Obviously you don't know proper parrot care. Either learn it FAST or find an avian rescue and surrender your bird.
2006-12-17 18:00:43
answer #1
answered by CrazyBirdMom 4
There is something making this bird VERY UNHAPPY! It could be someone - or a dog or where the cage is located, noise or light, a smell. But something needs to change drastically & quickly. Plucking is a sign of a behavior problem OR it could have had mites. That will also cause that.
Some females will pluck to make a nest lining - usually they begin on the chest area. If in doubt, go to a bird Vet. Maybe the diet is not sufficient in minerals or oils.
2006-12-17 16:18:41
answer #2
answered by Sab 2
That could be true, however parrots also pluck due to stress/ distress. They do it for attention and some people resolve that problem by adding a companion if human attention is not readily available. I think a companion would be the best solution and maybe some fresh air.... take the cage on a walk or a nice sit on the porch (weather permitting).
Good Luck
2006-12-17 14:55:04
answer #3
answered by Jimmy P. 3
he's either bored, stressed, and/or getting a poor diet. give him attention - leave a radio or the telly on when you're not home so he has something to listen to besides silence or a barking dog/screaming kids. let him out of his cage every day for a romp around the room - he needs exercise. throw out the sunflower seeds and peanuts - if you must, only feed him white sunflower and no more than 5 peanuts a day - less oil. ingrown feathers from a too oily skin as a result of high oils in food can hurt and irritate him to the point he'll pull them out. give him fresh greens every day - chopped spinach, peas, green pepper, green chilli (the best), an apple slice and some berries. kd bird biscuits will boost his nutrient and vitamin intake too and help him restore condition. won't hurt to have him dewormed at a vet either.
2006-12-18 00:17:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
boredom isn't the reason behind feather plucking. considering he's kept on my own he may experience lonely. parrots are social animals and they choose companionship. So try spending extra time with him and letting him out of his cage, and taking section in with him. also some thing would nicely be aggitating his pores and skin and is making him itch. now and again, new feather boom may be somewhat itchy each from time to time so as the hot feathers develop in, he would experience so itchy that he snatches them good decrease back out. Or finally, he would have mites, even although its not very elementary for birds to pluck because of mites (they in many circumstances basically preen continually) that is a chance that the frustration of the mites is causing him to do this
2016-11-30 21:53:11
answer #5
answered by lemmer 4
He could be plucking for many reasons, stress, lack of sleep, bad food (like if you only feed it seeds and pellets), lack of space (tiny cage), not enough toys, or illness.
Take your parrot to a vet.
Buy some parrot books that go into detail, like Sally Blanchard's parrot books.
2006-12-17 15:54:11
answer #6
answered by kellis 2
He/she is stressed out due to lack of attention. You may take him/her to a veterinarian or buy a plastic collar at the pet shop that is used to avoid more plucking and allows the feathers to grow back...
2006-12-17 14:54:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Plucking always means stress.
2006-12-20 04:28:29
answer #8
answered by gms9810 2
Talk to a vet. These birds are smart animals, they have substantial social needs, and very prone to depression.
2006-12-17 14:58:52
answer #9
answered by AnswerGuy 3
I have heard that parrots who are neglected do that. Not that your mom is neglecting it, but maybe she should give it more lovin'.
2006-12-17 14:53:45
answer #10
answered by Magzilla 2