This past April I was horrified to spot a young & emaciated wild cat in the back woods of my apt. -- first spotted by my neighbor in Dec., 2005 who said he was feeding him - evidently not enough as the cat's bones were showing. Since that day of falling in love with him, “White Socks,” I’ve faithfully been feeding him, "9 Lives" canned food, "Friskies" dry food along w/ 'Half & Half' to drink – He won't drink water but from puddles and my neighbor found that he preferred the above vs. milk. Frequented twice a day for feeding, it's been difficult to establish a schedule, there’s another tamed/outdoor cat that perhaps due to cooler weather has become aggressive/territorial. I've recently resorted to spending hours at my window protecting my love's food. With winter approaching I’m terrified as how to help my cat. Pls, tell me how to win him over, food isn't enough. Two immediate concerns – what to feed in the winter and how to provide a warm secure haven on my baron porch. Thk You
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