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Politics & Government - 3 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Can someone clarify FOR SURE some of the gun laws in Texas? (There are no crazy circumstances-everybody is over 21, no felonies, etc.)

Specifically, a friend and I are debating whether it's legal to carry a gun in a car. I say it's ok as long as it is in plain sight (not concealed). He thinks I am wrong on this.

Does it matter if it's a long gun? Handgun? Assault weapon?

I think you can walk down main street with a gun over your shoulder if you want. (Not that it would be a GOOD idea, just that, technically, it's legal as long as you are not threatening anyone, not a felon, etc.)

Also, there seems to be some confusion over sale and possession of automatic/semi-automatic weapons. Can I legally own one of these?

Also, if I sell a firearm (just as an individual selling from my personal collection-not a business or anything) am I responsible for NICS checking the purchaser?

2007-01-03 07:46:36 · 4 answers · asked by billeboone 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-03 07:45:59 · 14 answers · asked by AngryAmerican82 3 in Other - Politics & Government

In case you haven't heard about this popular event, here you go:

Anybody else realize how very weird that is? Don't those kind of people usually end up at insane asylums?

2007-01-03 07:44:39 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

It is pretty obvious that the U.S. military treats its soldiers like dirt. For example, Agent Orange in Vietnam, Gulf War Syndrome, and now not enough armor for soldiers in Iraq. If there was a real war that really had the country's survival at stake, I can understand volunteering, but since it is pretty obvious that these days you are just cannon fodder for crazy wars launched by clueless rightwingers who never served themselves, why in the world do people keep joining up?

2007-01-03 07:44:17 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Prisoners were lead on a leash, many photos taken. Prisoners were made to wear a black hood and had electrical wires attached to them.

2007-01-03 07:42:26 · 9 answers · asked by shadow 1 in Military

His "alarm the people" team did a great job scaring the people with irakian invasions or what ? Because he must be the worst President ever.

2007-01-03 07:41:56 · 44 answers · asked by Sudamérica Puede 4 in Politics

or executing prisoners...or murdering civilians in iraq?

2007-01-03 07:41:40 · 16 answers · asked by bush deathgrip 2 in Politics

i have two cousins that have been over seas one is in the army and has been in iraq an witnessed alot of things that he does not like to talk about. the other in the marines and is stationed in japan.... i plan to go into the airforce once i graduate highschool.... but i dont really see the point in going to iraq what else do we have to do over there. they keep killing us an we keep killing them i just dont understand it please help....

2007-01-03 07:40:25 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I was just wondering what was with all the police, and the road being closed off outside tottenham court road station earlier today? There was a bus and a taxi involved and lots of police! Anyone know?

2007-01-03 07:40:08 · 5 answers · asked by meotote 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-01-03 07:40:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I think he's figured out that Global Warming is important enough to get him elected this time around. Disney World in Florida is already planning to switch to an all water ride theme park by the end of the century.

2007-01-03 07:37:39 · 17 answers · asked by bobweb 7 in Elections

2007-01-03 07:37:39 · 15 answers · asked by renu c 1 in Politics

Today I read that an Iraqi official was arested for the cell phone vidioing of Sadam's execution. In my openion, all he did is make liers out of the Iraqi government who said the execution was carried out in a dignified way.

This man revieled what really happened in that execution chamber. The whole world knows now that this trile, senticing and execution was carried out by angry opponents of Sadam who are now responsible for assuring that the rights of the Iraqi people are protected. I am not a supporter of Sadam or what he stood for, but right is right and wrong is wrong.

Truth is always right and the truth is what was revieled by that cell phone. Now tell me, in this situation, who is the bad guy(s) that need to be arrested?

2007-01-03 07:37:24 · 5 answers · asked by mobilizedcoco 1 in Law & Ethics

The government is passing laws that will without a doubt bankrupt the United States. It seems that is the plan as both sides Republican and Democrats are doing it. Now they are going to hand out Social Security to illegal aliens with as little as 18 months working in the country. What are they up to?


2007-01-03 07:33:10 · 14 answers · asked by coolforbeer 3 in Government

Pat Robertson Predicts Deadly Attack on U.S.
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (Jan. 3) - In what has become an annual tradition of prognostications, religious broadcaster Pat Robertson said Tuesday God has told him that a terrorist attack on the United States would result in "mass killing" late in 2007.
"I'm not necessarily saying it's going to be nuclear," he said during his news-and-talk television show "The 700 Club" on the Christian Broadcasting Network. "The Lord didn't say nuclear. But I do believe it will be something like that."

Robertson said God told him during a recent prayer retreat that major cities and possibly millions of people will be affected by the attack, which should take place sometime after September.

Robertson said God also told him that the U.S. only feigns friendship with Israel and that U.S. policies are pushing Israel toward "national suicide."


2007-01-03 07:32:07 · 20 answers · asked by Help me 1 in Politics

2007-01-03 07:31:51 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Mine is that 60% of Americans are slaves to a government that is out of control .That 40% of the population is working to pay them and that the government could care less about the poor . The poor are just the workers who provide the Goods For the deserving 20% of Americans who count led by the top 1% of Americans . Those Americans make bombs and weapons hang out in government jobs and are scared to say anything because they know just how easy it is to be returned to working for a living and carrying there share of the work load .

2007-01-03 07:30:38 · 15 answers · asked by -----JAFO---- 4 in Politics

I have my suspicions that this was all a sham. I don't believe he is dead. The videotaping by cell phone was planned to make the world believe that his dead. His followers were right in the room with him during the hanging ceremony.

2007-01-03 07:30:31 · 11 answers · asked by kosmoistheman 4 in Law & Ethics

I want to know where my grandfather was stationed in WWII. Also, my husband was named after someone who died at Pearl Harbor. I can find their names on lists, but no more info. Does anyone know a site where you can find out where vets were stationed or what years they served? Finally, if anyone knows what a "CWTP" in the navy was, please post it here. I know CWT was a Chief Watertender, but can't find anything out about CWTP - which is what is listed on the navy's official list of casualties at Pearl Harbor.

2007-01-03 07:28:43 · 2 answers · asked by searching_please 6 in Military

I live in Europe with my family and saw a video of Saddam Hussein
on the bloody news today!! I called the television station to complain and found out it was owned by a US based company.
Very interesting...... It seems just as the times of Rome in its declining years Nero and Caligula..... I know the US authorities
were behind the leak and it is disgusting so keep the trash where
it belongs in Texas

2007-01-03 07:28:34 · 11 answers · asked by gazoo 1 in Politics

I applied for a job (unifor city) and to make it short I was hired pending my drug test and background check,anyways I called to check how things were going and the manager goes "Unfortunetly your unhireable because you have a criminal history".I was stunned I have NEVER been arrested in my life,so then I thought maybe someones stealing my identity,so I paid to get a national criminal check and the slate was crystal clean like it should be,So I called back and I asked the managaer where he was getting his sources from what data base he was using so I could se for myself,well he wouldnt tell me, so then I asked for a copy of my record he said he couldn't,legally were do I stand this is preventing my hire,does he have to give me his sources?what do I do?

2007-01-03 07:28:23 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I'm 26 years old with a 8 year old felony and it's haunting me on every job i apply. i tried to get info on seals, expungements, etc. all i got was that i'm stuck with this for 99yrs. because az. doesn't have an expungement law. I can't vote, possess arms, and most importantly get a descent career because of a mistake from when i was 18! please help!

2007-01-03 07:27:20 · 12 answers · asked by ronny d 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Myself on Incapacity for the last 4.5years and my partner a top law studant in her second year at nottingham(not Trent)

2007-01-03 07:26:19 · 4 answers · asked by fatassBarlow 1 in Other - Politics & Government

They will post questions that are deflammatory toward Bush and Conservatives, but ask a non-derogatory that questions the motives of liberals and they never post it and send an email about how you violated their guidelines. So I take it that asking about hanging Bush for war crimes is ok, but anything that questions the legitimacy of liberal values is taboo?

2007-01-03 07:25:51 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why didn't we stand against apartheid? In fact....we helped it happen.
Why did we ignore Rwanda?
Why did we put Augusto Pinochet in power and then allow him to kill thousands?
Why did we sell the chemicals to Saddam that he used to kill his own people? Why did continue to sell them to him even after he did it?

2007-01-03 07:24:48 · 5 answers · asked by Barrett G 6 in Politics

i did the rc to ac packet need to switch me over but it ask for a police back ground check and they will find this felloy and deny me how can i fight this

2007-01-03 07:24:25 · 11 answers · asked by snody5969 1 in Military

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