which was approved (I was already on vacation the previous day). Note I did have ample sick and vacation time. This is a common practice. I did go to the emergency room and followed up with primary care doctor and a specialist. Did a Breech of Trust occur? What are options if terminated? (Bank Employee, Excellent Attendance, Excellent Reviews, over 20 yrs Employment.

2007-01-10 07:47:47 · 3 answers · asked by eddie 1 in Law & Ethics

did the ones who lived in what is now Mexico, build huge sophisticated infrastructure, systems, and pyramids while their neighbors in what is now America build only small teepees

2007-01-10 07:47:26 · 7 answers · asked by Defender Of The Hated 1 in Immigration

So, you are at war in Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia. You sure would be better off if you had more allies to help you. Since Israel is your closest ally, why dont they help you and send some troops to Iraq. After all, America is actually protecting Israel and it is doing a huge favor to Israel by fighting Islamist terrorists in the middle east, so why cant Israel help out and send some of their troops to Iraq?Dont tell me that they are already fighting terrorists in Palestine or Lebanon? Israel is the most powerful nuclear country after USA ofcourse. So at least 10 thousands soldiers shouldnt be a problem for them?And it could help alot. Or wait, maybe Israel considers American soldiers their dogs or servants - better they die than us?

So Americans what do you think, should Israel help you out with your war on terrorism or what?

2007-01-10 07:46:31 · 18 answers · asked by Aby 3 in Military

What should I do? I despise liberals, I think I need to move to a conservative enclave in south Florida. Any suggestions?

2007-01-10 07:43:53 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The low life thugs who were involved in the shootout should be held responsible for killing an innocent victim .

2007-01-10 07:43:37 · 4 answers · asked by jeffadelic 5 in Law Enforcement & Police

arresting illegal immigrants who were violating traffic laws, now being sued by ACLU for violation of their sworn duties as police officers. They handed the illegals over to the ICE folks. That's illegal?
Why were the two border patrol guys who apparently did something wrong sent to jail in one case for 20 Year! What in the world could they have done, out side of their jobs, to get a sentence of 20 years? Your thoughts incite here?

2007-01-10 07:43:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Mexicans that have been here for 2 years or better, speak,read & write English, have no criminal record (here or there), have steady employment should be given amnesty. We seem to always forget that some parts of the US once belonged to Mexico. Stop being such racists!
Then build a fence or whatever.
Mexicans work hard & contribute to this country whether you like it or not. Who agrees???

2007-01-10 07:41:49 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

i live in New York and i thought the minimum wage was already approx. 7 dollars.

im 18 and never had a job for less than $8/hr

are there different minimum wages throughout the state?

2007-01-10 07:40:39 · 27 answers · asked by Darmcc15 2 in Other - Politics & Government

The problem I'm seeing is. The thin line many churches used to imply their message is now being crossed to the point they are yelling their message out loud and at all costs. This is basically making the statement that God supports our man. Which is the same as the Holy Roman Empire or many of these supposive Islamic States that are supposed to be so unstable and undemocratic. Where do you draw the line in saying this is your opinion and quit using the implication of God to support it.

2007-01-10 07:39:55 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

In fact, I'm 22yo, I love the united states since I'm a kid, and I've been to NYC last year, and I fell even more in love with your country! I still dn't have the green card, I'm searching for societies who would be ready to hire me, but that's kinda hard! So help me please, do you know societies who hire international people, or do you know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody who would have a good idea, or a girl who would be ready to marry me;-) (I'm cute)
I thank you guys for your answers!

2007-01-10 07:39:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

A-Figuring out child custody and support arrangements
B-Reenacting an accident and illustrating the plaintiff's injuries
C-Keeping track of the documents related to the litigation
D-Electronically filing pleadings and depositions with the court

2007-01-10 07:39:45 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

At 17 and 15 my sister and I have hyphenated last names from my adopted father. We have no contact with him and want to drop the name legally. How do we do it?

2007-01-10 07:39:36 · 4 answers · asked by Tracy S 2 in Law & Ethics

In fact, I'm 22yo, I love the united states since I'm a kid, and I've been to NYC last year, and I fell even more in love with your country! I still dn't have the green card, I'm searching for societies who would be ready to hire me, but that's kinda hard! So help me please, do you know societies who hire international people, or do you know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody who would have a good idea, or a girl who would be ready to marry me;-) (I'm cute)
I thank you guys for your answers!

2007-01-10 07:38:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

go ahead do any city with a higher minimum wage and then calculate cost of living change between that one and a lower minimum wage comparable city. and you will have to make more money to live. Is that just coincidence?



2007-01-10 07:37:25 · 15 answers · asked by CaptainObvious 7 in Politics

Hi my boyfriend joined the army and left for his basic training 2 weeks ago. since then i have been calling the base he is at EVERY DAY and they wont let me talk to him! Are they allowed to do this? They just laugh at me!What can i do, who can i talk to to make them let me talk to my boyfriend? We have been dating for 3 whole months and have never been appart this long! I told him he should have taken his cell phone with him but he said he wasnt allowed what kind of silly rule is that that you are not allowed to bring a cell phone? I told him not to join this stuff! Like my birthday is this weekend and i want him to come home this weekend and spend the time with me but i cant get in touch with him because of this stupid Armys basic training! Its not fair! He is stationed at Fort Jackson in Columbia South Carolina. I might go out to the base and check on this myself if i find out hes foolin around with some girl im gonna beat that bitches ***!
Any advice on how to contact him?

2007-01-10 07:36:55 · 25 answers · asked by Single_Teen_Momma 1 in Military

I've heard that people can use them when they are being pulled over by a police officer.

2007-01-10 07:36:44 · 3 answers · asked by sublime_4doz 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

My point being as long as they get to you they wont cease.Show your patriotism by ignoring them they are simply stirrers.

2007-01-10 07:36:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

2007-01-10 07:36:35 · 8 answers · asked by Falloutgirl 4 in Military

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