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Pets - 17 December 2006

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

my garter snake has gotten aggresive ever since it ran away HHHEEELLLPPP!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-17 15:41:22 · 6 answers · asked by n m 1 in Reptiles

what behavior will she have?

2006-12-17 15:40:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

She is about 4-5 months old. Siomise(spelling?) has her own room and everything she needs. There are 5 people in the home, she hides behind the washer and in her cubby home. I want to hold her but she constantly hisses at me and the rest of the family. We own an older cat who does not even recognize the kitten, when the kitten hears the old cat meow that is the only other time she meows, I want so much for this new cat to fit in


2006-12-17 15:39:56 · 17 answers · asked by Jean W 1 in Cats

I let my dog out today and she cut the bottom of her foot on something. I bandaged it up. I cleaned it will water/rubbing alcohol and bandaid brand wound wash. I put tripple anti-biotic on it and wrapped it up in bandage. Will she be ok. I need a home treatment. Cut is bad but not bad enough for stiches i think. It wasn't bleeding bad only when cleanin it. Its wrapped up and she is in the cage so she will stay off of it. I gave her doggy asprin for the pain. ANY ADVISE WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECTIATED THANKS.

2006-12-17 15:37:09 · 24 answers · asked by khakushia 2 in Dogs

I walk in our garage with barefoot only then I stepped on a fishbone and my sole was pricked... the bone was dry... I knew the cats ate it.... can I acquire a rabies on it?

2006-12-17 15:37:05 · 11 answers · asked by henry n 1 in Cats

and i have lots of activities and classes to attend at school so what do all of u think a pair or one budgie/s
thanks all,

2006-12-17 15:34:16 · 10 answers · asked by ann_92kawaii 1 in Birds

we got one and we don't konw what to feed it

2006-12-17 15:32:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

My sister owned some and I was afraid to go visit.

2006-12-17 15:26:05 · 8 answers · asked by Me! 2 in Birds

Where/how did you come up with that?

2006-12-17 15:26:02 · 42 answers · asked by Rachel T. 2 in Dogs

2006-12-17 15:24:35 · 5 answers · asked by joseph h 1 in Dogs

Hey, dawgs, I'm a Shih Tzhu. My name is Oreo.

2006-12-17 15:24:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

the pups were 6 1.2 weeks and eating food as well as still nursing off her well i should say pup as the others are gone..or is there any way to relieve pressure of fullness she looks uncomfortable

2006-12-17 15:19:42 · 8 answers · asked by marc j 1 in Dogs

When she gets a little excited she bites our hands, I tried clapping my hands and shouting NO!!! and then giving her a toy, but the results are not there, but she is only 2 months, any advice would be nice. Thank you

2006-12-17 15:17:36 · 14 answers · asked by Five to Ignite 1 in Dogs

I attempted to empty my dog's anal gland, but nothing came out. He seems to be releasing anal gland fluid (in very small amount that has a very fishy smell) every three to four days or so. I read that some dogs have anal gland that do not close, which can be removed through surgery. Does this mean he need surgery? What is the cost?

2006-12-17 15:13:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

What does it mean when your cat or dog is on "heat"??

2006-12-17 15:10:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

I have a goldfish that is 17inches long. Thats was purchased as a feeder fish. I decided to keep her and wow shes huge and beautiful.

2006-12-17 15:08:46 · 6 answers · asked by Kelly Baker 1 in Fish

I just got a 6 month hand raised cockatiel from a private breeder. When I was at her house the bird perched on my hand and fingers, but since I brought him home today, he tries to bite me if I put my hand in the cage, and he hasn't moved from one perch. How do I get him to trust me and allow me to bring him out of his cage? Will he eventually move around his cage?


2006-12-17 15:08:31 · 6 answers · asked by returntosender35 1 in Birds

I have had one male dove, and got a female companion for him today because he sings for a mate a lot. They are both ringnecks, and the female is very sweet but the male is following her trying to peck at her. He has never been like this before and they have plenty of room, food, and perching areas.
Any help would be much appreciated. She needed a good home, and both were purchased without a mate. I really dont want to return her unless she is in danger.

2006-12-17 15:04:55 · 2 answers · asked by Lindsay 3 in Birds

Well, we got a new puppy, and even though my Grandma bought the dog, my Aunt pays for the toys and whatnot.
She's 16 weeks and got her rabies shot a couple days ago, and now is so hyper from her downtime. She's a shih tzu, very small, runt of the little.
She wants to play, and she'll try to play with our hands and nibble on them, but whenever she dose that my Aunt, my Aunt smacks her, hard.

The dog welps, tried to run and goes somewhere where she can be avoided, but goes back to normal, yet gets a bit shy and flinches when someone tried to pick her up.

Me and my Grandma have both told her that people can get tickets, and plus the dog will become a lonely dog, not trusting anyone.

Whenever she nibbles on me, I get her favorite toy and praise her for playing with it, so dose my grandma.

When we told her, she just got defensive and yelled at us, telling us that no one ever gets a ticket for hitting there dog, and my friend said it was okay!(see addtional details)

2006-12-17 15:04:01 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I just found fleas on my indoor cat. The two don't have any contact, but the chinchilla does have a ball that he runs around the house in. I had heard that fleas would not be able to survive in a chinchillis dense fur. Is this true?

2006-12-17 15:02:52 · 8 answers · asked by Ireland1222 3 in Other - Pets

Our goldfish recently died so we replaced him with a beta fish (better for fishbowls), but I still have a ton of goldfish food left over. Can I use that for him til it's gone? Or is there special food for betas?

2006-12-17 14:56:22 · 15 answers · asked by lady_missunderstood2006 1 in Fish

we have been told its mostly lack of attention,

2006-12-17 14:50:59 · 15 answers · asked by grabbngears 1 in Birds

my dog is 10 yrs old , his breath is terrible, i buy breath mints(yip yaps) for him , i have used breath drops, but nothing fixes it on a more permanant basis

2006-12-17 14:48:16 · 16 answers · asked by grabbngears 1 in Dogs

my kids maltese puppy used to have a black nose, and now its turning brown... at first I thought it was just him getting old but hes only 1... is this normal or anything that I should be concerned about?

2006-12-17 14:45:36 · 7 answers · asked by eric 2 in Dogs

2006-12-17 14:44:05 · 42 answers · asked by LAURA J L 1 in Other - Pets

2006-12-17 14:43:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Im stuck on choosing if i should get goldfishes or bettafish. I bought 2 betta fish last week they ate each other, one lived but then the other wasnt reactive at all and while i was cleaning the tank it fell in my sink. I want an active fish that doesnt need alot of responsobility and doesnt need all these fancy water heaters or water cleaners. If there are any other fish please let me know THANK YOU

2006-12-17 14:41:02 · 8 answers · asked by WTC 04 1 in Fish

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