There's no doubt about it, to see Neo-Cons who have been strutting around like John Wayne for the past five years finally eat humble pie is a breath of fresh air, but let's not be so deluded.....
Will the Military Commissions Act, a bill that effectively nullifies nine of the ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution be repealed under a Democrat House and Senate? Highly unlikely. Will the surveillance cameras that have invaded American streets via Homeland Security be curtailed under the Democrats? If anything Big Brother will only get bigger.
Pelosi voted for the war in Afghanistan, the Patriot Act, for Homeland Security and against a bill that condemned torture of prisoners in Iraq. Her record on immigration is horrible and Gun Owners of America scored her an F minus.
What we can look forward to are the same policies of big government, crackdown on dissent, destruction of sovereignty and occupation of sovereign nations all in the name of the new boss....same as the old boss?
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