We have two boxers, a male and a female. Our male is very well tempered and plays well with other dogs, he has never shown a sign of aggression. Our female on the other hand can turn very aggressive over nothing. She is aggressive to our male boxer at times and recently has turned aggressive to other dogs. Nothing in her environment has changed. From puppies I tried to let them interact with other dogs, she has never had a negative experience that I am aware of.
When we are walking, our dogs leashed of course, every once in a while there will be a dog around, even if it is not close to her, she starts growling, barking and showing her teeth. My male and her get along 98% of the time, and she goes from being very loving to him to agressive very quick. Infact, when we are on our walks and she sees another dog, she bites my other dog, and growls at him as well. He has never been physically hurt by her, but I worry why she is behaving in such a manner.
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