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Politics & Government - 28 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

My father ,who is very famous artist and writer of Drawing Books, gave 3 drawing books to publisher for publishing . Publisher was student of my father in school. Publisher gave a token money of Rs. 15000/- by cheque as advance of three books but there no legal notice was written as my father had faith on him. The total money was orally calculated for giving as royaltee every year. He published books and began to sell them very fast in a week. My father had deposited cheque and after 10 days -news of dishonour of cheque had been received by my father. Then my father had complaint against dishonour of cheque. Publisher denied to pay its without any reason and then his telephones were switched off for ever for us. My father met to advocate and filed a case against publisher.Now court has sent many notice to publisher at delhi's home but no recovery has been got. What should we do for getting full payment and cancellation of copyright ( publisher has have it by his name). what to do ?

2006-11-28 20:57:58 · 2 answers · asked by gunjan t 1 in Law & Ethics

2006-11-28 20:55:50 · 2 answers · asked by adam_roberts1989 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

i want details more about visiting visa. what we cann do with that it means seeing only sites or any job.

2006-11-28 20:51:26 · 2 answers · asked by goli b 1 in Embassies & Consulates

Why do convicts on death row being killed by injection have to have a steralised needle.

2006-11-28 20:48:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

and also tell me if you are lest behind...are you gonna accept the 666 mark or not?....or you would run away and accept the LORD

2006-11-28 20:47:28 · 9 answers · asked by dkx13 1 in Politics

2006-11-28 20:43:24 · 12 answers · asked by Sharita H 1 in Military

What's their trip, what drives them, is it all about money etc., is it a political agenda, is it a charity thing, what's REALLY going on, here?

2006-11-28 20:36:07 · 16 answers · asked by gokart121 6 in Immigration

A couple of questions from today got me thinking, here's my counter-question: Do YOU feel that people who are in opposition to the practice of tolerating/aiding illegal immigration to the United States are a) hateful b)fearful c)indignant d)apalled at the negligence e) racist f)one or more of the above g) all of the above?

What's REALLY going on, here?

2006-11-28 20:34:44 · 11 answers · asked by gokart121 6 in Immigration


2006-11-28 20:26:54 · 4 answers · asked by g_thewizard 1 in Immigration

I have met this guy at a mechanic shop, we exchanged numbers and became sort of friends. He then proposed to do a small business with m by buying damaged cars, and since he is a mechanic he will fix the cars and sell these cars and split the profit. We started by me giving him $4,000 to buy that 2001 Honda accord. He took the money from me and now is claiming that the money got stolen.
After a really bad argument, I took him and went to a lawyers office, prepared something sort of a contract agreement saying that I have lent him $4000 as a loan and to b e paid back to my over a period of 8 months at equal monthly installments of $500. This contract has been witnessed by a lawyer and notarized by a notary public.
If this guy default? What should I do?
If I go to court and claim against him having this contract as a support, and he tells the judge he has no money to pay me back, how do I get my money back?
Does he go to jail? Any help please!

2006-11-28 20:25:17 · 3 answers · asked by aka03271 2 in Law & Ethics

i was court ordered to take psychiatric evaluation now i cant afford the drs fees at 2500.00 and opposing attorney is going to file a motion asking for my child support to pay for it

2006-11-28 20:19:42 · 3 answers · asked by TJ R 1 in Law & Ethics

Hi there,

I recently got a NIP letter for a car i used to own, i sold the car to my Uncle a few weeks ago but didnt get round to transfering the ownership as its "family" not a stranger that bought the car.

He has now been caught speeding and I rightly received the notification. I filled the letter out with his details but misplaced it before sending it back.

I dont want to get prosecuted for something i didnt do, does anyone know who i need to contact to submit the information please? I have thought about popping into my local police station but don't know what they are going to say.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks.

2006-11-28 20:19:26 · 5 answers · asked by ddadon112 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-11-28 20:18:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

...can engage in an OBJECTIVE discussion about what really, MIGHT have happened on 9/11?

"..we're through the looking glass here people. Black is white. And white is black."

2006-11-28 20:15:15 · 16 answers · asked by 1/6,833,020,409 5 in Other - Politics & Government

I've been a patient of his for over 10 years and have been picking up the same prescription every other 3 mo. with a doctors appt. in between. My insurance pays him $150. for the 15 min. med check appt. every 6 mo. Is this my doctor just being greedy or is this a normal practice that is just now reaching my part of the country?

2006-11-28 20:14:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

i am egyption male and wana get marred to my girlfriend ( eu citzen) who is working at the uk 14 month ago and after marred dose it give me the right to stay and work at the uk ??
ps/ i have a six month visa as vistor

2006-11-28 20:04:09 · 9 answers · asked by pronto_is 1 in Other - Politics & Government

My checking account is getting garnished so I stopped all direct deposits on it. I'm moving them over to my mother's account at the same bank. I'm not a signer on the account for her at all and she will give me the cash each month to pay my bills. I tried going to get legal help but everyone told me nothing can be done except bankruptcy which I can't afford or stopping direct deposit. The credit company wont even work with me. Can they still sieze my paycheck even if its being deposited into someone elses account in which I'm not a signer on? She banks at the same bank I do but that's it. I'm fine with them garnishing my wages but the checking account will put me on the streets real quickly. It may be safer to have the check direct deposited into my father's checking account at another bank. Please if you have any ideas of whether or not they can do this or I should switch everything over to my father's account please let me know.

2006-11-28 19:58:29 · 13 answers · asked by slytherin_95 4 in Law & Ethics

Now that I've heard JFK was killed by the mafia, aliens live at area 51, Osama Bin-laden is an innocent goat herder, the moon landings were fake, etc. etc.- what am I supposed to do about it?

2006-11-28 19:55:42 · 12 answers · asked by michinoku2001 7 in Politics

A close friend of mine was arrested recently.
He spent the night in jail. He has never had so much as a speeding ticket, much less been arrested and jailed.
He has to go to court in a week or so and is terrified that the judge is sending him back to jail. He's hinted @ suicide, rather than facing more jail time. Frightening, and it concerns me a great deal. If ANYONE has unofficial/off-the-record advice/help or experience w/ this sort of situation, PLEASE let me know! BTW, his paperwork stated the specific reasons for arrest:"violation of Pawn Brkr.s Act" and "theft, over $500" The latter, I've discovered, is a class 4 felony. Ohy Vey! So n e one familiar w/ such issues, please let me know ur thought. I and(even more so) my friend are terribly worried about his having to return to prison. Hopefully, w/ his lack of history w/ n e such issues, the judge will br lenient?

2006-11-28 19:48:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-11-28 19:43:07 · 30 answers · asked by farai g 2 in Military

Looked like a maggot or termite like. What can I do? If anything..do I have a certain amout of time? My wife cant even eat frozon pizza anymore. Eventhough it was carry-out.

2006-11-28 19:42:39 · 11 answers · asked by sir_blunted 4 in Law & Ethics

I am a delivery driver for a small local firm using one of their cars for delivering only,I was recently involved in an accident which is my second in the last 2 years,now my employer is insisting that i take a pay reduction for the next 12 months to pay for the damage caused to other vehicle,I refused, and he is now saying he will not renew insurance for me to drive and wants me to work on the premises for the year,niether of these things seem right to me as he employed me as a driver,has he got any legal rights to enforce either of these things onto me

2006-11-28 19:41:29 · 9 answers · asked by ste 1 in Law & Ethics

if so where do they go , do they have bars or clubs in camps?

2006-11-28 19:40:18 · 14 answers · asked by w.m.d's_bro 3 in Military

taking into account all the rules on Health & Safety, EU directives, recycling, race, gender, age, human rights, employment law etc etc

2006-11-28 19:38:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

If you received a letter from Social Security Disability saying you have qualified for the medical part, but now must wait for the non medical
part to get SSD. Is the non medical part mean can I do another job or what ?? I am confused since I met the medical requirements?

2006-11-28 19:37:20 · 6 answers · asked by Donna L 3 in Law & Ethics

The SECOND definition is:

a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

Who would have thought the Neocons define hypocrisy in two separate and distinct ways? This is a very amazing find.

2006-11-28 19:35:59 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i work for a company and......the co-workers and sometimes even the supervisor. talk to like in some matters that isnt acceptable in the work force. Saying oh suck on a ****, and other phrases. If i get all this on tape. could i sue this company?

2006-11-28 19:34:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

My ex filed for custody while he had them on vistation! He was granted Temporary custody. But three weeks after getting temporary custody he gave the kids back to me. They have been living with me for 2 months now. They are enrolled in school! My question is Does that automatically cancel out the temporary custody? Do temporary custody orders expire???


2006-11-28 19:28:14 · 6 answers · asked by sexymama2420052000 1 in Law & Ethics

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