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hi people i jus bought 2 green parrot with red beak just last week. the probelm is this two parrot are so afraid of me when ever i come near them they jus flap their wings n go the other side of the cage. when i tried to feed them they refuse to eat even though they are hungry n go the other side of the cage. plz someone tell me how to tame this two green parrot coz i am having lots of trouble trying to tame them.

2006-12-17 19:01:07 · 3 answers · asked by parrot times 1 in Pets Birds

3 answers

Different birds have different personalities, so its hard for me to give you more specific help unless I know exactly what type of breed you have. I also feel that its a tad bit irresponsible that you don't know what breed of parrot you have only because they all have different emotional and nourishment needs such as more viatmins/minerals for certain species.

Anyhow ALL birds when you bring them into your home NEED to have a honeymoon period. Depending on the species and their temperment, this could be a few days, of a couple months. If you moved into another country with a different culture than you had been used to, the last thing you would want to do is forced to go out and do things of which you had no control over. That is exactly how these birds feel. The best thing to do would be to just sit by the cage and feed them treats through the bars, WITHOUT trying to touch them. Getting them to trust you is the UTMOST important thing. Read books to them, newspaper etc, and when they come near you give them a treat. After a while of doing this, and them not freakin out when you're near, open the door, DO NOT try to reach in and grab them, simply sit next to the cage reading, talking to them etc, but this time with the door open, if they want to come out, let them at their own pace. Remember rewarding them and giving them treats is your ace in the hole, and the only way you will win them over. After a few weeks of that maybe try holding a treat with your left hand, and put your right hand in front of it, so if they want that treat, they have to step on your hand/arm etc in order to get it. This process could take months, I've seen in happen before. It sounds to me that your birds were either breeders, or weren't hand tamed, and thats why they're terrified of you. Just remember to take it slow, and reward them for being good! Don't try to push or force anything you will only be hurting them, and causing more problems for yourself! Good luck!

2006-12-17 22:48:55 · answer #1 · answered by acekingsuited83 3 · 2 0

This will take time. Let the parrots see you around their cage a lot. Put the cage where you spend the most time. They will get used to you, but please be patient. You can place an open hand on the outside of the cage as much as possible. You have to interact with birds daily. Birds take a lot of time to adjust and settle in. After about a month, start putting your hand in the cage without trying to catch them. They will learn that you are not going to harm them. Birds are very intelligent and are much smarter than cats or dogs. Put treats that they like, such as, different fruits and Millet in their cage. They will see that you bring them things they like to eat and associate you with that. Soon enough they will be happy to see you. You can start to hold them often in your hand. If they try to bite, gently ever so gently, tap them on the beak and say "NO". They will learn. They also love to have their head and necked rubbed. Try that while you are holding them. Also, clip their wings so they are not apt to fly around. They will tame much faster with the wings clipped.

2006-12-17 19:12:53 · answer #2 · answered by a10cowgirl 5 · 2 0

Make sure the room that you are keeping them in is free of loud noises and other household pets. Try not to get to close to them since they are still adjusting to their enviornment are are startled by you. I'm sure that over a short amouint of time, they will beocme adjusted to you.

2006-12-17 19:11:41 · answer #3 · answered by Alexis's Love Potion #9 4 · 2 0

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