Well, we got a new puppy, and even though my Grandma bought the dog, my Aunt pays for the toys and whatnot.
She's 16 weeks and got her rabies shot a couple days ago, and now is so hyper from her downtime. She's a shih tzu, very small, runt of the little.
She wants to play, and she'll try to play with our hands and nibble on them, but whenever she dose that my Aunt, my Aunt smacks her, hard.
The dog welps, tried to run and goes somewhere where she can be avoided, but goes back to normal, yet gets a bit shy and flinches when someone tried to pick her up.
Me and my Grandma have both told her that people can get tickets, and plus the dog will become a lonely dog, not trusting anyone.
Whenever she nibbles on me, I get her favorite toy and praise her for playing with it, so dose my grandma.
When we told her, she just got defensive and yelled at us, telling us that no one ever gets a ticket for hitting there dog, and my friend said it was okay!(see addtional details)
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