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Politics & Government - 28 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

(All these are just opinions, no logical support or source) Before you decide on the percents please keep these in mind:
- Iraq has so much oil and do you think the US will gives that land to other countries after they had done so much to dominate the land.
- US only lost their troops in Iraq right now, because the terrorists are too busy to kick them out of the country, but if they left Iraq then the terrorist will be more free to do their job; don't you think the US afraid that the terrorists will bomb their country after they left the golden land.
- To me I think the US is not losing much because they pumped out so much oil and their troops mainly is protect the oil fields, which means the death of their armies are really minimum for a 6 years war. The Iraqis kill and bomb their own people, this will lead to civil war and the US can pretend that they are under pressure but really they are laughing like hell and I don't think they are going to cry for the death Iraqis there.

2006-11-28 15:59:09 · 18 answers · asked by Hermes 2 in Military

Our focus is supposed to be on winning the peace for good. What is with all the distractions?

Note, not all Democrats are liberals. There are liberals in the Republican party.

2006-11-28 15:56:54 · 21 answers · asked by GOPneedsarealconservative 4 in Military

what are the laws, consequences, and details of copywright laws?

2006-11-28 15:55:13 · 2 answers · asked by mrsfabersham 1 in Law & Ethics

Libs, can ANYONE give me a SPECIFIC example of a freedom guarenteed in the United States Constitution which has been lost or taken as a result of the policies of this current administration? I have asked this question REPEATEDLY, and no one has come up with a satisfactory answer. Cons, you're welcome to chime in too... But I really want to hear what the Libs have to say on this one... And Libs, please, no typical "Bush is the devil... You are a loser" rants... I just want verifiable, factual answers.

2006-11-28 15:54:37 · 16 answers · asked by Firestorm 6 in Politics


how long does it have to be to file a petition with the court for paternal abandonment?? does it have to be from the last time he saw the child, or from the last time anyone has heard from him???

2006-11-28 15:53:52 · 1 answers · asked by shaylolo51 1 in Law & Ethics

Isn't this same argument used when illegal aliens break the law you people all say but Americans do it. Well Mexico deports people every day .So America must be more like Mexico and deport every last illegal alien and that attitude Mexico can do it, we can do it. We only want to be fair . Don't tell me how will you do it. It is very easy. If you're affairs are in order you want be worried -- that's how Mexico does it

2006-11-28 15:53:50 · 18 answers · asked by Walker Texas 1 in Immigration

Just wondering if anyone can give me some differences between contracts of sale and common law contracts. I understand contracts of sale are regulated by article 2 of the UCC, but why? Why are they different than plain common law contracts? Thanks!

2006-11-28 15:50:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

circumvent the legislature? Just because a judge rules a particular way does not mean that the decision is legitimate.

Here is an example: Read the answer from elway_the_cat.


I am not at all making fun of this person nor singling them out. I am pointing out that this person's answer shows how Americans do not understand the role of the courts.

2006-11-28 15:49:56 · 6 answers · asked by GOPneedsarealconservative 4 in Law & Ethics

Here is the scenario. You are at a school as a student. You go to the restroom which as been used by a person who has contracted certain STDs. Without a care for the seat to be clean, they leave it. Later, you, completely unknowning use the seat.
Two weeks, you test positive at a annual screening for STD's. Can you in this case sue the publicly funded school for causing this to happen to you? Why or why not. Also, if were not public funded and was a private place and the same thing happened, could you sue?

2006-11-28 15:49:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2006-11-28 15:48:21 · 7 answers · asked by Cody T 1 in Military

2006-11-28 15:45:42 · 17 answers · asked by MauiGrown W 1 in Law & Ethics

You can't get a straight answer outta that guy. Or Tony Snow, for that matter.

2006-11-28 15:45:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2006-11-28 15:44:02 · 16 answers · asked by Dollar! 1 in Military

How did the military rank of Lieutenant come into existance and why?

2006-11-28 15:41:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Suspersonic double AA batteries
Have gone dead by a camera

A fresh bag of coffeee beans
Wasted by the morning-addict

A iPod Nano
Broken from the washing machine

Lives of millions of people
Going down the drain

2006-11-28 15:39:44 · 9 answers · asked by Sasuki 2 in Military

What was the origin of this Act and what were its key points?

2006-11-28 15:37:15 · 4 answers · asked by I am S-M-R-T, I mean S-M-A-R-T 2 in Law & Ethics

Ramon Magsaysay once said, "I prefer a country run like hell by filipinos, than a country run like heaven by foreigners."

2006-11-28 15:37:00 · 4 answers · asked by kirk m 1 in Politics

I was falsely accused of advertising and Yahoo refuses to give me any details about why they believe I was advertising. I answered a question about the 9/11 conspiracy by stating that there were many videos on it on youtube and I referred to a well known author's site who also had knowledge of it. I thought this was within the rules. Do they think I own youtube? Do they think I wrote a book on conspiracies and was promoting myself? I suppose so, that's why I received the violation.

2006-11-28 15:36:12 · 15 answers · asked by swissmiss620 4 in Law & Ethics

I'm talking about Films and commercials.

2006-11-28 15:35:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2006-11-28 15:35:20 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

What can the police do?
Does my child have to come home?
Can i force them to come home?

2006-11-28 15:34:39 · 9 answers · asked by MauiGrown W 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I had a court order for the father of my 2 year old child to pay child support on May 2006. As of now, my daughter hasn't received a penny. The employer is required to report his earnings, for witholding purposes. They didn't respond until October! The court papers I have say that the employer must respond within 14 days of the order (b/c they may be held in contempt as being non-compliant employers). Now, the employer is saying that he doesn't report enough income to withold the funds for child support, although the father himself reported that he made enough per month for the order to be $75/week. ($92/week now due to back child support owed). I have had to call the Office of Child Support Enforcement in my county. They've made no effort to enforce this order, nor have the followed up on any action against the employer for not responding for so long. I want to know how would I go about having the employer be responsible for the support order owed, due to non-compliance.

2006-11-28 15:33:10 · 5 answers · asked by Jen 2 in Law & Ethics

2006-11-28 15:33:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Hint: he was FEELing her pain (yeah, right!).

2006-11-28 15:32:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2006-11-28 15:29:50 · 3 answers · asked by The 8 Bicycle and Jim 5 in Politics

Today the terriost in Sri Lanka & Turkey won a victory because of a law suit broght by a american group. The Humaitarion Law Project sued Bush because he froze the funds for these two groups because they have been deamed to be terriost. He also made it a crime to give aid , humantarian or other aid to these groups The court said Bush was not being humain to denie the funds that were being used to blow up things in Turkey & Sri lanka,. so again the bleeding hearts in america undercut the goverment trying to make us safe. I think groups like the one who brought the suit on befalf of the terriost are unamarican Do You agree?

2006-11-28 15:29:46 · 2 answers · asked by BUTCH 5 in Law & Ethics

. Under the Electoral College system, can we end up with a president from one ticket and a vice president from another ticket?

2006-11-28 15:29:29 · 4 answers · asked by em. 1 in Elections

2006-11-28 15:29:25 · 8 answers · asked by zblackstock 1 in Military

With the corruption and selfishness growing high. I think electing celibates will be the ultimate option to see prosperity and progress of nation. From the example of Abdul Kalam the president of India.
I feel that this should be the qualification, first of all to be elected to chair Prime Minister ship or President ship. What does the world think ???

2006-11-28 15:26:33 · 7 answers · asked by Colorful Shadows 1 in Government

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