Tell me, what do people who join the service think is going to be required of them if a war breaks out? Perhaps they may have to go fight for the country that HIRED them and has been PAYING them to fight? Seems logical to me. So why do so many of these spineless little scum claim all sorts of bogus moral grounds as to why they can't fulfill their duties when the stuff hits the fan and they are called to go fight? And whoever told these people that they get to decide when and where to go fight after they sign up? Does the guy who sweeps the parking lot get to tell the CEO how to run the company? No, he got hired to sweep and better expect to sweep when he comes to work. It boggles the mind, the logic these people lack! And the left hails them as heroes! THAT, and thinking similar to that, are the reasons our country is in the shape it's in. Not anything else!
Rant over...flame suit on! Let fly!
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