I have had difficulty finding a nice, colorful comforter that would look good with my sly blue room. My floor is new and its that fake wood stuff, and I also want a colorful rug on the floor. A lot of my stuff is very colorful and bold, so I want a comforter that it similar or that would compliment it.
Here is one that I like: http://www4.jcpenney.com/jcp/ProductsHOM.aspx?DeptID=25436&CatID=28917&CatTyp=DEP&ItemTyp=G&GrpTyp=ENS&ItemID=0fabff6&ProdSeq=15&Cat=bed+in+a+bag&Dep=&PCat=&PCatID=28907&RefPage=ProductList&Sale=&ProdCount=28&RecPtr=&ShowMenu=&TTYP=&ShopBy=0&RefPageName=CategoryAll.aspx&RefCatID=28907&RefDeptID=25436&Page=99&CmCatId=25436|28907|28917
But I am not sure it would look nice with my blue walls. What do you think?
Photos would be nice!
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