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Pets - 10 June 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

My cat has had a cold for a while now he sneezes every so often and he has a little bit of this snot stuff coming out of his eyes but its better than before. He eats normally and is active he is about 2 years old. I dont want to take him to the vet unless its an absolute must because we are tight on money right now. Recently i have heard that some cats die from colds is this true? I know for people the medicine really only helps from the symtoms and the cold goes away on its own. Any onfo would be greatly apreciated. Thanks=)

2007-06-10 04:56:48 · 7 answers · asked by Karez121 4 in Cats

our new cat has turned our old cat into a night cat, at first we thought that there was something wrong with her because she sleeps all day and the old one is bored but two night in a row i have seen them run around at night and now our old cat has started sleeping all day too
what can someone do to turn them into day cats?

2007-06-10 04:51:27 · 5 answers · asked by skibunny 1 in Cats

A small male pomerainian dug his way into our 1 year old female boxers pen while she was in heat. Is it possible he got her pregnant?

2007-06-10 04:51:08 · 6 answers · asked by Genia F 1 in Dogs

please no opinions knowledgeable answers only thanks

2007-06-10 04:50:32 · 7 answers · asked by pattialfy 3 in Dogs

My cat was playing with my fiances fishing rod this morning and she got the hook in her paw. My fiance has a week stomach and he couldn't get the hook out and our Vets office is closed untill wednesday. Our friend came up and removed the hook, but it was dirty. It had already been in dirty water and had fish caught on it. I put some rubbing alcohol on the wound but, i want to know if there is anything else i should do to make sure it doesn't get infected.

2007-06-10 04:47:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I have a seven month old puppy. Several months ago when he still had his first set of teeth, I was playing with him and yanked a toy out of his mouth which caused his bottom left canine tooth to fall out. I asked my vet about it and she said that there is nothing i could do to his baby teeth that would interupt the growing of his adult teeth. But still four months later all the teeth except for the one that was pulled out have grown in. He's still precious without the tooth but I'm wondering if this has caused impropper growth of the tooth. I'm reaaalllly scared its gonna start growing out of his chin or something.. hahah.. anywaysss helpp meeee.

2007-06-10 04:41:36 · 6 answers · asked by blarrrrblarrrrr 1 in Dogs

Okay, I just have taken my 3 year old Shih Tzu to PetSmart for grooming. He peed yellow a few times (staff had to keep cleaning after him) Then when I handed him to the groomer he peed brown? Today he first peed yellow then brown again. This has never happened before and he looks normal.

2007-06-10 04:38:30 · 6 answers · asked by Sakura Drops 1 in Dogs

My golden retriever, Levi, was in his outside play-yard this morning and when I went out to give him a pail of fresh water he was acting just like his normal playful self. As I was leaving the yard he slipped and didnt get up. I went back to investigate and he wasnt breathing I tried CPR and checked his airway but nothing seemed amiss. He was up-to-date on all his shots and flea\tick preventative. There was no blood and there is no swelling anywhere that would indicate any bites or stings from any posious animal. My first thought was a brain anyerism but they are supposedly very rare in dogs..... Is there any other cause that would have killed a healthy dog so quickly and without any apparent cause??

2007-06-10 04:19:59 · 18 answers · asked by star g 1 in Dogs

Yesterday afternoon I adopted an 8-week-old border terrier puppy. I have two cats. One is exceptionally mellow and is proving very good with the puppy, the other is being 'territorial' and circling around the puppy prepared to attack it at the slightest opportunity. The reaction by this cat is a bit surprising to me because she is extremely friendly and playful around other cats and people, whereas the mellow cat is normally the more standoffish of the two. In any event, I know it will take time and this is 'normal' and so on, but I was hoping to get some advice on how to expedite the warm-up process so that I don't have to watch them together 24/7 and worry about the cat scratching his eye or something. The other issue is that I don't want the puppy to associate this cat with such a negative experience because border terriers aren't known to be that great with cats to begin with and I don't want him harming her when he's older and larger. At the moment, he just whimpers!

2007-06-10 04:16:55 · 6 answers · asked by pat800 1 in Cats

I know I should worm my 10-month old cat every three months, but we only got her a few weeks ago. The people she came from had only had her temporarily, so there's really no way to tell when she was last wormed. I haven't seen any symptoms, but I've read that it's best to treat worms BEFORE you see any, regardless. So my question is, if I choose to worm her, and she HAS actually been wormed in the last three months without my knowing, is there any chance that the medication will harm her?

2007-06-10 04:12:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

Just back from the shop and got the rabbit some fresh basil leabes, Are they safe to give to him?

2007-06-10 04:12:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Rodents

i have a 10 week old pomerian... he came home about 3 days ago, he is a happy healthy boy!! but yesterday and today he chewed my hand off, he is very,very active. he is stubborn if something doesnt go his way he'll start growling and biting... i will NEVER think about rehoming him so dont say rehome him. for now i dont know if thats the way puppies are suppose to be because he's my first puppy. i'm scared if he bites somebody and they take him away... i have at least 10 scars in my whole body including my face by Teddy (the pups name) HELP....I WILL CONSIDER ANY TECHINIQUES TO STOP THIS BEHAVIOR!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO????

2007-06-10 04:09:46 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

My pet was bit by a stray dog and I gave him a pencillin shot but he is still moping around and there is signs of puss running out his right eye but he is drinking water. Help me Thank you.

2007-06-10 04:08:44 · 6 answers · asked by Eric L 1 in Dogs

ok so my dog is a choc. lab rotti mix and hes only 1 yr and 1month and 5 days old. But the way hes sits and how he gets up if hes been laying down i can tell hes gonna have hip problems in the future! and i dont want him to. Plus by the time he older hima nd i will be living on our own in college, and i know my parents prob. wont pay for surgrey if it gets bad or even for medicine, and being in college i prob. wont have the money for it. So is there something that i can do now that would prevent hip problems in the future. And i already walk him over a mile everyday and bring him swimming casue we live on a lake. So its not like he his loaded with fat that will make it even worse casue it will put extra weight on him but he does weigh alot cause hes pure muscle (hes knocked me down a cple. times when we were playing, its pretty fiunny actually), and he's body is bulky, so he wieghs alot. Plus i wouldnt want to put him down unless it gets really bad casue hes my baby and hes...

2007-06-10 03:52:53 · 8 answers · asked by it's me 3 in Dogs

2007-06-10 03:43:05 · 6 answers · asked by christi w 2 in Cats

i use to give my dog's their shots so i know how. i just don't know what to give a cat. and do i get it at a feed store?


2007-06-10 03:40:38 · 3 answers · asked by Tara F 1 in Cats

This has only started over the last month or so. My vet is only about 10 minutes away, and the last 2 times, my puppy (8 mos. old) has become car sick. (This time I was prepared with an old towel) Is there anything I can do to help her not get sick? Or shoud I just invest in some 'throw away' towels?

2007-06-10 03:34:04 · 7 answers · asked by Enchanted 7 in Dogs

If you get this magazine can you tell me the website they have for like morris buildings or sumthing lke that. I know it is the January 2007 one. It has a white horse on the front and it has the story about the double decker trailor the rolled over and all the horses it killed! I borrowed from school and want to look at the buildings that company I said earlier had but I can think of the website!

2007-06-10 03:29:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Horses

i just got the puppy she is 9weeks.having a hard time teaching her.i need to something fore fleaes.but wont hurt my 10month old son

2007-06-10 03:21:04 · 5 answers · asked by christy c 1 in Dogs

i just got the puppy she is 9weeks.having a hard time teaching her.i need to something fore fleaes.but wont hurt my 10month old son

2007-06-10 03:20:17 · 2 answers · asked by christy c 1 in Dogs

i just got the puppy she is 9weeks.having a hard time teaching her.i need to something fore fleaes.but wont hurt my 10month old son

2007-06-10 03:19:22 · 2 answers · asked by christy c 1 in Dogs

Just to let you know. Kitten is already at the vets..She might or might not have this.

2007-06-10 03:19:10 · 4 answers · asked by Kitten 1 in Cats


2007-06-10 03:04:56 · 12 answers · asked by MONTANA 1 in Rodents

I was reading about how if the bowls are to small the cat may not eat or drink water from it because the whiskers touch the side of the dish and that is an annoyance to them. Do cats prefer bigger bowls that they can fit their whole head into without having to bring their whiskers back? Or does it not matter?

2007-06-10 02:53:35 · 6 answers · asked by MCisEVIL 3 in Cats

He has most of his feathers but cannot perch or fly yet. He flaps his wings a whole lot and tries to crawl. He eats well, i feed him moist cat food.
What other foods are better?
Is his breathing normal? If not, what do i do?
Is the flapping of wings normal?

2007-06-10 02:43:53 · 6 answers · asked by Mimsterrr 2 in Birds


Okay so i have this pony and we went to a show exactly a week ago june 3rd and he was fairly good at the show for his first time away from the farm and he learned how to rear at the show and now when i ride him thats all he wants to do. and when i sit deep and blockhim with my reins asking him to stop he doesnt and i have had to jerk on the reins so he would stop and still when he does stop he rears and then i smack him with the crop and he bucks like crazy. then i free lunge him and tell him whos boss and he is still bad and i did crack him a few times on the but and now when i try to get on he takes off and same when i get off. Please help me i am very concerened and fed up with this. he is a 13hh welsh X arab pony and im thinking of switching his bit to a kimberwick right now it is a full cheek snaffle PLEASE HELP

2007-06-10 02:31:29 · 13 answers · asked by Horse_Lover_Jumping_Crazy 1 in Horses

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