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Pets - 17 December 2006

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

My friend had to give up her cat because her son was allergic to him. I offered to "foster" him until we could find a permanent home for him. He is three years old and he is not neutered. I had him for a week and he meowed (more like yeowling) constantly. The only time he stopped was when I would pet him. I would pet him 24/7 if I could but not possible with work and kids. Anyway, one of my kids left the door open for a split second and he was gone. Two days later my friend opened her back door and there he was. Thank God! We were both extremely worried about him. I also should mention that at her home he was an indoor/outdoor cat. During his brief stay with me, he was strictly indoors because we live in the city and I just don't think it is safe for cats outside. Anyway, he is a very good cat but I am worried that if he goes to another home they will not be able to handle his crying and he will most likely try to escape. Will having him neutered help? Looking for ideas.Thanks

2006-12-17 21:22:06 · 6 answers · asked by aries99 2 in Cats

My nieces Boarder Collie is expecting pups in February and we are hoping to have one of the puppies (dog preferably). I grew up with a Boarder Collie myself so am fairly confident about the training and time and energy required but don't know anything about the initial vacination and worming programme that a puppy should have and how long this will take or how much this will cost. Please help. (Based in Bristol, England)

2006-12-17 21:17:01 · 3 answers · asked by honeybunchkaminski 1 in Dogs

2006-12-17 21:12:49 · 3 answers · asked by duronto_999 1 in Other - Pets

he snores like a old man, its hard to sleep with him in the room. i get scared hes gonna stop breathing someday. some positions he doesnt snore, so its a battle trying to keep him in that position at night. is this normal in this breed? hes 5 months old

2006-12-17 21:04:29 · 10 answers · asked by babylonmoshi 2 in Dogs

They look exactly like limpets-see link->http://www.caudata.org/cc/articles/Tank_critters.shtml They are the ones in the picture on the left. They are all over my tank, and are climbing up out of the water-stuck to the sides of the tank, and all over the rocks. They feel hard on the outside, and are almost super-glued to the sides of the tank. We took all of our fish out of one 30gal tank, and into this other one. The former tank-even though it has been empty for about a month now-also has these things in there-stuck to the sides of the tank. I can't tell if they are alive or dead now...but I have looked up fish lice, and then came across this photo-which is exactly what they look like. I am still not convinced-alot of things could look like those right? I just want to know exactly what they are. Alot of fish have been dying off recently too, but I don't see any of these things on the fish.

2006-12-17 21:01:00 · 8 answers · asked by Little Jeannie 4 in Fish

2006-12-17 20:59:58 · 17 answers · asked by TL1983 2 in Cats

2006-12-17 20:48:31 · 2 answers · asked by sxylindanana161 o 1 in Dogs

My friends dog has round worms. It pooed them all over my floor. should i now be freaking out about getting them? and will the same thing happen to me? i dont want to poop out a whole lot of worms... that makes me lose sleep. and should i immediately assume my dog has them and treat it with wormer without any signs of infection? will that hurt my dog? any help is appreciated.

2006-12-17 20:47:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

how come they dont wrinkle thier faces like humans?

2006-12-17 20:39:08 · 5 answers · asked by superyduperymommy 5 in Cats

why does a cat's nose always seem wet?

2006-12-17 20:33:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I have a 6 month old cat. She was acting fine all day then about an hour ago I noticed she was crying (whining) a lot over and over and would not stop. This is not like her. She is rubbing her head back & forth on me, on things. She seems VERY tired. I do not know what to say is wrong with her but something is. I know my cat very well. She is crying as if she is in pain. I have looked over her body, I see nothing. But she is laying on her back rolling around at times crying. This is what she does when shes in pain. I can not afford to take my lil baby to the vet right now so I am going insane. I love her with everything in me. I thought it was her ears or head, I dont know. She seems normal but just in pain?

2006-12-17 20:23:27 · 6 answers · asked by Noor 2 in Cats

I have had my fiddler crab for maybe six months. the pet store told me keeping him in straight tapwater would be fine. but i have been researching fiddler crabs lately, and it says that fiddler crabs not kept in brackish water will die within a few weeks. it has been over six months, and he is still alive and well. should i transition him to brackish? or would the change harm him? what should i do?

2006-12-17 20:10:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

My two year old chihuahua began vomiting and shivering tonight. He's bringing up what appears to simply be saliva and mucus but he's also keeping his tail tucked down, crying at times, and just "not himself". How concerned should I be at this point?

2006-12-17 20:08:47 · 7 answers · asked by Karen 2 in Dogs

some of my fish over time eg months seem to lose their colour, they get a bit duller, any reason why?

2006-12-17 20:03:18 · 9 answers · asked by david c 1 in Fish

Should we sign it? See http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/lovelycats

2006-12-17 19:45:14 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

which of these are most popular fish? and why?

2006-12-17 19:41:46 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

Should I worry about this or just leave him be? I'm also having a nightmare time trying to paper train him as he is doing his toilet anywhere he fancies. If I catch him then I pick him up immediately and put him on the paper but he's not getting the message. Any tips would be much appreciated.

2006-12-17 19:38:01 · 16 answers · asked by JACQUI S 3 in Dogs

well should i? i have some angel fish and some other small tropical fish but they are so boring and when i see ciclid tanks they look ace, i know some fish will be eaten but will it be worth it?

2006-12-17 19:35:17 · 11 answers · asked by david c 1 in Fish

i have 5 of them and the 2 biggest ones are the bullies and won't stop picking on the younger ones. they are always trying to tear off a body part by aggresively rapidly pulling on it and the others will try to defend but they can't someone please help

2006-12-17 19:30:44 · 7 answers · asked by coolzombies 1 in Dogs

My 7 month old Pit puppy won't eat and is vomotting. The vomott was like a solid. Now it is a milky white liquid. He is drinking but won't eat. You can tell just by looking at him that somethings wrong. Me and My husband got a raw egg down him. Well part of it. After we done that he is still throwing up. What's wrong with Him? What do i need to do? I need Advice??????

2006-12-17 19:30:13 · 10 answers · asked by Amanda G 1 in Dogs

does anyone know where i can find a nice big cage for my pet guinea pig?

2006-12-17 19:22:37 · 6 answers · asked by thesweetgirl1515@sbcglobal.net 2 in Other - Pets

this cat is male and is house trained but just enjoys weeing on our stuff, it can be dirty or clean, never goes on the couhc or crapet, always on jeans or the bed, boyfriends overalls. this is driving us absoloutley nutts! will appreciate any help

2006-12-17 19:21:35 · 8 answers · asked by Sandie 1 in Cats

2006-12-17 19:17:35 · 4 answers · asked by AngryAmerican82 3 in Cats

If you ask me I believe animal testing is wrong and should be banned completely. The animals which are tested on have feelings to and shoulkd not be put throw such a tremedous amout of pain.

2006-12-17 19:17:11 · 9 answers · asked by Caitlin L 1 in Other - Pets

My one year old betta is sick! He has had fin rot for approx. 1 month which we have been treating. Then, 3 days ago we lost our power and his tank got very cold. At this point the fish went into a semi comatose state. He didn't really move at all. After 24 hours of no power I noticed that his belly had bloated up. Once our power came back on and his tank warmed back up he started moving around again. Now he is back to his normal activity level. However, his tail fin is still rotting, his belly is still buldging, some of the scales on his belly are discolored and he has two very small bumps on the underside of his belly. I have tried fasting him and giving him peas for the possible constipation (tummy bloating) and am giving him Aquari-sol but I'm not really sure what is wrong with him. Any ideas or help would be appreciaited. Thanks.

2006-12-17 19:15:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

hi people i jus bought 2 green parrot with red beak just last week. the probelm is this two parrot are so afraid of me when ever i come near them they jus flap their wings n go the other side of the cage. when i tried to feed them they refuse to eat even though they are hungry n go the other side of the cage. plz someone tell me how to tame this two green parrot coz i am having lots of trouble trying to tame them.

2006-12-17 19:01:07 · 3 answers · asked by parrot times 1 in Birds

our dog got with our other one were not sure if shes pregnant or not, they tied we caught them in the middle what are the signs and would she be pregnant after one time? she would now be close 6 weeks pregnant

2006-12-17 18:49:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

my cat throws up all the time, i've tried different cat foods, hairball control stuff, nothing works. i know he's not sick, i've heard lots of cats have this problem. any suggestions on cat food or anything else to try? oh yeah, and he dosent have worms. thanks!

2006-12-17 18:39:48 · 10 answers · asked by superyduperymommy 5 in Cats

2006-12-17 18:30:45 · 12 answers · asked by lovebite 2 in Cats

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