George W Bush gets sent to hell.
When he get's there, howver, he finds that it is completely full.
Satan says Bush still has to be punished. You'll have to choose someone to go to heaven, and you can take their place.
So, Bush begins to walk down a hall of doors, all leading to different eternal tortures.
In the first room, Bush sees Al Gore. Al is forced to pick up the same rock and toss it into the water near him, only to have it reappear in front of him, he does this for all eternity. "I don't want that punishment," says Bush
Next, he sees Jerry Falwell. Jerry is forced to pierced to continue piercing his own ears, and then wait for the skin to grow back over and do it again, for all eternity. Bush decides he doesn't want this punishment either.
Third, he comes to a room and sees Bill Clinton. On top of him is Monica Lewinski, know what. "I'll take this punishment!" say's George eagerly.
"Ok," says satan "Monica, you're free to go"
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Tofu Jesus