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Pets - 7 December 2006

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

2006-12-07 12:43:06 · 18 answers · asked by litz 3 in Dogs

He's two years old and healthy otherwise. It's like the bottoms of his ears are crusty. Is this due to dry skin or what? It's only on the lower part of his ears and they do not drag on the ground. Thanks for any help.

2006-12-07 12:41:39 · 11 answers · asked by mrsracer8 1 in Dogs

I need as much Dog Show Information as you can give me. Times, Places, Dates, anything! Please!

2006-12-07 12:39:55 · 12 answers · asked by Mike 1 in Dogs

Our kitten ate a bunch of veg. oil, and I believe that's our culprit. Mon. pm, he didn't eat much, but I noticed a hole in his food bag, and assumed he had already helped himself and wasn't hungry. Tues am, he didn't eat well or at all, and I went to the internet. One site said that if ate canned food or baby chicken food, I could wait on seeing a vet. He ate some. Tues.pm, he ate a bit of his regular food. Wed. am, he still wasn't eatting well, so I made an appointment with the vet. He was becoming lethargic. He was seen in the afternoon, and the vet didn't think anything was wrong with him, but kept him overnight and gave him a laxative. This morning, he wasn't doing any better, so the vet did a blood analysis and his levels were not good at all. He has an inflamed pancreas and renal kidney failure. He was given a 5-10% of survival. The vet put him on antibiotics and iv fluid therapy. He seemed much better and is in guarded condition. Thoughts?

2006-12-07 12:38:14 · 12 answers · asked by limemountain 3 in Cats

Im getting a female ragdoll kitten that is in of a name. Any suggestions?

2006-12-07 12:37:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

My cat's declawed, he's perfectly fine... he's the sweetest boy kitty alive!!!

2006-12-07 12:36:23 · 13 answers · asked by Smooth as butter on a kitten! 2 in Cats

ok there is a creek on my friends property and it starting to be winter here....my friend want to have fish in the creek but shes not sure if they will survive. the water in the creek is all from rain and that water is about a foot deep...could we put fish in it?and some of the water flows off a side of the creek in to another part of the creek,so we can have really small fish because they will just go down the small hill into the next part of the creek...so pretty much my question is will fish from like a petstore be able to live in there?

2006-12-07 12:31:48 · 10 answers · asked by Briley 1 in Fish

2006-12-07 12:31:38 · 24 answers · asked by Steven Keith 3 in Dogs

i know that pointsettia plants are posionous to cats - are they poisonous to dogs as well?

2006-12-07 12:26:32 · 17 answers · asked by mkreuch 2 in Dogs

...and can live without much food?

2006-12-07 12:19:13 · 6 answers · asked by Jon 3 in Fish

I want to get my kitties an aquarium for Christmas. I saw one with a lid so they can't get to the fish. I just think they would enjoy watching them. Does anybody have cats and fish? Is it working out?

2006-12-07 12:18:31 · 7 answers · asked by ♥Pretty♥ ♥Kitty♥ 7 in Cats

Today we picked up a new male border collie puppy. When we brought him home, he started growling softly at our 5-year-old female miniature schnauzer. He's quite shy at the moment, so this was rather startling. Our mini is social, but she was only sniffing him at the time. I realize he needs time, but can we speed it along at all? We really want this to work, so any help is appreciated. Thanks.

2006-12-07 12:13:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I really would like an image because I heard on the news this weeks that if U see a stray dog U should get to safter A.S.A.P and call 911, how are they so dangerous?

2006-12-07 12:10:35 · 17 answers · asked by _♥JeJe♥_ 2 in Dogs

My father said that it is a cateract.my dog has already have his other oye taken out i i need to know if theres a way he could still live and see.PLEASE NO MEAN COMMENTS!

2006-12-07 12:09:55 · 21 answers · asked by olivia d 1 in Dogs

I have just started working on the lunge line with my gelding. When I lead him, he likes to walk right next to me and stops if I get further away from him. now, with lunging, he doesn't get that he can walk or go faster without me standing right there with me. I use a lunge whip to try to get him into a circle, but he either walks/runs towards me or goes for the barn. I haven't ever let go of the lunge line, and he is 0% aggressive.
*also, when should I start riding? I don't have a round pen to work with, just my pasture and the surrounding fields, but he let me put a saddle on at 7 months, cinched and all, without any fight and no restraint. I don't think i will have much of a problem in the saddle. he is a destined jumper, he jumped my 4 foot gate and loves jumping.
*last, how do i start jumping my incredible 8-year old contest horse that loves to jump? thanks

2006-12-07 12:07:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

I offer him the correct foods, but he won't eat. How can I get him to eat?

2006-12-07 12:06:15 · 8 answers · asked by silly boy 1 in Reptiles

she was 4 months old when we got her and she was kept in a pen with mom and the litter. they had almost no human contact. when we got her home she took to our other dog more than us... she likes us but just not as much.... what can i do?

2006-12-07 12:05:29 · 7 answers · asked by labradoodledizzle 1 in Dogs

i once read that border collies are very prone to getting a certain type of eye disease
which one was it?

2006-12-07 12:04:52 · 5 answers · asked by zitro_divad 2 in Dogs

....are they expensive? Do i need salt water? Give me what ya got? Thanks

2006-12-07 12:04:36 · 9 answers · asked by C 4 in Fish

Can eating chocolate cause pregnant cats to lose their litters? Does it cause kittens to die in utero?

2006-12-07 12:02:35 · 12 answers · asked by Pancho 1 in Cats

What kind of dog is it? The colors? Its name?

2006-12-07 12:01:25 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I know this is really random but I have a dog and two cats. When they sleep their bodies twitch almost frantically.

I know humans may have a quick muscle spasm while they sleep, but that's still different from the animals.

Anybody know why that is? What's going on with them?

2006-12-07 11:57:37 · 11 answers · asked by lady_nessa02 2 in Other - Pets

2006-12-07 11:57:02 · 7 answers · asked by pookiesue33 3 in Fish

2006-12-07 11:55:08 · 16 answers · asked by Cody B. 1 in Dogs

i found a litter of newborn pups they're not very old, maybe 2 or 3 days old. what is the best milk supliments is there for puppies.

2006-12-07 11:50:29 · 10 answers · asked by dragonfli524 1 in Dogs

the first time he's bitten me was when he fought two pittbulls and somehow won. the pittbulls were in our yard He is very muscular bigger than any dobe that i have ever seen. I think he got this big b/c i would always ride my dirtbike in our one acre yard and he would chase me until he dropped to the floor and couldnt run anymore .So when the pittbulls attcked him and we pulled them apart i tried pushing him inside and he knew he did something wrong and knew my dad was going to punish him for it so when i tried to give him a little push to go inside he attacked me when he attacked me he bit me many times but not as hard as he could but it still made me bleed. The second time he bit me it was when my friends had come over and i wanted him to go inside so i pushed him inside and he bit me hard really hard probably to the point were he could bite any harder. The third time he bit me he was wearing a shirt and when i pet him he attacked. what should i do, how can i change his behavior.

2006-12-07 11:48:23 · 14 answers · asked by Hi 3 in Dogs

i found a dog with a amputated foot. The wound isn't bleeding but it is open. How can i care for it at home without a vet?

2006-12-07 11:46:44 · 9 answers · asked by dragonfli524 1 in Dogs

Hi there, My dog is getting old and he seems to sleep much more then he did in his day. Also he seems to be drinking much more water then before and he pees a lot more as a result. Also he has lost a good amount of weight in the last few months. I believe these are al lot of the syntomes of Diabetes. Maybe its just what dogs do when they get old.. I dunno
What should I do?
Is there meds for dogs with Diabetes?
Should I change his diet? He currently has tinned food and gets some snacks off us from time to time.

2006-12-07 11:45:02 · 9 answers · asked by Energizeer 2 in Dogs

2006-12-07 11:44:45 · 25 answers · asked by mY LiFe~ 2 in Dogs

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